Im Loren!

Hey Everyone! I'm ready to get started on my weight loss journey! ANY advice and Every support will fuel me to keep going! I'm a very easy to talk to and super friendly woman that is eager to get my body to the goal that i desire. so hit me up on this topic board or even better, add me as a friend and you will NOT be alone, I'll be there for you! we'll work together to achieve our goals! :tongue: :happy: :laugh:


  • satch52
    satch52 Posts: 7
    Hi Loren. Welcome. Hope this site helps. I attend a diet class and they're always saying you should write down everything you eat. I never go around to that but this site is brill cos it adds all your calories up and you can see what you're consuming! I also have the mobile version on my phone so can fill in during the day as well. Good luck x
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    Welcome to the site Loren! I would encourage you to try and log in on a daily basis as possible! I wish you much sucess on your journey!!!!