Cheating or indulging????

lfcutie Posts: 103 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone cheat or indulge? Even if you go over your calories for the day do you post it? or do you just not sign in that day?

I had a pot luck at work and first decided to not post anything because i knew I would go over my calories.,.,,but then i want to be accountable for what i eat good or bad.,.,.,so i posted and feel alot better that i did :) it shows me that i can eat and not be scared of seeing how much everything was and also maybe next make better choices :)


  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Oh girl I definitely indulge and I always try to post it on here just so I can see what kind of an effect it had on my overall calories. It is painful sometimes to be honest as far as keeping track of every single thing you eat but in the long run it is definitely worth it :smile:
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I don't log my food all weekend :P I rely on my new lifestyle to get me through and it's working. I've got the portion control down and I usually try and be more active if I'm indulging :)

    One of the tips I read for "Weight Loss Success" said don't expect to be perfect. If you try to be perfect your inperfections will affect you negatively.
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    I post it....yesturday I went over by 600!!! cals!!!! yeah I know, right? But I went to spend time with a friend I hadn't seen in awhile and we had italian food from a local place. Yeah it is a lot of cals to go over, and no I didn't get to work out that night...but I am still accoutantabe for them. I feel bad that I let MFP friends down...but more so I left myself down...BUT I had a great time with my friend, and if I had to do it over again, I would totally eat that pizza again. It was good, and after a whole week of eating pretty healthy...I think I derserved somethings that I really wanted. I saw it, and am trying to be better today. For example (today I went out with a friend for lunch (i know again with the eating out) but I put down what I would be having and even added more cals onto that (like added more bbq sauce then I really ate, etc) so it would kind of be similar to what is on the site (another local joint, another place that isn't on MFP). I have around 525 cals for supper tonight...I know that I might go over again...plan a 4 mile walk somewhere tonight. But really it makes me feel better knowing I am trying to follow this MFP, and trying to do good and eat healthy. We are all allowed some good things in life too (so allow yourself...dont' feel too bad...just make the next day healthier! :) )
  • nikki_zav
    nikki_zav Posts: 320 Member
    We all indulge sometimes. If you are truly serious about wanting to loose 200 lbs like your profile says, log every morsel that goes in your mouth. Every time I stop logging, the lbs come back. It's that simple for me.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    This is a great question, I actually asked myself that question a few days ago. It's tempting to just not post and pretend it never happened but then I realized that's exactly what this webpage is for - to help keep me accountable!

    The only time I'm not going to bother doing my food journal is an upcoming weekend out of town, won't have time to post and definitely won't have anything flattering to post, that's for sure! I'm going to try my best either way!
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    I indulge. I don't like to think of it as cheating because this is supposed to be a change not a diet. I just log it when I do and if I am over I am over, but at least I am still in the habit og logging. Just because I don't log it doesn't mean it doesn't count.
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    i log everything the good, the bad and the ugly. I learned from my prior experience of yo yo dieting that not logging does me more harm. I tend to get off track and stay off however if i log and look at what i have eaten on bad days i get back on track alot faster. wishing you much success.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I log it all, even the bad days. Then I can try to correct the whole week in the days after the misstep. It's all about balance and moderation.
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    I always stay under my calories. I made a commintment to God to be healthy for my family. I also have a responsibilty to be a role model for my friends on here. If I can't do it how can I tell them that they can. I log everything i eat (but not ll my exercise).
  • Sumatra
    Sumatra Posts: 181
    I post everything I eat. I'm not posting it for anyone but myself so I just want to see everything I eat. I have not been completely depriving myself of anything, but I have been limiting quantities. Still, I post everything I eat and drink. If it's a big calorie day, then if at all possible, it's also going to be a very good exercise day. I've been trying to get in lots of exercise early in the day so that no matter what I eat, I've already burned a bunch of calories. Then, if I've eaten more calories than my goal with exercise, I'll do some additional exercise. I haven't gone over my goal (with exercise calories) since I've been tracking it, but if it does happen one day, I won't beat myself up about it, I'll just be sure do do better the next few days and get right back on target!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I post everything. No matter how ugly. It's the only way to get an accurate picture of what's going on with my diet, in my opinion.

    <<<4 chocolate chip cookies today /cry>>>
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    It is about accoutability and balance. I had to eat beyond what I prefer when I was on vacation but I tried to estimate my intake as close as I could because it is important to me to be in control and honest with myself always.

    In this for life and no use in hiding secrets from myself.
  • luckyinlife
    luckyinlife Posts: 81 Member
    Wine is my downfall :drinker:
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    My husband and I try to hae a "cheat" day once a month so that we can get whatever we are craving out of our systems and focus on eating good the rest of the month...I find it really helpful.....and yes we always post here no matter what so we can look back and say ok we had a bad day here, but look how great the rest of the month is......
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I eat and live normally, sometimes I do eat bad, but I still log everything
  • I log everything down, even though it's not pleasing to see that you've gone over your calorie limit. I just make sure to squeeze in an extra work out to help even things out.
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    I don't have cheat days, because I'm not on a diet. I have changed my eating habits and my lifestyle to be more active. I don't deny myself anything, I just make better choices and I use portion control. If I want to indulge on something, like a piece of cake or a few beers with my friends, then I just try to adjust the rest of my meals or I do an extra workout to make up for it. That's not to say I don't ever go over my calorie goal, but it's just that, a goal.

    I do track everything, no matter what the result is going to be. I think it's crucial to be honest with myself. I usually track my meals throughout the day so I know where I'm at and I don't get a big surprise at the end of the day, but on the days when I'm out running around and not near a computer then I just track my food on paper and then put it in MFP when I get home.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I feel soemtimes like I'm having an affair with food. Sometimes, at lunch when I'm running errands, I'll sneak in a taco bell Fries supreme lol

    worst part is, I hardly feel guilty! BUT I do hide it from him! hhaha
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I log it. I was over by 1000 cals one day last weekend. It sucks to see it, but I'm proud that I faced it. I have been losing VERY VERY slowly because I wouldn't log my "bad days." I started logging at least Monday-Friday (and some weekends) for the past two months and I have done better now than I had in the 6 months prior to that.

    Just don't let your slip ups become a regular thing. (and try to make up for it the whole next week or two!)
  • MaggieD3
    MaggieD3 Posts: 4
    I just joined this week and I am posting every thing - I've seen the help it has already given me! I think that if I don't track every thing, then why try in the first place? Stay honest with yourself and watch the results get better; at least, that's what I've found. Hang in there! We're all in this together, in many ways!
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