Anyone happening to start 30 day shred tomorrow?

Just was curious was anyone starting 30 day shred tomorrow. I'm commiting to the full 30 days and it would be nice to know if someone else is starting. If you are, feel free to add me. If you aren't you can add me too lol. Love motivating people and meeting new friends! Best wishes to everyone!


  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    I finished Day 6 tonight, so I'm really not that far into it. Let's add! It's be pretty challenging for a softie like me *sigh*.
  • Kphenderson
    Kphenderson Posts: 60 Member
    Added you, we can do it!!! You might be a softie now, but you wont be one long!
  • vstraughan
    vstraughan Posts: 163 Member
    Checkout this thread for others starting too! '30 day shred, starting Monday, 13th May'

    I started Saturday and need to be reminding myself every day, it's ONLY 30 days and today day 27 of the count-down
  • suzmathew
    suzmathew Posts: 61
    i'm going to re-start this today, feel free to add me, need some motivation from others!
  • Ladyt806
    Ladyt806 Posts: 1
    I am starting it today too! I would love to have workout buddies!
  • sushiaushi
    sushiaushi Posts: 19
    I would love to do this! Is there a link somewhere so I can see what it entails! :)
  • vstraughan
    vstraughan Posts: 163 Member
    You can check it out on YouTube (easiest way) or get the DVD from reputable outlets ;-)
  • Kphenderson
    Kphenderson Posts: 60 Member
    Ok, I'm going to add you all, we can do this!
  • Susan821
    Susan821 Posts: 7
    Plan on starting it tonight. Nervous as heck...I hear she kicks butt!
  • sushiaushi
    sushiaushi Posts: 19
    I did my fist day Monday night! (New Zealand Time) and I loved it! all feel free to add me!!!

  • andrbeck
    andrbeck Posts: 45 Member
    Today is my day 5! I skipped one day and I regret it thats for sure!! I am bored with the first level tho.. not the work out but hearing her voice lol
  • What is the 30 day about?
  • tooliebell
    tooliebell Posts: 177 Member
    I started it for the second time last night. I did it the first time April 3- and finished it May 8 (took a couple off days). I had such great results, I said I'm going to do it again. But I'm not going to do 10 straight days of each level, I think I'm going to do Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, then 3, 2, 1. Mix it up so it doesn't get so boring.

    I will say that completing all three levels, and then going back to Level 1, I didn't know what to expect. I was very surprised at the changes from doing Level 1 as a total beginner and then last night. I was able to follow Natalie in all the moves. YEAH!

    My advice is to just keep doing it and finish it. I started it once before and didn't finish and fininshing it this time was amazing for my self-esteem. It does amazing things to your body and it is so worth the investment.
  • usflygirl55
    usflygirl55 Posts: 277 Member
    I will be starting this again. I have tried it a few times and not gotten past day 4. I am going to try sticking with it this time. Anyone can add me, please include a message in the request so I know why you are adding me.
  • sushiaushi
    sushiaushi Posts: 19
    I didnt do it over the weekend L( so angry with myself as I had promised myself I would so back into it tonight after work!!