Juicing.... how do you count the calories

I make a morning juice every day...and I remove the pulp (with my juicing machine) .. I put in so many vegetables and fruits... spinach, kale, apple, carrot, beet, ginger, an orange sometimes, celery, etc etc. In order to track my calories how do I do it for all this since I am only extracting the pure juice ? I only drink 8 oz per day.. Any suggestions? Thank you!


  • adwilliams03
    adwilliams03 Posts: 147 Member
    Hmm. For me, I do a protein smoothie. I just estimate the amounts of fruit/veggies I'm putting into it, and total it up with my protein powder and milk. Like, "half a cup of blueberries" "a cup of spinach" "a cup of milk." :) I don't know if that's how anyone else does it, but it seems fairly accurate.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    You can't!
    You'd be better with a blender like Vitamix and blend your food instead. Now, you're throwing away all the good fibers that allow the blood sugar to stay stable.
  • sndyrs
    sndyrs Posts: 4
    Some days I use the vitamix and other days I just use a juicer... I don't know how people could go on a juice diet and lose weight when I juice 2 apples, 5 carrots, ginger, handful of spinach, and an orange.. That adds up to quite a bit of calories..but I know juicing is very good for you..will have to estimate then and try to measure it out..
    I use the pulp from my veggies for soup... and the pulp from my fruits I use in ice cube trays to flavor my water so none goes to waste... I kind of like the pure juice at times..and use the Breville juicer and at other times make smoothies and use the vitamix.. just for a change.

    thank you...
  • apothecarist
    apothecarist Posts: 193
    I prep all the veggies/fruit the night before, weigh them, put them into a bag and label it with the calorie content. This way, in the a.m. I just have to add water and ice and i know how many cals i'm consuming. I use a Vitamix so I don't have to fuss w/how much juice vs.fiber is extracted.
  • savoiaS1
    savoiaS1 Posts: 129
    You can't!
    You'd be better with a blender like Vitamix and blend your food instead. Now, you're throwing away all the good fibers that allow the blood sugar to stay stable.

    What she said.