Vegan Diet & Nutrition



  • affacat
    affacat Posts: 216 Member
    Pls be careful. I am a nurse, and 99% of vegans are not healthy. They take forever to heal from surgeries, and often have problems with their iron levels. Also the best "toxin flush" is called water (in adequate amounts, not copious amounts). Your kidney and liver remove "toxins" from your body very effectively, no special diet or powder/pill required. "detox" formulas are a sham. Pls don't waste your hard earned money on that stuff.

    I'm not a nurse, but I was vegan for over a decade and know tons of healthy ones. Not only do I heal fast when injured, I never get sick. I haven't even had a cold. Please don't pull numbers like 99% out of thin air, that's just as made up as if I gave you a %. I'm actually moving back towards being vegan now, because I feel much healthier/zoned in both mentally and physically vegan than not.
  • RumpusP
    RumpusP Posts: 163 Member
    Pls be careful. I am a nurse, and 99% of vegans are not healthy. They take forever to heal from surgeries, and often have problems with their iron levels. Also the best "toxin flush" is called water (in adequate amounts, not copious amounts). Your kidney and liver remove "toxins" from your body very effectively, no special diet or powder/pill required. "detox" formulas are a sham. Pls don't waste your hard earned money on that stuff.

    *facepalm* Yes, because the hundreds of studies done over the past coupla decades are all wrong.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Check out a blog called FatFree Vegan Kitchen. She has awesome recipes with nutritional values. My son's girlfriend is vegan and I use this website to help me create meals that the whole family will love when they come over. My son's girlfriend is a long distance outdoor swimmer so she is very conscious of her nutrition and has always been very pleased with what I've made for her.
  • greeneyedlady02
    greeneyedlady02 Posts: 15 Member
    First of all, it's not "silly" and I really enjoy juicing. It's cleared up a lot of health concerns I've had and how can you say that drinking 4 apples, 1/2 a pineapple, a carrot, 1/2 cucumber, and avocado, a lemon and lime, ginger, a huge bunch of ginger and spinach and celery to not be real food? I drink the juice throughout the day, I just lump it all into my lunch category.

    I do eat almond butter sometimes, but I try to stay within 1200-1600 calories a day.

    Also, if you actually read the first paragraph of my post, I said I didn't know the exact calories of my juices so I just use Nektar's nutrition info for calories.

    When I juice I track the calories of each individual item in the juice. Nektar's only shows calories, not individual nutrients so there's some protein there. I also add spirulina to add protein to smoothies and juices. It's not chalky like other protein powders and it is packed with nutrients.
  • LindaAllison
    LindaAllison Posts: 6 Member
    It really is a good idea to calculate the calories and especially the sugar in your juice. It sounds like the juice you are making is really high in sugar. If your goal is only 46 g of sugar daily, your juice exceeds that. I looked it up and 1/2 pineapple has 8 g, 4 small green apples has 44 g of sugar. That is 52 g of sugar and I haven't added in the veggies, which do have a little sugar. You might want to steer clear from juicing fruits with a high glycemic index like pineapple and really reduce the amount of fruit in your juice. Maybe just add only one green apple.
  • mandykayte
    mandykayte Posts: 15 Member
    Lentils and nuts are great in salad. Lentils are really high in protein and iron. Double plus. Also i suggest adding more greens like kale and mustard greens your juices. beets are good in juice too. And if your daring try herbs and mint :] I used to juice and i tried to make my greens a portion of my juice. The sugar will make you hungry faster!

    I love to make curry. A very versatile dish that you can put any kind of veggies in and tofu. Serve on brown rice or quinoa! I am not vegan but i have been vegetarian for 8 years, so i understand how cook all different kinds of dishes.

    Oh and im not sure why you skip breakfast but as a vegan it would be a good idea to take advantage of all meal times to get as much nutrients as possible.

    I just made a vegan lime pie! Turned out Amazing!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I would say move your juices to snacks and have a meal for breakfast and lunch. Invest in a couple of vegan cookbooks. I just got appetite for reduction and it has all the nutritional info for the recipes and they aren't hard to find processed ingredients. Also consider a protein shakes, yes Its sonetimes gross If you dribk it plaib but the trick is to mix it with fruit or something. I add a banana and sometimes pb2 powder or blueberries and spinach. I use a soy one, but there are many vegan ones also free of soy like vega and raw meal. I didn't see any muscle or strength gains until I upped ly protein to over 80. I used to eat as much protein you do now.
  • Hoosier96
    Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
    nut butters
    sprouted grain breads
    black beans and other legumes
    and instead of a "protein shake" make a "smoothie". there are some really good soy and hemp protein powders out there.
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    How is something 495 calories but has no carbs, fat, or protein? What's it made of?
  • ChristineH1001
    You can add me look at my diary, it is open, whatever you like. I eat between 75-120 protein a day and stay close to the other macros, more home made less processed is working better for me down 5 lbs in 2 weeks. :bigsmile:
  • rosieg1979
    rosieg1979 Posts: 99 Member
    Quorn is not vegan!

    I too struggle to hit protein macros. What I have done is have a protein shake for breakfast which gives a decent hit. I also try and eat a lot of homemade seitan , it is ridiculously easy to make and is very high protein for the calories.
  • shano25
    shano25 Posts: 233 Member
    If you're going to be doing p90x check out Brendan Brazier's "Thrive Diet" and "Whole Foods to Thrive." He's an ultra marathoner and vegan. Also check out Rich Roll another ultra-endurance athlete and vegan. They've got great tips for everyone, but will also be good for you with your exercise level.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'm a new vegan (about 9 weeks) and wanted to know the best way to get enough protein so when I run and start P90X soon I am not malnourished.

    Here is my current diet for the past 2-3 weeks (I don't have the exact calories for my homemade juices so I use Nektar's), and I am always way too low on my protein intake. Some days I have tofu, but I've been juicing a lot lately in prep for bikini season! I've always been grossed out by protein shakes and powders.


    Oh my...there is a serious lack of solid food in your diary!!!!!! This is what you'd feed a infant or a toothless old person. I actually got depressed reading your diary. If you've decided to become vegan, ask yourself is this the way you want to live for the rest of your life. If the answer is yes...then do the research for some recipes that involve actual real solid food!!!!!!
  • castelluzzo99
    castelluzzo99 Posts: 313 Member
    First off, you look like you're doing okay, except I would eat those extra calories you have left over at breakfast and skip the coffee. Coffee is bad for you. Try green tea if you want something hot. It would be much healthier.

    I know most people will disagree, but you don't need a ton of protein. I know the cooked broccoli you have might belie the truth, but broccoli is about 50% protein (ie, 50% of calories come from protein). So what do you do with the long stems of your broccoli? Do you toss them? If so, stop wasting them and juice them. Try adding more greens to your juices. Spinach, kale, and even alfalfa are very high in protein (calorically speaking). I mean, where do gorillas get their protein??? Greens! So do elephants.

    I'm not exactly sure how to track the macros in juice. The juice of one carrot is going to be different than the carrot itself. I mean, there's no fiber in the carrot. I imagine the fat and protein would be the same, so maybe it's the same throughout, minus the fiber. Of course, fiber doesn't digest anyway and even though it is counted toward total calories, it is basically neutral. I'm sure you've got some protein in that juice (and for the record, I don't think it's silly either--I just watched "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" yesterday--anyone who thinks juicing is silly needs to see it!). In fact, I won't do more than a glass of fresh veggie juice now and then, because I do NOT want to detox while nursing!

    I did P90X, a little over half way through. I did add a protein shake, but I think I could have done without it. If I were you, I'd look up vegan sources of protein, and if you have a juicer, juice some of the best ones and drink that after your workout. Or a glass of soymilk or whatever.

    Also, be sure you are eating enough. If your performance suffers, you need to eat more. 'Nuff said.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Quorn is not vegan!

    I too struggle to hit protein macros. What I have done is have a protein shake for breakfast which gives a decent hit. I also try and eat a lot of homemade seitan , it is ridiculously easy to make and is very high protein for the calories.

    Quorn has/is releasing some vegan products in some locations.
  • affacat
    affacat Posts: 216 Member
    Quorn has/is releasing some vegan products in some locations.

    this is true, but in most regions it's definitely not.

    in fact, even vegetarians should read labels of all fake meats, because there are a ton of 'vegetarian' products that use eggs.

    i think that started because they were trying to get a certain texture and they could get away with it, because labeling for that sort of stuff is so lax. (though vegan labels are strict like kosher labels are).

    but vegan (and vegetarian) food products have improved drastically in the past ten years and can now get great texture without, but many brands simply don't change their ingredients and keep egg in there (like many quorn products).

    i'm a self-admitted fake meat addict. love the stuff. love trying new ones. get the wonkiest ones at asian supermarkets (as in 'they seriously make this???'... my wife just shakes her head. there are a ton of absolutely fantastic fake meats out there for the having, if you don't mind adding some processed food to your diet (in moderation). it also helps if you haven't had meat for awhile; while i've seen some fakes trick meat eaters, most won't.

    that said, some of my favorite 'fake meats' are home made. my wife makes an amazing field roast (and ups the ante for thanksgiving, making something even the turkey eaters at the table have seconds of), and and amazing gluten based loaf. i think she got the gluten loaf recipe off of vegandad and did some alterations.

    ok, this is making me hungry.
  • LindaAllison
    LindaAllison Posts: 6 Member
    Tony Horton (P90X) used to be vegan. He currently considers himself a "flexitarian", meaning he eats chicken and seafood occasionally. You might want to check out the website of his personal chef, Melissa Costello, called

    I did P90X and I am now finishing the last week of the second phase of P90X2. I drink Vegan Shakeology ( after my workouts. I am not vegan though. I was considering going vegan or vegetarian after I completed the Ultimate Reset ( in January, but at this point, I am not really ready. When Jenny Ross, who wrote the book Raw Basics, is asked about how to start going raw she says "Just start adding more of the good stuff". I think the same can be done for going vegan. I am now eating a lot more plant based meals.

    Here are a few really informative sites to help you with vegan nutrition and protein requirements: