office breakfast ideas??

i really need good breakfast ideas that i can eat in the office? i never usually get hungry til 9ish and start work at 8 which is too early for me to eat. at the moment im just eating granola bars but im getting bored, any ideas???


  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    I used to take oatmeal to make. But now I'm hungry when I get up so I don't wait.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    if you have a microwave, nuke some eggs. I prepare 2 eggs, half a bell pepper, 1 stick of pepperoni and 1 slice of soy cheese. When I get to work I throw it in the microwave for a few minutes and TADA! Or you can pre-make veggie wraps. And you don't necessarily have to have breakfast foods for breakfast. Make a sandwich, or have a salad
  • Nature's Path organic instant oatmeal packets. Oats, sugar, salt. That's it. Tastes amazing!

    Edit: My point was it's lower in sugar than some of the other options out there, but still tastes good. If you're not into all-natural/organic options, Quaker weight control oatmeals taste nice and contain protein. Downside is fake sugar.

    There's always Chobani too.
  • emeraldgirl31
    emeraldgirl31 Posts: 22 Member
    yogurt, fruit, English muffin with peanut or almond butter, oatmeal packets
  • javajunco
    javajunco Posts: 81
    Fage 0% Total yogurt keeps me full for several hours, if you like it, maybe have that a couple of times a week.

    Sometimes I slice up an apple the night before and take it with me, I know a lot of people enjoy peanut or almond butter with their apple slices, but I like mine plain.
  • plain greek yogurt mixed with chopped fruit and/or nuts
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    I keep Quaker Instant Weight Control Oatmeal at my desk. I use the hot water dispenser when I'm ready and it works just fine.
  • kirk_clawson
    kirk_clawson Posts: 36 Member
    They're not the healthiest option, but I always keep a box of instant oatmeal packets in my desk.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Boiled eggs. Super easy to transport and you can pre-cook them and grab them out of the fridge on the go. Protein packed too!
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    I usually bring a couple boiled eggs to eat at 8am, quick and easy and keeps me full until my 10a snack
  • stefanieprice07
    stefanieprice07 Posts: 22 Member
    My personal favorite is some greek yogurt with a sitck of string cheese and maybe a small fruit like a clementine. I come into work at 7 and don't eat until 830/9 so i understand!
  • Lindabrummett
    Lindabrummett Posts: 12 Member
    It all depends on what kitchen equipment you have to work with. I eat a scrambled egg (scrambled in the microwave) and one piece of honey wheat toast (toaster) with a pat of butter. 176 calories. Very satisfying. Also if you have a refrigerator, bring in some Special K cereal and low fat milk (I use 2%).
  • I'm doing IF now so I don't eat breakfast, but I also used to do a slice of ezekiel toast spread with a wedge of laughing cow cheese, topped with microwaved egg whites. i would make it at home, then wrap in foil and eat about an hour after i got to work.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Muesli Fusion Pure. Can be served hot or cold. I cook it in the microwave. Low fat. 100% whole grain. I like the berry one. Provides protein too.
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    I keep Plain (no sugar or flavor) oatmeal packets in my desk, along with a small jar of peanut butter and packets of sugar free hot chocolate. I mix the oatmeal with the required water, add about 1/3 package of the hot chocolate and add 1TBS of PB. follow microwave directions to heat. It's a yummy peanut butter/chocolate breakfast and stays with me all morning.
    By keeping all this stuff in my desk I never have to think about it until they are gone....
    About 220 calories depending how much hot choc and pb you use.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    They're not the healthiest option, but I always keep a box of instant oatmeal packets in my desk.

    Actually the organic ones from Trader Joe's and Whole Foods are lower in sugar and tasty. And filling.
  • cosmic8o8
    cosmic8o8 Posts: 131 Member
    I'll usually scramble some eggs in the microwave and eat that with some turkey sausage links. Or I have an egg and one slice of whole wheat buttered toast.
  • willtrainforchocolate
    willtrainforchocolate Posts: 38 Member
    I cook two eggs in a lunch box.

    Beat the eggs and layer the bottom of the box with the liquid. Sprinkle in 5g of grated cheese - low sat fat - a chopped mushroom, couple slices of ham, and nuke for a couple of minutes.

    Make sure it's thoroughly cooked. Chop up with a sharp knife, leave to cool, put the lid on and take to work with you :)
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    greek yogurt + granola
    low carb wrap or tortilla with pb, granola, strawberries and bananas
    oatmeal (I leave a big tube in my cube)
    hard boiled eggs
    egg beaters - microwave them with cheese and sliced veggies
    smoothie in a blender bottle
    english muffin and pb
  • yavrig
    yavrig Posts: 28
    I always keep a stash of Coach's steel cut oats, coconut sugar, flax seeds, chia seeds, cinnamon and pumpkin pie spices, raw almonds, raisins and a bottle of vanilla extract in my desk at work. That's enough stuff for me to make different oatmeal combinations. I even make a snickers bar oatmeal where I add a tablespoon of Bettern' Peanut Butter and 2 teaspoons of unsweetened cocoa powder to my oatmeal. It looks gross, but tastes like a Snickers bar.

    I also keep a bag of Sun Warrior Warrior Blend protein powder so I can make my own protein shake by adding fresh fruit and some almond milk or just plain water when I get hungry for breakfast.

    I've even brought egg whites, chopped tomatoes, and baby spinach leaves and microwave an egg white omelette.