Hi there!

I'm 20, married, and had a baby boy almost 9 months ago.
5ft tall and 115 lbs pre-pregnancy

9 months post-pregnancy and I am appalled at my 145lb body! :noway:
Baby pooch and all I am very thankful for my beautiful son, but my body has gone through the ringer. Hoping to get healthy agian!
This site will hopefully help me pay attention to my eating and exerise habits.
Thanks and good luck to others out there :]


  • RewindApril
    Hey there! I hope this is a great journey for you. :D I'm 5'0 as well and my goal is 115 pounds! We can do this together, I'll add you as a friend. :)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    congrats on your baby. this site is awesome and really helps you to stay on track with your eating and exercise. Dont worry you will loose it , just stay on track. You can do it. Dont concentrate on where you are but on where your going. It helps to set mini goals and just look at that until you reach it......
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    WELCOME! and Congrats on your baby boy ! I have two girls my self; you are in for a wonderful and rewarding job as a parent! This site is amazing! You will find so much support and info on here that will help you meet your weight loss goals! Good Luck!
  • MarieS1967
    MarieS1967 Posts: 37 Member
    Congratulations on your new baby!

    Focus on making healthy food choices, do some cardio and weight bearing exercise and you will be back in shape in no time. You have youth on your side - use it to your advantage!

    This is a great website with support. Good luck and stay focused!
  • liltamztamz
    I am 4"11 was 98 before pregnancy and arount 130+ post. It will come off. i had another baby also by c section, could not nurse and it still came off. granted I have gained weight back since then and am trying to shed 10lbs. ( replacing it with muscle- not just loosing weight) I'm looking more to transform my body then to just loose weight.
    The truth is when i obsessed about my weight after the babies it didn't come off. I think I ate more because I was trying not to -
    if that makes any sense. After I just relaxed and the babies got more active so I could be more active it finally came off.
    You will do it- don't panick it's not perminent and you have tons of support here!
    Congrats on the lil one! :)
  • ltaylor0905
    ltaylor0905 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone so much for the support! You inspire me!

    By the way, does anyone struggle with exerise? I hate it hate it hate it, I always have. It doesn't help that I am drained from work, school and baby. I need energy! But where can I find it?
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Thanks everyone so much for the support! You inspire me!

    By the way, does anyone struggle with exerise? I hate it hate it hate it, I always have. It doesn't help that I am drained from work, school and baby. I need energy! But where can I find it?

    I love running, I didn't always, but I find it helps me release my tensions and stress from the day. The more you exercise and the more regular you are with it the more you will enjoy the feelings aft ward. It feels pretty dang awsome to accomplish something you couldn't before! One workout I love on time restricted days is the 30day shred from Jillian Michales. If you search the forums here you will see what great success people have had with it, and it's only Min. :wink:
  • jennpv
    jennpv Posts: 33 Member
    Congrats on your sweet baby boy! I too just had baby. She is 8 months old. I started going back to jazzercise when she was about 10 weeks old but always had an excuse to come home. About 2 months ago, they added childcare to the 5:45 pm class. I now have no excuse not to go. I know how exhausting working and caring for a baby can be, but if you find an exercise that you really enjoy doing I think you will continue. Good luck!
  • TXmama
    TXmama Posts: 37
    I think regarding exercise you have to change the way you think about "exercise" as well. If you hate exercise then maybe traditional stuff like treadmills or videos aren't where you should start. Anything that gets your body moving and your heartrate up counts. Do you like to dance? If yes, put on some awesome music and go crazy -- just move, move, move! Try to do it for 20 minutes. If you vigorously clean your house, that is exercise. If you are running after a toddler (and you will be soon!), that is exercise. But the key is to get the heartrate up (to a safe target zone) and keep it up for 20 minutes, so you need to find activities that fit. Like to ride a bike? When you kiddie is a little bigger you can take him with you. Over time you'll probably find you hate it less. And exercise is really critical over the long haul for weight loss, maintenance, and just overall good health. Good luck!
  • ltaylor0905
    ltaylor0905 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the ideas! I realise once I start exercising more I will get used to the feeling of it, and maybe even enjoy it :happy: . This morning I didn't have work, so baby and I put on some music and we danced around the house! Carrying him around while dancing was fun and got my heart rate up and he giggled the whole time! I am looking into a yoga class my sister joined, she loves it, only shelling out money for it doesn't sound appealling. I might just borrow some yoga DVDs from someone or the library and pop them in when baby goes to bed
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Thanks for the ideas! I realise once I start exercising more I will get used to the feeling of it, and maybe even enjoy it :happy: . This morning I didn't have work, so baby and I put on some music and we danced around the house! Carrying him around while dancing was fun and got my heart rate up and he giggled the whole time! I am looking into a yoga class my sister joined, she loves it, only shelling out money for it doesn't sound appealling. I might just borrow some yoga DVDs from someone or the library and pop them in when baby goes to bed

    This a great idea! Check out the library! I have seen all sorts of exercise videos there. Also, depending on what kind of cable you have, you can get some Yoga videos on demand or on exercise TV. If you want to just buy one, Jillian has a yoga meltdown (about $14) that is really good. It gets your heart pumping more than traditional yoga. :)