P90x and Obese

I just finished my first P90x workout. I am doing the lean program. I fought through it like crazy. I am obese at 5'0 tall and 230lbs. I don't really have a goal weight or fat%.. I just want to feel and look healthy again, where ever that may be. My question is if there is anyone else who has done P90x obese and completely out of shape and just dove in and gave it their all, even if they couldn't do everything perfectly right away. How did it go for you? I am very sore after the first core synergistics workout, especially in my legs. Stairs are my enemy for the day, lol. I am completely energized and motivated though. Would love to hear others stories of how they are doing going from morbid to healthy using P90x.


  • KatieAHarp
    KatieAHarp Posts: 6 Member
    You go girl!! Im not overweight, but I started it this week with my husband (who is). Hoping to get healthy, too. Keep it up.
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Oh yes, I started at 314 ponds. You can DO THIS ! I love reading posts like this, because you have an amazing opportunity to better yourself. I can sense the determination in your writing (it has a voice:)

    There is no magic in P90X though, well there is, it's called determination, consistenccy and thoughtful self improvment.

    Congrats for starting, get through the first month and you will establih a new healthy habit. IT WILL TAKE TIME, BUT YOU CAN DO THIS
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    I am not obese but I did P90X/Insanity last June. When I first started out I was having problems. I would say Plyo kicked my butt. I don't even think I could make it through it all the way. I could not do a dive bomber at all. When I finished the 90 days. I love Plyo and I was able to do 10-12 dive bombers. The first week is hard. Keep a journal of your workouts. You will see each week you will get a little stronger.
  • andycet
    andycet Posts: 55 Member
    I'd say I was really fit before I started and found it tough. My biggest challenge is the Yoga workouts.

    Just keep pushing. Also try mixing things up for fun too. I went Kayaking yesterday for 2 hours that was a killed core workout but didn't feel like it and tried various classes with my wife.

    If you like your food look up clean eating recipes (pinterest has loads) and try new things, it keeps it interesting.
  • TRMite
    TRMite Posts: 60 Member
    when I furst started exercising a few years ago I remember it hurt everytime I stood up. My gf is starting phase three with me and she is similar to you--no real goal weught but just wants to feel healthier. like Simon saud above, determination is really the most important thing. Totally keep track or your measurements, take before pics, write down your reps etc. documenting your cha ge is really motivating. You got this!
  • ltgarrow
    ltgarrow Posts: 342 Member
    Kick a** and take names. When I did P90X, it beat the hell out of me, and I wasn't in the worst shape I've ever been in, but not far from it. All I can say is make sure to drink lots of water (before and after) take breaks if you need them, and get plenty of rest.
  • JohnnyCashMoney
    My first round of P90X, the WARMUP kicked my *kitten*. Stay with it. Do your best...forget the rest. It's better to do part of it at a high effort than to do it all and skate through it. Keep at it!
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    I started it when I was weighing 215 lbs. I was obese (still am) and couldn't do a single pushup. I did 'girlie pushups' when I couldn't do proper ones.

    First week was tough. But you will do better with each passing week. Just stick with it. I am on Week 3 and I see minor changes on my body here and there. I dropped two pant size in just 2 weeks. It sounds crazy but yeah I need belt for my jeans nowadays.

    After 3 weeks, I can do 12 pushups comfortably. My BMI is still over 28. As Tony puts it - do your best and forget the rest. You will reach your goal - eventually.

    Good luck!
  • Nicolekid1
    Nicolekid1 Posts: 9
    You have given me the modivation to go get it!
  • teamstanish
    teamstanish Posts: 274 Member
    I didn't start it while overweight but as long as you focus on form to avoid injury rather than reps you will be fine! Good luck!
  • Snatched614
    Snatched614 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm considered morbid obese at 277 started in the 280's. While I haven't done P90X we do alot of the same exercises in my weekly "bootcamp" class (3 times a week for an hour). The exercises get better with time I can assure you that. There are a few of the exercises that I modify because of my weight and shape (apple). I tend to carry alot of my weight in the chest and stomach. So, ill be the first to tell you BURPEES are from HELL!!! Re-adjusting fat to jump up and down makes me sick!!! Anyways, stay with the program and it will get better with time. Good luck on your journey..