Question for the ladies! Menstruation and hunger.

RachSuzanne Posts: 74 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Okay, so when I am getting ready to start my hunger goes through the roof. I actually feel hungry more than normal. I don't feel that it's right for me to deprive myself as much as the rest of the time because my body is preparing for some hard work. (I have dysmenorrhea so I cramp like I'm having birthing contractions for about 24 hours.) However, if I were to stuff my face like I wanted to it would be 4000 calories easy.

Does anyone else have this experience and how do you handle it?




  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    I don't go through that, but I would say maybe increase your cals, by 500 or so for that week (depending on what your defict is to start with ...OR...maybe just do the maintance cals for that week/day whatever the case and then get back to the normal plan when you are feeling better.
  • SFinn
    SFinn Posts: 43
    Ugh that always happens to me, and it sucks because I don't even feel like exercising at that time, which makes it worse. I think that you burn slightly more calories during menstruation, but not a lot. I would sa if you're body is hungry to eat, but eat healthy and not give in to all your cravings. For instance, if you crave chocolate maybe try that low fat brownie recipe that someone posted or a chocolate vitatop. Both are low in calories but still might fill the cravings.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    How appropriate. The last two days I have been craving higher calorie food than i normally do. I know i'm getting ready to start my period ANY day now.....there is definitely a correlation. I came up with a subsitution list....if I'm craving chips, I'll have some baked tortilla chips with salsa (less fat). If I'm craving chocolate, I'll have a low fat hot chocolate drink.

    I do up my water intake during the time too to help with the cramping and the headaches I get....

    You're not alone
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    That is what I am going through right now!!!! I totally understand what you are going through. I am trying my hardest to stay within my limits but it is hard! You can do it and if you go over, you go over then maybe try to get a workout in. For me working out really helps with the cramps.
  • Peridotite
    Peridotite Posts: 66
    I vary from month to month but yes when it is my hungry month I am HUNGRY. And I hate to say it but I eat. I try to be good about it but if the bag of chips in the cupboard jumps in my head while the stomach is trying to eat is way out of my body I indulge myself. Just when I feel sane and back to myself again I go right back to eating more controlled portions and watching what I eat. :bigsmile:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    According to the book "Lifetime of Running", during TOM women need up to 500 calories more to deal the proceses occuring. Working out can sometimes ease the effects of TOM but don't push yourself to much. It also states that increase your iron and calcium intake daily (I think to 1500mg) can also decrease the effects in future months. I have started take a womens centrum multivitamin with iron and I don't even feel anything when TOM is here, just hunger.

    So go ahead and eat more just try to make healthy choices. When you crave fats and sugars try a fruit filled yogurt instead of an ice cream. If you crave chocolate try some dark chocolate.

    Good Luck.
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    I usually have about one day before where I want to eat everything and anything and don't feel full, and certainly don't want to work out... so I understand. haven't found an answer that works for yet though :(
  • orlandosgoddess21
    orlandosgoddess21 Posts: 72 Member
    That's what happend to me yesterday!! I just wouldn't stop eating. I feel better today but I feel the same way. I had no control yesterday so I am of no use to you, but you are not alone:-)
  • myohmy2419
    myohmy2419 Posts: 6 Member
    Mine's chocolate. I don't even really LIKE chocolate during the rest of my month, but right before and at the beginning of mine, I could bulldoze my way through every morsel of chocolate in the house. Try to eat more filling foods during this time, it seems to help. If you constantly feel pretty full, you're going to be less likely to want those chips - or in my case, chocolate :tongue:
  • pchristie
    pchristie Posts: 38
    I have a similar problem right before TOM, but for me, while I think it's hunger at the time, it's actually cravings. I have noticed that when my hormone levels change, I crave food for comfort, not necessarily for hunger. At the time, I can't tell the difference, but I try to make a conscious effort not to binge because I also could consume a massive amount of calories in a very short period of time. It's a battle of wills for me. Sometimes the healthy will wins, and sometimes I binge on wine and chocolate :happy:
  • yes i get super hungry too. and its all about sweets or mashed potatoes or comfort food. i try low fat chocolate pudding or light hot chocolate mix. i try to eat what i want because the cravings don't tend to go away i just try to make them healthier and not at the expense of food that is good for my body
  • RachSuzanne
    RachSuzanne Posts: 74 Member
    According to the book "Lifetime of Running", during TOM women need up to 500 calories more to deal the proceses occuring. Working out can sometimes ease the effects of TOM but don't push yourself to much. It also states that increase your iron and calcium intake daily (I think to 1500mg) can also decrease the effects in future months. I have started take a womens centrum multivitamin with iron and I don't even feel anything when TOM is here, just hunger.

    So go ahead and eat more just try to make healthy choices. When you crave fats and sugars try a fruit filled yogurt instead of an ice cream. If you crave chocolate try some dark chocolate.

    Good Luck.

    Ugh...I've heard this before and it would be so great. Unfortunately, I also have Hypothyroid and should avoid overloading on the iron, because iron can decrease the thyroid's absorbtion rate of the synthetic hormone I take.

    I do like the idea of yogurt and dark chocolate.

    Oh...and OF COURSE my boss buys PIZZA for the office today! Ahhh...sigh...


  • Ugh that always happens to me, and it sucks because I don't even feel like exercising at that time, which makes it worse. I think that you burn slightly more calories during menstruation, but not a lot. I would sa if you're body is hungry to eat, but eat healthy and not give in to all your cravings. For instance, if you crave chocolate maybe try that low fat brownie recipe that someone posted or a chocolate vitatop. Both are low in calories but still might fill the cravings.

    I tend to crave chocolate a lot during menstruation even though I do not prefer it during other times of the month. One way my mother actually showed me to curb the craving is plain unsweetened cocoa powder. I know it sounds weird but adding a teaspoon to milk/soy milk/coffee or just plain (which is kindof chalky lol, trust me I've tried it). But it works and it doesn't carry all the fat of bark or the carbs/sugar of a syrup or dessert.
  • Just also noticed the post on increasing Iron and Calcium during TOM. True but take them or eat them (however you intake them) at least 2 hours apart from each other. Iron blocks Calcium and visa-versa. They should never be taken together or your body will not benefit from them. You can take supplements all you want but the results will depend on your schedule of them. Even if you take a supplement or have a very balanced diet you can still be anemic in these categories. Vitamin D is one that is absolutely necessary for fat burn BUT is only fat-soluble. Thus why physicians and medical journals suggest whole fat dairy products, especially for women who tend to have a harder time absorbing these nutrients.
  • matina29
    matina29 Posts: 64 Member
    My hormonal cycle is the biggest barrier to physical health I have, aside from emotional eating which escalates during PMS. This month was the first experience I have had coping with the additional hunger associated with my period. I was able to get through it by continuing to exercise as much as possible, eating chocolate as needed BUT counting the calories and still staying within range (at the higher end LOL). I also go on this site often as a barrier to overeating and I try to contribute to the community as well as read about others experiences. That helps! Especially before and after stories from people like me! ;) Good Luck!
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