What high calorie/fat foods have you "grown out of"?



  • reginadelmundo
    Kraft macaroni and cheese! I used to crave that orange gooey goodness, but now it sickens me.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Nothing....I still eat all the same things. Just less of them.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Lots of sugar in my coffee.. I now prefer it with just 1 splenda and some half and half... or sometimes just the half and half.

    Hot chocolate.. I'd rather have the above coffee..

    Slushees, slurpies or any other sugar liquid ice concoction. YUCK! I can't believe I used to LOVE those.

    Cheap chocolate.. like those really cheap foil wrapped things. :sick:

    Yeah, that's pretty much it.. I still crave most junk food, fast food, pies, cakes, cookies, chips, ice cream, fried foods, pizza, fluffernutter sandwiches, fried dough etc... I just rarely eat them anymore.
  • yavrig
    yavrig Posts: 28
    sub-par desserts of any kind. If I'm spending my calories on sweets, they're going to be very decadent. Store-bought dry cake with plain buttercream just because my coworker had a birthday? No thanks. Triple layer chocolate cake and cheesecake delight from the Cheesecake Factory? Yes please!

    ^^^^ So totally there with you. It had better be worth it! If it isn't, it won't get past my teeth. Although I still enjoy the taste and smells of all that junk, I just don't think it's worth the hassle I'm going to have to deal with, all over again.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I get where this is coming from, but just keep in mind that high calorie and high fat does not always =/= bad. Cooking oils like olive oil and coconut oil are high in fat and calorie dense, but also nutrient dense...also things like avocado, nuts, etc fall into that same category. I only point this out because a lot of people associate fat with BAD and calorie dense as BAD...reality is that we need fat in our diets...about 20-30% of our diets should be fat and a lot of people just cut out way too much and it's not healthy to do so.

    As a side note, I actually love my homemade french fries that I drench in olive oil and spices and then roast in the oven...
  • nickywire
    nickywire Posts: 14
    I can't put mayonnaise on sandwiches anymore, I've realized it's basically just empty calories and since I stopped eating it, I get sick whenever I eat it now.
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    I have grown out of all sorts. When i say that i mean i could happily never eat/drink said items again but should the mood take me i shall have them in moderation.

    chocolate (was a mega chocoholic big bar of dairy milk would be dusted without sharing)
    doritos and cream cheese or nacho dip (could eat a massive bag and a whole tub of dip in 1 sitting)
    pizza (half an xl papa johns nd garlic bread done in easy)
    White potato
    full sugar fizzy drinks ( totally repulse me )
    ben and jerrys phish food
    White bread
    Indian food especially along with other takeaways- (used to order in 2 x a week, chinese pizza etc.. Have had 2 in a year, would rather make my own)
    My last BIGGIE
    ALCOHOL- i do have the odd pi$$ up, but i don't enjoy it enough to consume the calories. I would rather have diet coke and a clear head the morning after.

    Its so wierd. I feel like there is something wrong with me as i crave random things like granny smiths apples or greek salads. I always associated cravings with things that are bad for you.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I get where this is coming from, but just keep in mind that high calorie and high fat does not always =/= bad. Cooking oils like olive oil and coconut oil are high in fat and calorie dense, but also nutrient dense...also things like avocado, nuts, etc fall into that same category. I only point this out because a lot of people associate fat with BAD and calorie dense as BAD...reality is that we need fat in our diets...about 20-30% of our diets should be fat and a lot of people just cut out way too much and it's not healthy to do so.

    As a side note, I actually love my homemade french fries that I drench in olive oil and spices and then roast in the oven...

    Although I agree with this wholeheartedly, olive oil was one of the things I realized early on as being one of my huge downfalls. I never used to measure it. I'd just round n' round the pan with it several times. When I joined MFP....I learned just how many calories are in a Tbsp. and when I did a quick mental assessment of how much I HAD been using... it was eye opening! Fats definitely don't make a person fat, but the amount of calories I was getting just from oils, butters, and condiments was staggering.

    I could never understand why my portions of food most days seemed "normal" when I've always been so fat. Truth is, my portions of food were smaller than what I eat now. A very large percentage of my calories past my recommended daily allotment was actually coming from the things that did NOTHING to fill me up. Lesson learned...lol.
  • Sleepynita
    Sleepynita Posts: 82
    Fast food (no hamburger from McDonalds since August)
    KFC. Ew. How did I eat that crap?
    Cadbury easter creme eggs (only had 2 this year, I used to eat 2 a day)
    Starbucks Raspberry Lemon Loaf (400 calories! EEEK I used to have those a couple times a day as well!)
    Whole Milk Chai Lattes
    Subs like quiznos and subway with dressing and sauce on them
    Alcohol (not high fat, but I don't desire a glass of wine or 5 every single night now, now maybe a drink 2 nights a week?)

    I still eat Frozen Yoghurt and chocolate. Lots of it. :)
  • jade14b
    jade14b Posts: 22
    My diet was never "terrible," I was just a bad vegetarian who ate too much of the wrong stuff and indulged too often. Some of the things I used to eat a lot but realize that I don't miss:

    -White Rice: iIs still good as heck, but I am just fine with my quinoa or brown rice. I don't feel like I'm missing out
    -Pre packaged foods from Starbucks: I used to stop there everyday before work to get their yogurt parfait, snack boxes, etc for breakfats and lunch. I forgot my packed lunch the other day so i stoped in to Starbucks. I could not finish the food. Everything tasted old, stale, and fake.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I get where this is coming from, but just keep in mind that high calorie and high fat does not always =/= bad. Cooking oils like olive oil and coconut oil are high in fat and calorie dense, but also nutrient dense...also things like avocado, nuts, etc fall into that same category. I only point this out because a lot of people associate fat with BAD and calorie dense as BAD...reality is that we need fat in our diets...about 20-30% of our diets should be fat and a lot of people just cut out way too much and it's not healthy to do so.

    As a side note, I actually love my homemade french fries that I drench in olive oil and spices and then roast in the oven...

    Although I agree with this wholeheartedly, olive oil was one of the things I realized early on as being one of my huge downfalls. I never used to measure it. I'd just round n' round the pan with it several times. When I joined MFP....I learned just how many calories are in a Tbsp. and when I did a quick mental assessment of how much I HAD been using... it was eye opening! Fats definitely don't make a person fat, but the amount of calories I was getting just from oils, butters, and condiments was staggering.

    I could never understand why my portions of food most days seemed "normal" when I've always been so fat. Truth is, my portions of food were smaller than what I eat now. A very large percentage of my calories past my recommended daily allotment was actually coming from the things that did NOTHING to fill me up. Lesson learned...lol.

    It is most definitely important to weigh and measure, particularly with calorie dense foods. I was just pointing out that a lot of people skip on/miss out on a lot of actual nutrition because they perceive calorie dense as bad and fat as bad...when reality is that it is necessary for good health to have fat in our diets.
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
    snack cakes (twinkies, swiss cake rolls etc.)
    kraft mac and cheese
    white breads
    I have a really hard time with anything I don't make. I have had too many bad run ins with fast food/restaurants that it kinda rolls my stomach to think about it.
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    Snacky-cakes like Hostess or Little Debbie. I love me some baked goods and I'm not afraid to spend calories on sweets (clearly, if you can see my diary), but snack cakes are no longer "first tier" for me.
  • wafflemeister14
    wafflemeister14 Posts: 46 Member
    Cheese, pasta, alfredo sauce, cheesy breads, poutine
  • wibbley74
    wibbley74 Posts: 80 Member
    i last ate chocolate on 16th january 2011 and really do not miss it

    i don't eat fast food

    and my last meal before i started this current road of food choices was fish & chips

    i used to drink alot as well but i am now 4 months alcohol free and don't miss that either
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member

    It is most definitely important to weigh and measure, particularly with calorie dense foods. I was just pointing out that a lot of people skip on/miss out on a lot of actual nutrition because they perceive calorie dense as bad and fat as bad...when reality is that it is necessary for good health to have fat in our diets.

    I caught your point, and you are absolutely right. Cutting out any food group entirely is definitely not a healthy approach. I didn't touch ANY oils or condiments for the first month because of that little discovery. I think a lot of people stop eating high-calorie dense foods in the beginning because they add up so quickly. It took some time before I started incorporating all those things back into my diet, but when I did...they were in the right quantities.

    Nowadays? If I can fit it in, bring it on! :laugh:

    Except for Wendy's. I used to love eating there, but everything on their menu I would want....I just can't seem to make fit. Not even sideways.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    None. However, there are plenty of restaurant entrees that have more than 100% DV of sodium even before you add in sides, dressings, etc. I RARELY have those items anymore! Anything with the word "buffalo" in it is almost guaranteed to be in this list. I'm miss them... a little... :cry:
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    Denny's Fried Cheese Sandwich
    McDonald's cookies
    I think anything from Long John Silvers would just make me super sick now.
    Too much of anything with oil.

    I haven't had Sonic Tots for awhile, but a small order of tots doesn't sound half bad :)
  • shinesunfish
    shinesunfish Posts: 93 Member
    I don't think I cut anything out, but I drastically cut back on:

    Cheese (I used to eat it by the block, it was probably my biggest vice. I use a LOT less now in cooking, and don't really eat yellow cheeses plain anymore.)
    Pasta (I got used to going without during Lent, and haven't gone back to the quantities I used to have. I still love pasta.)
    Ice Cream (I sub frozen yogurt and like it even more, honestly. I'll still eat it if we go to the local ice cream parlor, though! So good!)

    There are some fast food places that I can't eat at anymore. Burger King was the first to make me super nauseous every time I ate there, followed quickly by KFC and Taco Bell. I pretty much gave up french fries unless they are SUPER awesome (like Arby's Curly Fries - but even then, the last time I had them I only ate about 1/2 the package and was completely full.)

    It's funny how you can quit eating something for a little while, and then it just no longer has the same appeal. :)