trying to stay motivated!

hi my name is nicole and i joined myfitnesspal awhile ago, at first i was really good at logging in everyday and sticking with my goals, lately i have been dealing with alot of stuff and i slacked off a bit. i know i can do this and i can stay with workingout and eating better but sometimes i just need encouragement, maybe hearing how some of you have done so well can help me stay with goal is to be thin, happy and healthy and i know it will be hard but i can and will do it!


  • Angiehankins77
    I read success stories daily and keep thinking about the future. Its good to have friends on here too ????
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    Try to log every single day, being accountable really does make a difference. Take just a few minutes to log each meal in advance then you can see how your calories are doing, and bump up or reduce things to meet your macro target. I agree, you CAN do this. :-)
  • Debralord324
    Log everyday....even the bad days! Especially the bad days. That keeps me dedicated to my goal! But also don't beat yourself up over one bad meal/day. Hop back on the wagon ASAP. One meal is not the end of the world. Its when you keep on that habit it becomes a problem. Success does not just happen....its small choices everyday that lead to that success...
  • RodgersGirl12
    thank you sooo much everyone, i really feel i can do it this time!! and i will log everyday and that is a promise i can keep at it, i cant achieve this goal just by talking about it i have to do it! and i can and will :)
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    its a marathon, not a sprint, I have learned that its going to take me however long its going to take me. not my friends, family, anyone on here, me. i want to be healthy
    AND happy and for me that means having things i want sometimes!
  • klcalliari
    klcalliari Posts: 60 Member
    Hey there, I'm currently on a kick of finding people to help pay it forward so please add me if you'd like. Basically my story is that I have yo yo d a lit in the past then got pregnant and gained 60 more so I was up to 238. In a year and a half since then I've lost 85 lbs and then gained 10 back but I'm headed back down again ....I believe the number one reason I succeeded was having people to be accountable to and to be a I'd like to dote same now for others ( hoping it will help me lose the last 25 myself as well). Good luck and hope to chat with you soon.... I'm always here to help
  • JAMProphet
    JAMProphet Posts: 288 Member
    hi my name is nicole and i joined myfitnesspal awhile ago, at first i was really good at logging in everyday and sticking with my goals, lately i have been dealing with alot of stuff and i slacked off a bit. i know i can do this and i can stay with workingout and eating better but sometimes i just need encouragement, maybe hearing how some of you have done so well can help me stay with goal is to be thin, happy and healthy and i know it will be hard but i can and will do it!

    I tell one of my MFPeeps to kick me in the *kitten*, and that usually helps :)
  • wobblybitz87
    Hi Nicole! I am trying to come out of a slump like that myself at the moment. This week I haven't been motivated to eat as well as I should or do any exercise at all. I am lucky to have not put any weight on, but I know I need to snap out of it now before I do. The way I am trying to look at it now is very small steps, rather than the 5kgs ones I had before. For example, I am 100 grams away from having lost 10 kilos. Also, my fiancés birthday is in two weeks so I aim to lose 2 kilos by then. Two weeks after that I go on holiday for 5 days so I will set another small goal for that fortnight. The biggest help so far has been the support from the ladies where I work. When I hit a little target, or can fit into a smaller pair of pants, I come in and tell them and they cheer with me.

    It has taken me since Jan 1st to lose nearly 10 kilos, and I DO NOT want to back to how I looked before. I am starting to feel more confident in my skin, and I don't want to hate my body the way I have done for so long ever again. I take it one meal and one day at a time.

    Im now going to do a few laps of my shop to work off the chicken and chips I just had for lunch. haha