Losing weight for a special day?

Is anyone here trying to lose weight by a certain date? Be it a vacation, a wedding, a birthday- are you trying to get in shape by a certain big day?

I'm not losing weight for any *particular* day, but I am trying to lose the weight by my birthday, I feel like it gives me a concrete date to work towards. And while I wont stop working out/eating right after I reach my birthday, it's just nice to have that date in mind.

Is anyone else working towards a big day with your goal in mind?

Happy Monday!


  • AlisonTheNerd
    AlisonTheNerd Posts: 41 Member
    Well I have a fuzzy goal in mind, I want to by the time I get married, we just haven't set a date yet. So I figure I need to be ready to get my dress altered. Plus I mostly put on the weight because of a recent move (plus extra stresses).

    But I am hoping to get married before my birthday but we'll see what life has in store for us. But if not, my birthday is a pretty good goal. :)
  • hardyjessicag
    hardyjessicag Posts: 93 Member
    Marriage would be a huge motivator! So exciting :)

    Good luck!!
  • Ladyinwaiting4
    Ladyinwaiting4 Posts: 202 Member
    I am wanting to lose weight so that I can return to the atheletic girl I was before I gained the weight. I kept my goal weight simple to return to the weight I was before gaining. as far as a special day I would like to hit the 160's mark by my birthday in 3 weeks.
  • hardyjessicag
    hardyjessicag Posts: 93 Member
    Heh, that'd be a great birthday present, for sure!
  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    A year ago at this time, I was trying to lose weight for my wedding in October, 2012. I had these goals of "I want to be xxx pounds by my wedding day". While I did lose a few pounds, I found that trying to stick to those goals before the wedding added too much pressure on top of an already stressful time, and then I got discouraged and angry with myself because I wasn't at my goal by that specific date. And then, after the wedding, because the big day had passed, I didn't care about working towards something anymore and gained the bit that I had lost right back.

    Fast forward now, 7 months after my wedding, and I'm doing so much better than a year ago. I'm doing this at my own pace, without the added pressure of a deadline and I'm so much more successful.

    Good luck!
  • lizbeth926
    lizbeth926 Posts: 43
    Well, I do have a date in mind but not for anything big. Just wanted to have a specific day to reach towards to keep myself motivated!! So hope to reach my goal weight by 10/6/13 which is my anniversary date with my honey!
  • Katina3333
    Katina3333 Posts: 259 Member
    I'm trying to lose as much as possible (was hoping to make it down to 179) by June 14th, my surgery day.
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    Never thought of any particular day but now you ask I would love to be at my goal weight by the end of July. My husband and I will go on vacation for a few days so I wanna look grrat and hopefully wear a swimsuit.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    I started because I no longer liked the girl I saw in the mirror. A few months after that my bf proposed, but the wedding wasn't my no 1 motivation because it's just a day. It did help me to stay on track and get to my goal months before the wedding.
  • hardyjessicag
    hardyjessicag Posts: 93 Member
    I can see how trying to get fit for a wedding could be super stressful! Glad you have a regime that's working for you now, without the added stress :)
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    Not trying to lose weight for my wedding (in July), but it definitely helps keep me motivated on days i dont feel like working out :)
  • heatherisdope
    heatherisdope Posts: 8 Member
    Yes! I'm trying to be at my goal weight and hopefully even under by August 12! I am going to Paris and London for a month and don't want to fit the fat American stereotype! :)
  • savoiaS1
    savoiaS1 Posts: 129
    Been cutting for four months for vacation. Altho I plan on keeping my goal bodyfat through most of summer. I normally bulk during the fall winter and cut for the summer but this summer Im gonna be leaner then the usual 10-12 % as Im currently around 8-9 with 4 weeks left to get to 7ish.
  • curds
    curds Posts: 201 Member
    Yep, I'm going to my home country for a few months until I decide the next country I want to live in. I haven't seen some of my family members for years and I must say I was quite chubby when I left and of course the first few months of moving to my current country I tried out so much food! I gained a lil more ;), but I'm determined to knock their socks off at the airport!

    Unlike you I wish I could say I will continue eating right and working out after I'm over the jetlag, but sadly I'm not going to kid myself into thinking I will be good again three or so days after I landed. I'm going to go nuts! All my favourite yummy treats I've missed sooooo soooo much being away from it for so long I'm going in face first hehe, but I've given myself the first month off. I will of course not be such a glutton that I will eat everything in sight, but I won't be counting calories and luckily for me I will be active when I go home so that will count as my workout. So, yes I guess I am working towards a special day and will put working out on pause for a short time, but its temporary I will hike, swim, sail, sandboard and shop! So technically its only counting calories that will be out for a bit.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    My main goal is weightloss and fitness for life, but yes, I am getting married in January next year and yes, I would love to reach my goal by then.

    I would like to have most of the weight off by my birthday in October. I spent the majority of my 20's overweight, and I'll be damned if my 30's are going the same way!
  • jane_j
    jane_j Posts: 8
    I am going to a music festival in Benacassim in Spain in July and i want to be able to wear last years shorts and swimsuits!!!
  • karl39x
    karl39x Posts: 586 Member
    I'm staying in shape for the day when zombies attack.
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    I'm staying in shape for the day when zombies attack.
  • whycantregister
    whycantregister Posts: 22 Member
    For now, my utmost inspirational special day for my short term goal is : the day to meet my long-distant BF for the first time after we've been together for about a year! wehee. :blushing:

    It will be around 1st or 2nd week next month; I haven't bought the ticket yet because we couldn't confirm the exact date yet for now. Still, I have about 2-3 weeks left to tone up my flabby butt - even if it won't be that much, I hope I could make it when the time has come! So anxious and excited at the same time! :blushing: :love:

    Good luck everyone!
  • whycantregister
    whycantregister Posts: 22 Member
    I started because I no longer liked the girl I saw in the mirror. A few months after that my bf proposed, but the wedding wasn't my no 1 motivation because it's just a day. It did help me to stay on track and get to my goal months before the wedding.

    aww, you got proposed, that's lovely! :flowerforyou: wishing you the best of luck on your journey, and congratulations for your special day as well - good luck to everyone too, of course! :heart: