Honestly not sure what I'm doing wrong

Ok, I joined MFP 20 days ago knowing I needed to get this weight down. We've had our last child (she's almost 4 months old now) and there's no excuses. I'm the first to admit I am not an exerciser. But I knew I had to be if I wanted this to work. So a week ago I started the 30 Day Shred. I've been really doing it - not just phoning it in. I've been sore every morning for a week (the first few mornings were ugly) :happy: I've also been within my cals apart from last weekend (which was a mess I admit). I have not lost a pound. Not one. Nada. In fact, I'm up a pound this morning. :mad: My food diary is public and open so feel free. I honestly do not know what I'm doing wrong but I can tell you that I'm getting discouraged (note no workout yesterday). I'm completely open to any comments, criticism, etc. Just please don't be too harsh - I'm still learning. Thanks! :flowerforyou:


  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    I took a look at your dairy for yesterday. Just keep in mind just because the calories may add up to your calorie intake goal does not mean you want to eat foods that are wasted calories. Fill up on healthier things.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I looked at a few days of your food diary, and here's what I think might be up, coupled with lots of advice...maybe too much:tongue:

    I noticed that every day you were over (sometimes kind of a lot over) on both sugars and carbs. Excesses of either of those will stall weight loss. Although many subscribe to the "a calorie is a calorie" philosophy, I do not lose weight if my percentages aren't under control.

    Are you set to lose 1 pound a week? or 2. I notice that you are at 1200, and if I go that low, I do not lose weight. Free advice from my trainer is to "never eat less than 10 x your current body weight".

    Are you doing the 30 day shred every day? I would alternate it with other forms of exercise to prevent burnout and to give your muscles time to recover. Also, know that working out with weights will make your muscles retain water, so it may look like the scale isn't moving, even when progress is being made.

    One more piece of advice: buy a tape measure and start measuring yourself. IMHO, we're too tied in to the scale as our only reinforcement, and for lots of reasons, it doesn't tell the whole truth.

  • kpie11
    kpie11 Posts: 53
    I was going to give you the same advice. Be careful how much sugar and carbs you intake. Both of those will definitely slow weight loss. There isn't much more to add to what viviakay, I think she pretty much summed it up. Don't get discouraged. I know it's a tough battle. I've been doing it my whole life. Just stay focused and before you know it, you'll lose the weight.
  • Rubes
    Rubes Posts: 28 Member
    I can tell that you really love sugar and don't worry, you are not alone! I have to be cautious around sugar because I love it sooooo much! On some days, you ate more calories in candy/junk food than you did for dinner and I think that is throwing off your body. Try cutting down your artificial sugar intake by replacing those snacks with fruit. It is ok to go over your sugar when it is coming from natural sources but the added sugar will kill anybody's diet!
  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi and welcome :) Well, I am no expert but just gonna give u some pointers from just a quick browse thru your food diary.

    No veggies??? Quite a bit of "fast food", over on cals and fat and carbs most days :(
    Yet u fall short on calories on some days but u do get in snacks of Butterfingers & oreos :):)

    How about adding in some Oatmeal or Eggbeaters and whole wheat for breakfast?
    Salad with chicken breast lunch, Low Fat or Fat Free dressing and some fruit
    More fish/ turkey breast/ skinless chicken breasts?? Grilled or in stir frys??

    Maybe u can check out some food diary's of members that are losing on a weekly basis and see if you can pick some of their foods that you like? I think you wanted to lose 15lbs? So thats not a huge amount to lose and I am sure if u fine tune your eating a bit, you will do great and get to where you want to be.

    Sorry tried not to be harsh LOL..Feel free to message me or look thru my food diary ( its very basic as I am not really creative) but its working for me and I really am not doing alot of exercising either at the moment :)
    Good Luck !!!:flowerforyou:
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I'm going to have to agree with everyone. You need to fuel your body with HEALTHY foods. I'm a firm believer that all calories are not created equal.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Ok...so I admire you putting it out there and letting the world see it all. I also admire you admitting that you don't really know what you are doing, because this is all a learning experience! I am a RN, have lost (and kept off for 7 years) over 60lbs...I've done every single diet and workout plan there is out there. I've looked through your food diary and I noticed a trend...you LOVE sugar! Most people say "a calorie is a calorie", but in your case, I did not see a single vegetable or fruit at all. Everything you eat is processed, fried, or pure sugar. You eat enough calories, but they are empty, meaning they are void of any nutritional value. The best thing I ever learned in this journey of weight loss is that we must feed ourselves like we are powering a machine. The cleaner the fuel (our food) the better the machine runs. You've got to be tired a lot. You should really be shopping on the perimeter of the grocery store (that is where the "clean" food is: fruits, veggies, lean meats, etc.). The reason why I believe you are not losing any weight is because of the high sodium, high processed, empty calories you consume. Your body is getting enough calories, but it is in a kind of starvation mode because it has no real fuel to run off of.

    I think it is wonderful that you have introduced fitness into your life. That is not only a way to jump start your weight loss, but it is so beneficial in so many ways! Keep up the good work in that arena!

    I hope you take my suggestions to heart and know that I am not judging at all. This is all about learning. Learning about fitness, nutrition, and ourselves. Good luck!
  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    ditto everyone else.
    Are you breastfeading? If so you are WAY low on calories but considering that you are at 1200 my guess would be that you are no indeed BFing. Even still, I agree with others that 1200 may not be enough AND that the calories you are getting are pretty crappy. There is NO dairy, fruit, veggies. I am sure as a new mom its hard to find time to cook, so maybe you can prep on weekends when you have more time and someone to help out with the little one, and then freeze and reheat for quick meals midweek.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I'd like to suggest:
    Drink LOTS of water!
    Eat more protein! - your protein goal is pretty low in my opinion
    Stop eating all the processed foods! - at a glance, you eat a lot of processed meals and snacks.
  • ecgravatt
    ecgravatt Posts: 18 Member
    Honestly, just from looking at one day of your food diary, there is alot of processed food in there. I understand you're a Mom and you're just as busy (if not more) as the rest of us, but I would really try to incorporate more whole foods. Raw fruits and veggies, whole grain pastas and cereals, brown rice, if you're gonna eat margarine you should at least use real butter OR if you you're using it for cooking swap to olive oil (you can even buy spray olive oil). Things like that. PLUS its a good lifestyle for your kids to grow up with and adopt.

    If you really really don't have time to cook or prepare lunches, look for prepared/frozen foods that are as close to whole as possible. Kashi has a line of frozen foods which are sold at probably every grocery store, Amy's vegetarian frozen foods are great too (and if you want to add meat you can). You can also save time cooking dinner buy buying pre washed lettuce, pre cut veggies (also great for snacking) and pre-cut frui which is also good to have on hand for snacks.
  • SemiSweetRae
    All the advice has been given! You're definitely taking in way too many processed foods! I cut out Starbucks and lost five pounds (no joke) the calories and sugar in that stuff is ridiculous! I know it can be really difficult but after a week or so without processed and refined sugar products you will wonder why you ever had to have it! If you read a label and within the first five ingredients it has high fructose corn syrup PUT IT DOWN!

    You're commitment to excersize and trying to figure this all out is totally commendable, you're one of my inspirations and so if nothing else you have to do it for me MFP Buddy! :)
  • StarryEyedGirl
    are you nursing your baby? I am going to look at your diary now.

    I looked over your diary and I have to agree with everyone. too much processed food and sweets. you need a larger breakfast as well. Fiber, protein, VEGGIES, fruits and complex carbohydrates! start packing your lunch (if you work) you shouldn't have fast food more then once a week maybe 2 if your pressed for time. as far as sweets maybe just once a day if you want it that bad. a few times a week would be better.
    I get the impression you were never a good eater even during your thin days. google the food pyramid and check it out for children as well.

    good luck! its not easy but you can do it!
  • WifenMom
    WifenMom Posts: 40
    You are eating too much refined sugar products and not enough veggies or protein.
    Try eating more well balanced meals and snack on healthier things such as Luna Bars, whole wheat crackers and lite cheese sticks.
    Are you eating whole wheat products? what else do you drink besides coffee? Are you drinking water also?
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I'm going to say exactly what everyone else already said.

    Make sure you are eating the RIGHT foods, and enough of them.
    And get your water intake up.

    If your muscles are sore, they are usually retaining water, and you usually retain water when you are not getting enough. Drink more to convince your body that it is ok to let it go and stop hoarding it. Same with fat, if you don't eat enough, your body is afraid to let it go because it thinks you might need it later, especially since you just had a baby and nature EXPECTS you to be breastfeeding right now, even if society doesn't. And if you ARE breastfeeding, then you need to eat WAY more and only reduce your calories on the advice of a dietician, or preferably once you are done breastfeeding.
  • iwannawearatutu
    iwannawearatutu Posts: 150 Member
    One other thing to keep in mind is that if your muscles are very sore from this increased exercise, they are retaining water - lots of it! Drink plenty of water, keep doing what you're doing (though as others have said, cutting back on sugar and processed stuff is a good idea too) and I think as you body acclimates to the added exercise you may see a big drop after a while.
  • erosyn
    erosyn Posts: 1
    I'd suggest you add "fiber" as something you are tracking. Most crappy foods are pretty low in fiber, so you likely aren't currently meeting the recommended daily amount of it. So by tracking it you'll have a good target to shoot for, and perhaps be better at incorporating healthier foods in order to hit your fiber goal.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Candy everyday? A small treat every now and then is fine but if you're really trying to lose, the refined sugar is not gonna help you. Fill up on nutrients!
  • Scncartist
    Scncartist Posts: 173
    Pretty much everyone said everything, all very good points. But I have to ask: are you working out everyday? And if so are you logging that in? (I think many people log the 30 day shred under circuit training). If you are working out you REALLY SHOULD eat those calories, if not all of them you should eat most of them.

    Also, like you I like my sugar. By changing our diets (my fiance and I ate fast food ALL THE TIME) to more basic protein and veggies we have managed to loose weight while still occasionally going out for Taco Bell, Dairy Queen and for Pizza. (We're having pizza for dinner tonight.) So you don't have to go cold turkey on the yummy stuff, just work it into your diet.

    Whenever I know we are going out I ALWAYS look online to see what I can have within my diet, keeps me from going SO FAR OVER my caloric limits.

    P.S. I'm not the best eater (theres tons in my diet that I know shouldn't be there) but it is open to the public. :-)
  • monteig
    monteig Posts: 65 Member
    I would switch out those breakfast bars for some steel cut oatmeal or even the Bob's Red Mill 10 Grain Hot cereal. I try and have closer to 200 calories at breakfast so that your body has more fuel for the day. Under 200 calories is not a good "meal" and will leave you hungry and making poor snack choices! (Like a 300+ Little Debbie!)

    You should also try and have more protein, try the non-fat Greek yogurt with a little bit of honey.

    And absolutely - start eating fruits & vegetables! Pick the veggies you like and make a daily salad, or even just chop them up and carry around in a zip-lock so that you have snacks with you (carrots, zucchini, broccoli, even cherry tomatotes!)

    Unless you have a cholestorol problem, swich out your tracker to fiber - the more fiber the better! Start reading labels (even on stuff in the store that you don't buy) and find items that are lower in sugars, higher in fibers!

    Hopefully all the suggestions here will help get you a good jump start!
  • gingerra19800
    u should also check ur sodium i was havin the same problem...still am..it was my sugar and salt...im now gettin the hang of it..this week...so im hopin for a drop next week..but wat they are sayin is true!!...good luck!!