:( didn't loss anything :(

alska Posts: 299 Member
i'm disappointed that i didn't loss anything. i even made myself walk more times a week n still i didn't lose anything. i supposingly lost an inch off of my waist n hips if I measured myself right.



  • LisaL79
    LisaL79 Posts: 2
    If you have been overweight for a while, you will lose weight slower than someone who put their weight on rapidly. If you are doing more weights, you will lose weight slower than someone who focuses on the cardio only. If your calorie intake is higher, again you will lose weight slower than someone with a low calorie intake. It is very important to remember that everyone's journey is different.

    https://www.facebook.com/groups/570815839616187/ chat with other in same position
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    I cant see you any entries in your diary

    very hard to say what is going on if you haven't logged anything

    if you want log what you eat and drink and add me I can have a look and try and help you figgure it out

    anyone can add me
  • lambchoplewis
    lambchoplewis Posts: 797
    Don't give up or be depressed!! An inch is huge. Clothes fit better and you feel more energetic from exercise. I go in spurts of losing and holding. I have been in maintenance for 10 months and sometimes lose 2-4 lbs and sometimes gain. I think this is normal. Watch your trend over time of weight loss and keep going!!!
  • alska
    alska Posts: 299 Member
    i haven't logged my calories over the weekend but if you go back you will see. sometimes i don't log cuz its too hard to figure out how to. like saturday i went to a tea party n ate different kinds of salads. i didn't even know what kind they were ... so i didn't log for it ..

    my exercise is walking at least four times a week ... i walk four miles each time i walk. i brisk walk 3.5
  • alska
    alska Posts: 299 Member
    thanks all btw