any advice PLEASE .. new at this

I am starting on wk 4 day 1 tomorrow. I feel like the harder it gets the less I can do it But I continue on even if I have to stop and take a breath or stop running some seconds earlier and begin to walk again.. I always seen to get that cramp in my side and Breathing is impossible! I don't know if I am doing it all wrong or what?? I don't want to give up! I want to make this a part of my life and there is a 5k in August I would love to sign up for!! I find some days are easier than others! and also I feel like I am not seeing any results?? .. and ADVICE anyone PLEASE and THANKS!

P.S. I also forgot to mention.. I feel like when I take my breaks on days between it makes it harder on me?? Idk.?? WHEN and what times do YOU ALL run and when when do you rest and also do you do any kinds of exercises on those days between?

I hope I posted this question in the right place. I am here. Thanks


  • Joshyusernametaken
    Joshyusernametaken Posts: 50 Member
    if you haven;t done a lot of exercise before, jumping straight in to the deep end and trying to run with out a proper build up can be very difficult as it's so high impact!
    I would focus on adding some resistance training into your diet as this can be done at a lower intensity and you can gradually build up, plus you will burn a lot more calories weight training as oppose to running.
    As long as you are getting your calorie intake right, in conjunction with any exercise you cant go wrong. remember diet is 70% of the work. Exercise wont have much effect if your diet inst on track.
    Baby steps. If running is your thing, your going about it right. you wont get there over night. try for 1km first and once conquered create your next goal. Cardio. weight training will get you where you wanna be faster.
  • Bel811
    Bel811 Posts: 38
    The cramp could be a change in breathing pattern. I often get cramps (as for some reason, i seem to hold me breath) ,... I find if a start a breathing pattern and concentrate that breathing pattern the cramps are not as frequent.

    Sign up for the 5K run, it doesn't matter how fit you are... it's a starting point, if you have to walk for a little, what does it matter? You are doing it. Also it's a start and as you progress with your journey, you can look back and see how far you have came.

    I train up to 6 days a week, with Sunday being my day offf, however; i always try and get out the house that day, whether it's a slow walk with a friend. Exercise isn't easy, losing weight isn't easy, it really is battle with the mind and when it comes time to exercise, no matter how many execuses you think off when the time rolls around... just think, it's only 60 minutes and it's over....

    Feel free to add me...
  • chicaboo7878
    chicaboo7878 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for that very positive reply!! what about results? about how long does it take before you start seeing some change? and another thing.. I understand what ya mean about the holding breath lol, I want to do that.. then when I start to breathe I start to yawn?? lol Idk, it sounds funny! But I can't tell if I am over breathing or what? How exactly should you? in nose out mouth? Iv noticed my nose Burns alot but it has been chilly some and I have to keep a tissue bc of it running ... I know this is all so much but I have so many questions... lol thanks and I did request you
  • chicaboo7878
    chicaboo7878 Posts: 9 Member
    this all sounds very much like you know what you're doing!! But how do I calculate all this? I am only going by what the c25k trainer is telling me to do? ,, Im new to all of this.. thanks so much
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    I have a Heart Rate Monitor on when I run, I know my sweet spot is about 150bpm, so I try to adjust the treadmill to keep myself at that pace. and that I can run for a long time in a comfortable manner. I'd also believe in lifting. It strength the muscles and get me a lot more bounce in my steps.
    As for breathing I would like to keep nose in /nose out. that's why I have the HRM on, so if I went beyond that, I will have irregular breathing pattern,

    I'd also do Zumba, depended upon the teachers, I usually go and stay at 160+ for the whole hour. and dancing will mess with your breathing big time. So the key is grace under pressure. Try to not pass out.

    Hope this helps
  • chicaboo7878
    chicaboo7878 Posts: 9 Member
    Ok! thank you! I am going to try the nose in/out and see if helps.. I sure hope! and Yes thanks for the info! ALL of you! =)
  • Joshyusernametaken
    Joshyusernametaken Posts: 50 Member
    Don't over think when you run! Sounds like you are doing too much of that, just do what feels natural in terms of your breathing. But keep at it!
  • RealMarkD
    RealMarkD Posts: 92 Member
    My advice? Have patience. There will be ups & downs, you'll have days where you think "ugh, I shouldn't have eaten that" or "I just don't feel like working out today." You just have to have patience and keep the bigger picture in mind. The good days will balance out the bad days.
  • chicaboo7878
    chicaboo7878 Posts: 9 Member
    Yes.. I tend to over think my breathing.. Bc wasn't certain how.. I seem to yawn alot lol. so confusing and comical at the same time. I'm trying to keep good spirits and stay encouraged but then I feel like maybe I am doing it all wrong and its pointless.. just wearing myself out lol Hope to see results start showing soon.. Do you all run days or evenings? dinner before after? I eat something small an hour or so before bc I am starved after I Run lol
  • Bel811
    Bel811 Posts: 38
    Try counting while you breath.. so in 1,2,3,4 and out 1,2,3,4 ... find a way to regulate it and you'll be surprise. Also the HRM monitor is a great idea (that's how i started too).

    As for results, how many calories are you eating per day? if you under eat results may not be evidence, you need to eat to lose, but the right foods....

    Sorry... i went through very much a similar thing when i started out.... i know it sucks, but it's worth it in the end :)
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    Cardio is a beast the first few months. I used to run 4-5 miles a day before my knee injury, now I spin 20 miles 3 days a week followed by an hour swim on the alternate days I don't lift. When I got back into cardio after my injury I just got so frustrated because I loved running and I hated spinning at first. But then I remembered I hated running also at first and got realistic about my expectations. I slowed down a bit, and I relaxed. Suddenly I started to enjoy spinning almost as much as running (almost, I really miss running).

    Just keep at it. A music player really helps. So does meditation/prayer. Once you start with a good pace go on a mind journey. Focus on breathing and will come in time.

    Then you will get addicted like the rest of us cardio addicts :)
  • chicaboo7878
    chicaboo7878 Posts: 9 Member
    I really don't have a diet plan.. I just eat something light couple hours before I run.. then dinner afterwards. the way I go go go I don't have time to function a set time for eating or running really.. I have to do it when I can.
  • chicaboo7878
    chicaboo7878 Posts: 9 Member
    and I haven't ran with music yet.. But I am going to start .. thanks so much for the advice and encouragement !!!