How to find accurately Calories burned

Hi Pals,

I've been dissatisfied with the accuracy of calories burnt using my 'temporary' HRM after my Polar packed in or the readings on Cardio Machines so have been doing a little searching.

Came across the following (wasn't sure if I could mention other Fitness Websites (please advise Admin)

Using you Heart Rate Mionitor (HRM)

1. Find your weight in Pounds

2. Start recording when bpm is > 90 & stop when < 90bpm

3. Men use the following formula to estimate Calories burnt:
C = (0.6309 x Average Heart Rate + 0.09036 x Weight(lbs) + 0.2017 x Age -- 55.0969) x Time Exercising(mins) / 4.184

Women use the following formula to estimate Calories burnt:
C = (0.4472 x Average Heart Rate -- 0.05741 x Weight(lbs) + 0.074 x Age -- 20.4022) x Time Exercising(mins) / 4.184

Anybody else come across this?
Does anybody know if it is the most accurate way to caculate calories burnt WITHOUT needing to use VO2 Max ?



  • VirkingHard
    VirkingHard Posts: 26 Member
  • GreenPharmD
    GreenPharmD Posts: 30 Member
    Ugh I had to use all those formulas in Grad school to dose meds and fluids for people of different weights, ages, stress factors... they're all just an estimation. Everyone's body is different.

    I wanted to know exactly what I was burning every day - and every day is different, whether you're standing all day at a counter, sitting all day on the computer, running around at work, shopping, cleaning the house, or running a marathon. I invested in a BodyMedia Fit armband, that I wear around the clock... this shows me exactly how many calories I'm burning every day.

    My biggest revelation was I burn just as many "extra" calories (over what MFP says I'll burn based on height, weight, and activity level) on days when I work a 12 hour shift as I do when I jump on the elliptical for an hour. I can also burn 800+ extra calories a day just running around doing house work.

    I don't rely on calculations except when I'm dosing meds. And generally that factors for sedentary, hospital bound, bed-bound folks.

    I highly suggest BodyMedia Fit if you're looking to get accuracy daily.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    There are too many variables to try and use some kind of manual calculation. If you are unable to get a new HRM I would suggest using past HRM data (time, speed, distance etc) to use as a guide
  • VirkingHard
    VirkingHard Posts: 26 Member
    Just found this site to calculate VO2Max (estimation of course)