calorie intake is in the negative, again, today :(



  • CharliesInCharge
    CharliesInCharge Posts: 278 Member
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I started my walk at the Mall, at 6 am, for 2-5 miles/day, and I bought some weights for my wrists/ankles, and dvd dance...

    You're amazing! I would never have the courage to walk around the mall with weights and dance. What type of dance do you do at the mall and what sort of reaction do you get? Is this before the stores open? There's actually a group of ladies that do some sort of mommy and child exercise routine at the mall near me in the mornings so I'm not surprised that you could dance there if you did it early enough.
  • JudiCJ
    JudiCJ Posts: 5
    Look up the recipe for weight watchers vegetable soup. I make a big pot every Sunday and use it all week to fill in the hunger gaps. The first week I started mfp it was very difficult. Your body is going through a sugar detox and trying to trick you into eating. This feeling will pass when you make healthy choices and feed your body the nutrients it NEEDS instead of the sugar it CRAVES. Also, lots of water to fill your tummy after a meal or keeping yourself busy so your mind can think of other things instead of what's for dinner. Good Luck, you're doing great!
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Your logging looks pretty inconsistent so it's hard to say for sure, but with 80 lbs to lose, I highly doubt your calorie goal is reasonable.

    Read this:

    Then like the link says, go here:

    Then, on MFP, go to goals, custom and enter an attainable calorie goal. You can still log your excercise but do them as custom, entering 1 calorie. Or do it the regular way and don't eat them back since it's already calculated in your goal.

    And like others have said, lay off the soda or switch to diet. Food is a good appetite suppressant, as is water. :wink:
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    Here are just a few suggestions....
    1. ditch the liquid calories! Drink water, if you don't like plain water, drink crystal light or powerade zero, something that doesn't add calories but adds flavor. Also, when you drink soda or other drinks similar to it, it can dehydrate you; which can make you hungry.
    2. add veggies... Celery, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, all great adders to any meal that are low in calories and high in delicious vitamins and minerals you need.
    3. Portion control... my diary isn't a great example of this because I haven't changed how my meals are loaded, but try eating 5 smaller meals (300 calories each) versus 3 big meals. This will help keep you full throughout the day and won't throw you off your game
    4. have a good mix of protein. Lean proteins are great for keeping you full for not a lot of calories. try integrating chicken, lean ground turkey, 90% lean ground beef. All these are great ways to keep full

    If possible, add some more exercise, walking, strength training, videos, whatever it is you enjoy, do a little more of it and I think you will see results!
  • runlilyrun
    runlilyrun Posts: 140
    log your food first thing in the morning, so you can see how may calories you have to work with. dont eat then log at the end of the day, or theres nothing you can do about it.

    i also agree with ditching the soft drinks and upping your protein.

    Agreed, I use the MFP app on my phone and it's so helpful. I can put one element of a meal into it and then decide based on that how much of the rest of the meal to have.
  • ChristiSykes
    ChristiSykes Posts: 186 Member
    Looking at your diary, one thing that stands out to me is the number of sodas you have daily. Those account for a lot of empty calories. Try drinking water instead - or if you want a soda, go with a diet soda, but I see 3-4 "loaded" Pepsi's or Mt Dew's per day -- that tallies a whopping 450-600 calories with almost 0 nutritional value. Just eliminating the sodas would help get you started.
    Other things to consider are "healthy" proteins - lean meats like chicken, turkey or lower-fat content beef (sirloin for example). or fish to replace higher fat, and processed meats. If you want a burger, lean sirloin burger (4 oz) comes in at about 200 calories ... compare that to the McDonald's cheeseburger.

    Yes, we all get cravings for those hot dogs, a burger, or something -- definitely DO NOT eliminate them - it'll make it way too hard to stick with an improved eating plan. But, have them in moderation and not every day.

    Now, I'm not an expert! But those are just my observations from looking at your diary.

    and I will add that soda makes you hungry! I quit soda (I know right?!) and it is hard at first, but I don't miss it now. I eat less and am satisfied. PROTEIN is huge in keeping you full as well :) Hope that helps!
  • Sawjer
    Sawjer Posts: 229 Member
    Your calories are 1352? Thats insane, no way. Far to low, thats why your going over.

    Soda.. Take soda out of your diet and replace with water.
  • JudiCJ
    JudiCJ Posts: 5
    Just thought of something many pounds a week are you trying to lose? I started out with too few calories and I couldn't do it. Changed my settings to lose 1 pound a week but that was too many calories...manually changed my calories to suit my nees. Example:
    2 pounds a week gave me 1260 calories
    1 pound a week gave me 1780 calories
    I'm happy at 1600 calories a day, that is reasonable and manageable for me.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I'll echo all the advise given thus far.

    But I also wanted to point out that your profile headline "a little chunky is better than being a little boney" is pretty offensive. Body shaming is not acceptable here, and it goes both ways.
    ALLENFLO Posts: 61 Member
    Eat 5 - 6 smaller meals throughout the day. That is one meal every 2 - 3 hours. A meal might be chicken breast and a piece of fruit. (protein + good carb)

    You will never be hungry.

    Oh, and cut 1 soda out of your daily diet per week till you are down to 1 a day. Cherry Coke is my demon and there is no way I am giving it up forever. :-)

    Good luck with your goals!
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,100 Member
    I woud personally up your calories. 1200 a day for most people who went from 3000+ a day is just not even close to obtainable without binging. Also it really isn't the best method for you to use.

    As above, more protien, less soda and stop drinking your calories. :)
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    You got a lot of good advice and I echo the callf for more veggies, fruits and water, and eliminating sugared drinks.

    But overall, you appear to be eating a lot of carbs. There's a big body of research about how carbs, especially in the form of sweets or refined flour (yes, bread's a biggie) spike your blood sugar and then drop it, making you hungry. You think you're fixing it with momre carbs but you're actually adding to the problem.

    Try reducing those carbs way down to make more room for protein and, yes, good fats--nuts, avocado, olive oil and so forth. Research shows these keep you filling fuller much longer. Fat is actually important for the metabolism of your own body fat, and protein helps protect your muscles so that you lose fat instead of muscle;

    Calories count, but our bodies are not caloriemeters. They digest different forms of food and different kinds of calories differently. Here's a Wall Street Journal article on one study to help get you on your way to understanding this:
  • treefeller
    treefeller Posts: 8
    Do drink plenty of water?. Try a glass of water with your meals. Also if you feel that you are feeling hungry have a glass of water, wait and see if your hunger go'es away after an hour if your still hungry, then have something to eat
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    I agree with the advise you have been given; except for one thing ... the diet soda. Just because its zero calories doesn't mean its healthy for you. There are debates about the good vs bad; but having experienced the bad of artificial sweetener (ie aspartame) I say keep to water. If water is boring to you, try adding fruit (be it lemons, orange slices, strawberries, or other berries, or even cucumbers) to the water and enjoy a refreshing all natural flavored drink. IF you want to add a sweetener add Stevia.
  • bella_vista
    bella_vista Posts: 6 Member
    You received so much good advice! I know that I personally had to start with baby steps. Of all the advice given, what is one or two things your willing to change in your eating habits?

    I would almost wager a bet that you are hungry because you are not eating enough real food, and what you do ingest is stripping your body of vitality. Your hungry because your body is striving for balance. I would also guess that you don't feel so hot either: assided from the weight, you probably deal with energy swings, moodiness, brain fog, and feelings of defeat. I think you have already gotten to the point where enough is enough. I look forward to seeing your progress and I KNOW you can do it! One step at a time!!
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    NO to the pills
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    Wow! all of the advice you are getting is spot on!

    I remember when I was first starting out- it was HORRIBLE! Do one thing at a time, then challenge yourself to more. Don't try to quit fast foods all at once when quitting soda and cutting your calories in half. It won't work, I promise.

    Also, don't tell yourself NOT to have something. Whenever someone says "I can't have X,Y,Z" I crave it 1000X more! I find that it is easier to plan my meals to be under, but give myself some leway in case I need that piece of chocolate.

    Otherwise, all the advice other people are telling you is exactly true and works!

    Good luck to you!
  • JayTeeEs
    JayTeeEs Posts: 36
    Water water and more water. As has been stated already, you are getting a lot of calories through soda. Minimum 8 cups of water per day. I drink it with all my meals and just keep drinking it throughout the day. Crystal lights are golden if you can't stand plain water. If you are starting to feel a little hungery, drink water. It helps i promise. Also snack on frutis and veggies, again which has been stated several times.

    Good luck, best wishes to ya.
  • krypptonite
    I cant get enough calories in but my issue is Im not hungry. I burn about 300 calories a day so I earn that many more to eat, I dont want to stop exercising but Im not losing any weight. Any suggestions?