Hey Zumba lovers...

I'm fairly new to MFP (3 weeks), and love zumba (teach it). Feel free to add me as a friend. Thanks


  • shopgirl1
    shopgirl1 Posts: 5
    what is Zumba? and does it hurt!!!! Just kidding, it's kind of dancing right? If I can schedule in a few extra hours a day maybe I can give it a try......You don't need alot of coordination do you? If so I'm SUNK. Welcome to MFP it really does work if you follow through. My name is shopgirl1 talk to me if you would like.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    I want to know about Zumba, too. I'll add you as a friend if you promise to tell us a little more about it!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I love love (that's a double love!) Zumba....& get in at least 3 workouts a week!
    It's gotta be the best salsa, cumbia, reggaeton, bolloywood, latin dancing that never feels like the old treadmill... & calories burn right off! Ya'll just gotta try it ASAP....you'll never feel so good and have such a blast doing so!

    Here's another short thread on the subject:

    The music completely grooves my thang:):tongue:
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    I am also loving Zumba! Our local instructor just added another class during the week for August!! Woo hoo! xx