Hello out there!

So I joined this website two days ago and I am really liking it so far. I feel like it will be a lot easier to maintain my diet by having an accurate look at what I'm eating everyday.

I recently just graduated from college and am looking for a job. I may have a few leads on this, but I really am hoping to use the "free time" I have to get control of my health and not allow the stress of not having a job make things worse than they already are.

I am hoping to ultimately lose 90 pounds, and I know that this is a really long road. Previously I lost about 30 pounds once in high school, but I gained that and more back in the last six years. I know I can diet, it is just hard to find the willpower and motivation.

Anyway, I am hoping to make lifestyle changes and not just "go on a diet" because I really want this to stick and be a forever thing. So I haven't eliminated any food items - yet. Right now I am just going to work on eating within the set calorie limit for a while, and in order to do that and stay full will mean cutting out most of the junk anyway. Once I get the hang of that I will look into eliminating a few things from the diet.

As far as exercise goes I plan to mostly use T-TAPP (I have several of her dvd work outs, so I shouldn't get too bored) and the elliptical machine I can use at a church gym for $10 a month. Anything else really isn't in my budget gym wise.

It feels good to be starting this, and I look forward to getting to know you all and getting in shape together :)


  • fun_mom
    fun_mom Posts: 54
    Hi Belle,

    Welcome. I've only been here two days but so far I'm in love with this site and maybe even a little obsessed with it. :blushing: You sound like you have a great mind-set and I'm thrilled for you starting your journey. Everyone here is so nice and just being here for two days has completely amped up my motivation so I hope the same for you! Good luck.
  • liquey1970
    Hello, I joined today, and by the looks of it we have the same goal! Good luck on your journey!
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    Welcome! You'll find lots of support here not to mention tips on nutrition and exercise. We're here for you on your journey, I'd wish you luck but you won't need it. :wink:
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    hello and welcome, this site is fantastic
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Good for you. I want to congratulate you on starting this journey when you are young.

    You have learned something very important if you already KNOW that you can lose weight. Keep remembering that when the road gets tough. And reach out to the rest of us as well.
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! It's very encouraging!

    I am having a lot of fun getting to know the features of this website!

    Knittygirl52 - Yes it is good to know that I can lose weight, and to be honest the time period when I lost the weight and was looking good was amazing for me and good motivation to want to get back there.

    Thanks again for the encouragement!
  • KrissyD70
    KrissyD70 Posts: 92
    You can do this. If you look at a lot of the MFP members, they have lost weight. It IS possible. I agree with you that it needs to be a lifestyle change, not just a "diet". Going on a "diet" causes us to lose and then gain all the weight back plus more. We are all here for you! Friend request me if you would like....:flowerforyou:
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    This site is truly wonderful. I joined 3 weeks ago and have been logging on several times throughout the day to log my food and exercise. It's kind of addicting and the support here is great! Friend me if you want someone to encourage you :) Best of luck on your journey!