Hashimoto's / PALEO AUTOIMMUNE PROTOCOL/ success?

Just recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (autoimmune version of hypothyroidism) seems like a bummer but I am relieved after 4 years of hellish symptoms, to finally be able to get treatment.
I am working with a Naturopathic Doctor, and my primary care physican monitoring.

I will be following the paleo autoimmune protocol, so NO processed foods. NO gluten, NO grains. And because I have candida I cannot eat too much fruit because it converts to sugar too quickly and feeds the little albicans!! I will be off all sugars and foods that are high carb that turn to sugar quickly for at least a month, then I will be re introducing fruit back into my diet.

I will be taking cod liver oil, an iodine free mineral supplement, herbal adrenal support capsules, b vitamins and iron.

I have found this book to be an incredible resource for my condition: (i dont knwo how to make a link here)


I will not be taking any medications for two months until I finish my herbal protocol, and then I will have my levels retested and possibly begin medication.

***My question is... Have any of you had success losing weight with an autoimmune condition, or a thyroid problem etc?
and if so what was the key to shedding?

I want to know what has worked for you and what hasn't.
feel free to add me as well if you are dealing with any of these issues!

Can't wait to hear from you all!


  • skincy
    skincy Posts: 108 Member
    I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and I can tell you I would not wait on a herbal protocol to take your medicine. To start feeling better you need that medicine and then you can supplement with vitiamins and minerals. I would suggest checking out this link http://thyroid.about.com/

    Also going gluten free is a good idea with people with Hashimoto's, I have had great success with it.
  • dustycaravan
    dustycaravan Posts: 32 Member
    The reason I am not starting right away is because I want to see how much of my symptoms are coming from the food I am eating.
    Once I start medication I don't intend on getting off of it, so this will be my only window where I am certain of which foods affect which part of my problem. I had stage 2 osteo degenerative arthritis that was killing me with pain, and working with the ND My x-rays show NO signs of degeneration anymore! So I want to go this route for two months to heal my food caused problems, and after that I can start meds for life, but the adrenal combo and another thing which I can't remember interacts with some meds so I cannot take it once I start.
    I understand the positives of starting right away but for me I would really like to finish my protocol, and then explore my more permanent options.

    this was a really thorough and great read!
  • skincy
    skincy Posts: 108 Member
    The reason I am not starting right away is because I want to see how much of my symptoms are coming from the food I am eating.
    Once I start medication I don't intend on getting off of it, so this will be my only window where I am certain of which foods affect which part of my problem. I had stage 2 osteo degenerative arthritis that was killing me with pain, and working with the ND My x-rays show NO signs of degeneration anymore! So I want to go this route for two months to heal my food caused problems, and after that I can start meds for life, but the adrenal combo and another thing which I can't remember interacts with some meds so I cannot take it once I start.
    I understand the positives of starting right away but for me I would really like to finish my protocol, and then explore my more permanent options.

    this was a really thorough and great read!

    ok good :) I will look at your link too. If you find a dr that will prescribe Armour Thyroid (its a natural medicine but still FDA approved) its a great medicine! much better the synthetic thyroid medicine. It is sometimes hard to find a dr. that is willing to try it though.
  • takahiroki
    takahiroki Posts: 57 Member
    I have Hashimotos, and have had Hashimotos since I was 11 years old [its been 10 years] I continued to have symptoms well into my teens, constantly upping my dosage of Levothyroxine, until it finally settled and I've been on the same dose for years now. Once that happened, my symptoms became pretty much under control. I'm still sluggish and sometimes I feel like I need to sleep for 14 hours to function, but mostly, it doesn't effect how I go about weight loss.

    I've lost 30+ pounds by exercising daily, counting calories, and following a vegan diet [high protein, minimal processed foods, etc.] and despite the arguments about soy vs. thyroid, I still eat soy [tofu] daily, you just have to make sure you take your medication early, before consuming anything, especially soy. Most of the regular weight loss tips should still apply, as long as your levels are good and you're on the right meds/dosage, you should be good to go! Eat clean, exercise often, drink lots of water, sleep well, and watch your calorie intake, it's basically that simple!

    good luck!
  • RandiDM
    RandiDM Posts: 12
    I have Hashi's also, diagnosed in August 2011. I was on Synthroid until last month, when I finally found a doctor that would listen to me and prescribe according to symptoms and not just numbers. The new doctor put me on Armour. I feel better, but no weight loss. I have been completely gluten free since January 17, and Paleo for about two months. I have lost NOTHING. Not one pound. I lift weights 3 days a week, and walk a moderate intensity walk about 2-3 nights a week. I really want to lose this weight, since I gained almost 50 pounds in less than a year just before being diagnosed. Any tips and suggestions would be appreciated!
  • I have been hashi for a long time, but the key to turning things around have been vitamin D supplements and going paleo. I still eat rice, but cutting dairy, wheat, and sugar has had a dramatic impact on my weight loss and moods! I am two weeks in and I cannot wait to see how I feel in another few weeks!
  • redcoat37
    redcoat37 Posts: 4 Member
    I had thyroid cancer and after a total thyroidectomy, will be kept in TSH Suppression for the rest of my life. I thought my weight would fall off when I found out I would be kept hyperthyroid at 0.01-0.03 but not the case! I gained weight, have no energy, but do have the hyper benefits of heart palpitations and sweating all the time! Time to try paleo and see if this is what my body needs to get back on track. Good to hear that you ladies have had success with it.
  • jivkacohen
    jivkacohen Posts: 1
    hello - i was diagnosed with both hashimoto's and celiac in january this year. i am following an autoimmune protocol (no dairy, grain, nuts, eggs, nightshades) and am taking supplements (zinc, copper, selenium, vit c, vit b complex, magnesium, calcium, vit d). in addition, i am doing a candida protocol to clean up my gut. after 20 days of going gluten free and diary free and taking the supplements, my TSH improved by 20%. I do not have a reference point for my antibodies - i am going to get them check next week. just as an fyi, my TSH was 18.5 in the beginning and my antibodies are 13K. I refuse to take medicine as i want to give my body a chance to heal itself.

    the following books were extremely helpful to me. i also found this blog very helpful http://hopeforhashimotosdisease.blogspot.com/

    If you are trying to reverse your Hashimoto’s disease, the below books are a must read before you start taking any supplements or medications!

    Sandra Cabot: Your Thyroid Problems Solved

    Dr. Nikolas R. Hedberg: The Thyroid Alternative: renew your thyroid naturally

    Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MS: Why do I still have Thyroid Symptoms?

    If you are a female, please review the following books, as well:

    Sandra Cabot: Infertility: the hidden causes

    Sandra Cabot: How not to kill your husband – Dr. Cabot’s manual to hormone happiness