
Hi everyone! I'm Sarah... I just started my new healthy living lifestyle today, and I could use tons of friends to help me along the way, plus any tips or info you guys have for successful weight loss and overall better health :)

I'm 27 and I live in Roanoke, Virginia. And I'm finally ready to accept I need a change. :) I've been bigger than most girls my whole life. I was very active in high school (played numerous sports) and, while I was never skinny and always on the heavy side, I was very muscular and generally accepting of my body. Following high school, I was in marching band in college (Go Hokies!), which kept me active. After college, I worked in retail management for several large chains, which still kept me moving and kept most of the weight off.

However, last February I took a job for a lab company that requires me to sit at a desk. On top of that, I moved into an apartment with my boyfriend in April, and he's a big guy and eats tons of pasta. He also works super late pretty often, and we have gotten into the habit of eating dinner when he gets home (10 - 11pm). Plus, I'm pretty happy with him, and I'm a happy eater and have always gained weight when my life is stable ;)

Over the last year or so, I've been slowly gaining weight. I went up a two pants sizes since we moved in the apartment, and now my button is super tight on this size. I've noticed a fat roll on my back that I've never had before, and my tummy is bigger than it used to be. To top it off, I went to the doctor for my checkup last week, and I've gained 20 lbs since my last appt a year ago... 20 lbs is not the hard part, but whats so bad is that those 20 lbs put me on a new level of big I hadn't reached before - 301 lbs.

I got engaged two months ago, and on top of the fact that number (300) scares me to death, I'm uncomfortable with my body, and I'd like to be smaller than this on my wedding day... I'm ready!!

I'm starting out with a 1400 calorie diet, which I've had pretty decent success with in the past. After watching my mom do well taking Green coffee bean extract, I am taking 400 mg twice a day. And exercising :) I'm joining the gym and I'm going to start trying to get an interest for running... I've seen so many friends get bitten by the running bug, I'd love for it to happen to me!

If anyone has any pointers, whether its suggestions for healthy, easy-to-make meals (I'm NOT talented in the kitchen), or supplements, or exercise routines, whatever can help me... please, tell me! I know the weight-loss process is difficult, but it is so much better with people to help you. My fiance, his family, my family, and my coworkers have all been very supportive... but I can always use friends online as well!!

I'm happy to "meet" y'all! Looking at everyone's progress bars with so many lbs lost is so encouraging!
