30 years old, busy, and need to loose weight, lets do this!

Hello everyone!!! I am new to MFP and am hoping that this will help me to get this weight off!!!! My weight loss journey actually started on Mother's day 2010. At that time I was at my highest weight of 309!!! Between then and September of 2012 I had lost about 50 pounds (I seriously did a lifestyle change rather than some fad diet). Anyway in August of 2012 I decided that I needed to quit smoking (I was smoking a pack a day) and on September 3, 2012 I smoked my last cig!!!!!!! All well and good except now I have gained most of what I had lost :ohwell: Soooo now I am wanting to get back on track! When I lost all of the weight before I had a friend that was doing it with me, well now my friend has lost the weight she needed to loose and looks great! But she is no longer any help to me :sad: So here I am a 30 year old with 3 kids (4 year old daughter, 14 year old step son, and 10 year old step daughter) a wonderful boyfriend, and a full time job that has me sitting at a desk for 9 hours of my day!!!! I am looking for some serious people who want to get the weight off that I can talk to when I am having my bad days and who I can help on theirs, because right now around work I am everyone's inspiration and I need some of my own LOL :bigsmile:


  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    I am 30, have 2 kids and also work full time in a sedentary job. I started at 250+lbs (didn't weigh myself until I had lost a bit).

    I cycle to work (8 miles each way) 5 days a week and do weight lifting and pilates in an evening at home when the kids have gone to bed. On the weekend we do quite a bit of walking. We don't have a car so I pretty much walk or cycle everywhere. Food shopping is done on foot, I tend to use a hiking backpack to carry it, and the shops are about 2 miles away. I do like being active.

    I make my lunch, snacks and pre weigh stuff for my breakfast the night before, though I plan options for if I don't have time, so it doesn't throw me off track.

    I menu plan for the week for dinner, partly to save money but also because I find it easier to stick on track if I know what I am going to eat. We eat dinner together and my kids/husband eat the same as I do in the evening.

    I also eat 3-4 snacks on average a day. I try to eat very little processed food and mostly healthy stuff but don't ban anything.

    I started by making small changes and nearly 18 months later its still working and all those changes feel normal and 2nd nature now. I still have more to lose but am in no rush and health and fitness are my main focus.
  • myles111808
    I started on this recent mother's day!! I need to quit smoking but I am afraid of gaining weight lol welcome!! I am new too :)
  • aprilschadwick
    I am 30, and I have a 3 year old son and a husband. Right now a am not quite as busy. I go to college full time but right now is my summer break. So I am enjoying the time with my son. I started out in March at 301. I am now down to 284. Feel free to add me. I just started a round of Insanity yesterday and my diary is open. Good Luck on your journey
  • princelukas777
    Loved your story!
  • Marksman21
    Marksman21 Posts: 126 Member
    Subtract the kids and spouse and you have my situation. I was reaching a hefty 270 lbs, and needed to make a turn around. I work 9 hours a day (including commute) with odd hours (11:30AM to 8PM job). Busting tail on this effort is not an easy thing to do, but it can be done. I started in November 2012, and since I've dropped 27 lbs... but my current goal is 200 flat, I still got a ways to go. For a long time I actually -didn't- exercise with my efforts, I did some biking at teh start, but when life got complicated, that went out the window. Only last week did I restart my exercise schedule, right now doing weight training twice a week (will go up to 3 times once I'm more adjusted to it, likely another week from now), and 15 minute walks after lunch every work day. I never smoked, but good on ya for quitting, I know from a lot of friends thats not an easy battle.

    I'm a 3 meal a day guy due to the fact I have little time for anything else, chugging water when I can (flavored, I can't stand plain).

    In short, welcome to the crowd! Lets get things done!
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    I'll send you a request, sounds like my life minus the kids. Congrats on quitting smoking, I'm over 4 months quit myself now.
  • R55T
    R55T Posts: 172 Member
    Hi All,
    I just signed up today. No husband or kids, just a workaholic with a sedentary lifestyle. Your message subject reflects my sentiments as well so please to meet you all.
    & yes, lets do this. :smile:
  • Angela2217
    Angela2217 Posts: 32 Member
    HI, you sound like me. I have 1kid and a husband. I do everything in the house so its hard to find time to workout.
  • auburnlady78
    auburnlady78 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi i'm 35 I have 2 kids of my own 2 step kids my. I long in every day feel free to add me... :)

    Good luck..:tongue:
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    Im 30 also, and have been struggling for the last several years with losing weight. I dont have kids but I have a sedantary job also and about 80 lbs to lose. Im just getting started. We can do this together!!! Feel free to friend me if you like!!!