53 and Starting over with 100 to Lose

sharonpink Posts: 76 Member
Hi all. I've been a member for a while,but I started over yesterday and am looking for some supportive friends. I tried out for The Biggest Loser over the weekend, but didn't get through the line it was so long. I was so disgusted, both in them and in myself, that on the way home I joined a gym. Went for my first time yesterday, and today I can barely move. If you're in a similar place in your life, please feel free to send me a friend request. We can help each other out!


  • busgirl236
    busgirl236 Posts: 5 Member
    I would be happy to add you as a friend. I, too have over 100 pounds to lose and have just barely started the journey. javascript:add_smiley('drinker','post_body')
  • Riallus
    Riallus Posts: 7 Member
    Stop right there, missy!

    You're having a reaction to the way you are and the way you see other people. That is causing you to feel unhappy, and engage in what I call 'Fat Penance' - where you will self-flagellate in the form of extreme exercise, or dieting in order to punish yourself for your weakness. "I'll show you fat body! You've been a slob for too long!"

    I used to do it as well. I get the mentality, the despondence. The problem with that is that your extreme measures designed to punish, end up being unsustainable, demotivating and ultimately futile. Do you think after your first encounter with the gym that you'll push yourself this hard every day? All the time? Sacrificing time and engagements to go beat yourself up some more?

    How about eating? Are you going to teach yourself a lesson there and get the blandest, most crappy 'healthy' food you can find and force feed yourself? Is that going to be a viable option during the holidays, or when you're down, or when you're busy? Is it sustainable?

    First and foremost, forgive yourself. Whatever it was that caused you to become overweight is not something that will be expunged in a day or a week or a month. Recognize that what you are doing now isn't an acceptable option. You're going to change the way you view yourself and your life, and your current body and food processes aren't going to support it. Take a week and map out why you've failed in diets before - chances are you were being too vicious - and commit to a more moderate take on it.

    Too often, I believe that people try to change overnight, and change so drastically (again Fat Penance) that you confuse yourself, and your body. My suggestion has been to start with food. Once you have that down and are losing weight steadily, you can add in exercise components. This is all a psychological game. Small, incremental changes, duly planned over time will yield success. But you can only achieve that if you forgive your past, promise yourself your future and settle in for the long haul.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    You can do this!
    I am 61 and if I can do it, anyone can. I did not even begin to exercise until I had lost 100 pounds. My knees hurt too much. Getting all of that weight off made a huge improvement in being able to just walk up the stairs. Now, I am routinely exercising every day for at least an hour, most days 1-1/2 hours.
    Take it one day at a time. Log everything you eat and drink so you really know what you are taking in for calories. Allow your self to make mistakes, but try to learn from them.
    It is not easy, but it is well worth the effort involved to be healthier and feel better.
  • Hi. I'll be 51 this year and have 50 to lose.

    Let's see how far we can get down this road...without serious injury, that is. :smile:
  • myrahonbarrier
    myrahonbarrier Posts: 191 Member
    Friend request sent
  • SirgS
    SirgS Posts: 21
    I just wanted to stop by with some thoughts on the way fitness works. It is a true cycle. Us humans run pretty well on a rewarding feelings. Don't punish yourself to the point you can't walk or do anything for the next 3-5 days. That sets us back. That doesn't make you want to go back to the gym and push hard. You need to take baby steps and be happy along the way. If you aren't enjoying yourself, YOU WILL NOT KEEP GOING. Work hard, but ease into it. Know your boundaries, if it feels uncomfortable or hurts, you're probably doing it wrong. Be sure to ask for advice around you.

    I also recommend hitting the weights a couple days a week. Don't just do cardio, but hit the weights at a moderate level to strengthen your muscles. This will help prevent injury down the road and will make you look better than just cardio!

    Balance your workouts and life around not upsetting yourself with what you eat by making the right decisions and take measurements. The scale can lie day to day. If you want to know your true progress be sure to take pictures and measurements and go by that. In peak fitness I can fluctuate 3-5 pounds on a daily basis...for some that could be the last straw of not 'seeing' results. Set goals, reward yourself, and remember sometimes simpler is better :). Best of luck on your new journey and life path. Stay positive, be honest to yourself and those around you, and HAVE FUN. Remember the fun you have now is nothing to the fun you'll be able to have in the new fitter version of YOU.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    I would love to be your friend. I am much older than you, but I need support and it sounds like you do, too. Since I started with MFP, I have only lost 20 pounds and have much more to go, but I am taking it one week, one day, sometimes one hour at a time. Because of arthritis, there are many exercises I can not do (including walking too far or fast), but I am lucky enough to live where I can get to a pool and swim-- no weight bearing, it works. It was more of a challenge to buy the suit, put it on and actually go out in public, but I need to do this, so anyone who is embarrassed by my weight and shape can just get over it. Anyway, you have taken the first steps to health , so shall we walk this path together?
  • shellylb52
    shellylb52 Posts: 157 Member
    52 almost 53 with 60 lbs to lose. Sending friend request :flowerforyou:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :heart: I agree with others who have said to stop beating yourself up (Down?) with your words. You have made Great, Positive Steps toward a Healthy Future. You deserve Congratulations for that!
    Hang in here with your MFP Friends. You CAN Do This!!