Chinese food

I allow myself a treat now and again, or a 'treat day'. It's just amazing how much weight you can gain in one day! In one day, I've gained 4 pounds.
Am I right in thinking that this is not actual weight, but rather water-weight, dehydration from salty food etc?
I go right back to healthy eating then the following day, but it's just crazy to see the scales go up that much! The same happened about a week ago, I went to a wedding, but I had lost the weight again in 5 days.


  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    It's water. Unless you ate a 14,000 calorie chinese food dinner.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    You might have had a normal upward fluctuation combined with water retention from the Chinese food. That's why the fluctuations considered normal (+-5lbs) is so big. I've had big downward fluctuations too, so I'm sure you can just go back to eating normally. (:
  • Mrsbradpig
    Mrsbradpig Posts: 9
    Here's to hoping the meal wasn't 14,000 calories, I sure had a lot!!
  • skalkbrenn
    skalkbrenn Posts: 47 Member
    Chinese food is extremely high in sodium and sometimes MSG. I had a salad at Olive Garden that made me gain 2lbs overnight. I was only checking the calories but not the sodium!! Drink lots of water and you should be back to normal in a couple days.
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    Chinese food is extremely high in sodium and sometimes MSG. I had a salad at Olive Garden that made me gain 2lbs overnight. I was only checking the calories but not the sodium!! Drink lots of water and you should be back to normal in a couple days.


    I will get the steamed chicken and veggies from my local chinese place, and get the sauce on the side, and I can still taste the amazingly high sodium in their sauce. But Lord, it's all so good!!! :) (my place also has this kick-*kitten* Chicken with spicy black bean sauce..... it's out of this world!!!!)

    I try to make at least two meals from my small container, and eat 1/4 of the rice, so it's not so "holy $*!#" in calories.

    The biggest and hardest thing to turn down is the crab rangoons. They're the debil.
  • mvexplorer
    mvexplorer Posts: 37 Member
    After every weekend (where I cheat a bit) I generally gain anywhere between 3 and 5 pounds, but by Wednesday its always back down to where I was meant to be. Don't worry! Give it a few days!
  • pinktiger8
    pinktiger8 Posts: 130
    Chinese food is the worst! You have to watch out for the high oil content and msg. I try to avoid what my family is eating every day because Asian people have no concept of nutrition. They only care about the taste and use lots of oil and msg in cooking.
  • Mrsbradpig
    Mrsbradpig Posts: 9
    Fatty food is so yummy though!! If Asian people don't care much about nutrition as you say, then why the hell are most of them slim? So unfair!!
  • qingc
    qingc Posts: 9
    MrsBradpig: Asian people usually have a smaller body structure and they are pretty active (at least in China, eg. biking, walking, running)

    And only fake, asian take out places use a lot of oil and MSG. My family uses very little oil and so does the parents of my Asian friends...
  • Anniecakesss
    I just had chinese food today, and i went over my sodium by like a thousand! ugh the worst. Also, prepared meals are the devil and the best for eating quick.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Chinese food is the worst! You have to watch out for the high oil content and msg. I try to avoid what my family is eating every day because Asian people have no concept of nutrition. They only care about the taste and use lots of oil and msg in cooking.

  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I allow myself a treat now and again, or a 'treat day'. It's just amazing how much weight you can gain in one day! In one day, I've gained 4 pounds.
    Am I right in thinking that this is not actual weight, but rather water-weight, dehydration from salty food etc?
    I go right back to healthy eating then the following day, but it's just crazy to see the scales go up that much! The same happened about a week ago, I went to a wedding, but I had lost the weight again in 5 days.

    You should talk to the guy who started the thread about losing two pounds in one day by doing strenuous cardio.