Weight Watchers or Calorie counting?



  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    I didn't read through all of the posts, but weight watchers points are just a fancy calorie counting system. Well not that fancy. Essentially it comes out to like 50 or so calories per point. Their "free" foods are pretty much just very low calorie foods, or foods that have enough fiber to cancel out the low calories. Just count calories, it is free and the same exact thing. Actually, to me counting calories is much easier. I was a member of weight watchers online at one point and if they dont have the food in their system, you have to calculate the points by not just entering the calories, but the fat and the fiber as well. That's 3 categories instead of just one. MFP does the work for you.
    I'm a little confused by what you mean when you say that MFP does the work for you. If MFP doesn't have what I'm eating in their data base and I enter in a new food I enter in the calories, fat, carbs, fiber etc. Unless there's a different way of doing it.

    I guess what I mean is that the database is much much much better than the WW one. WW had about 10% of foods that I was trying to enter. This site has about 95%. So yea, in the rare case you can't find your food in this database, or find a food that is very comparable, then yea, its a pain to enter, but I find it to be rare that I can't at least find something comparable.

    Haha ok I thought that's what you meant, but wasn't sure. You also just have to be careful with some of the things that people enter in. Like for example last night I went to enter in crab legs and the one I chose had the right calories and no sodium. Fish is naturally salty so obviously that one was wrong.
  • alphaip
    alphaip Posts: 86
    i want to keep this simple.
    Any advise please????

    I've been doing Larry North's Slimdown for Life. It's a $5 used book at amazon.com - it's a bit outdated (nothing on good fats), but it has been simple and wonderful. You can read the first chapter online. The first page said "Any diet you can't do for the rest of your life is not worth doing for a day" - I've been hooked. Seriously simple
  • willowbee4me
    willowbee4me Posts: 7 Member
    I have tried ww so many times and MFP just a few. I like MFP better in that it is Free and easy to use. Most foods are in the database because anyone can enter them in the database. (which can lead to errors but not very many).
    My question: I like the use of having some extra room to eat for special occasions or a Friday/Saturday night dinner, treat in the week. WW will allow you to eat a certain amount of points for this reason or spread it out in the week, if that is how you choose to use these extra points; how could this be incorporated into MFP?

    Any ideas?

    thanks a bunch!