65lbs in 6 months. Now Motivation is gone! HELP!

I am on a doctor prescribed and monitored diet.
I have lost 65 lbs in 7 months! I am super happy about that, but I need to lose another 60lbs to be where my doctor would like to see me. I have lost my motivation. To the point that I have not moved out of my plateau since the end of February! I was doing great and feel better. When I looked in the mirror I saw a happier and healthier person.

I am back to wanting to put a towel over the mirror, my body hurts all the time and I cannot sleep. My stress levels are peaked out and I hate myself. I am finding that I hate the people around me also. Especially my husband. I know this is all due to my lack of motivation, which has caused self hate and doubt.

So any advice on how to get the motivation back? My doctor has been trying to help me and I have an appointment to see a counselor, but financially I can't afford to see a therapist every week.

I feel like my support is gone. I feel like I am running out of energy to keep up with the battle between eating good and eating healthy.



  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    I had exactly this last time I lost weight - I got to the 60lb mark and due to various issues such as losing motivation, being too restrictive and job woes, I took my eye off the ball.

    When we lose a large amount of weight (WELL DONE!) and see a happier, healthier person in front of the mirror, we do tend to get complacent. It's a fact of life, and there is nothing wrong with that - you have every right to be proud because you've done amazingly well.

    What do you feel is hindering you from moving forward? Is it an issue with food - ie, you want to eat more, or fattier foods? Is it a plateau that has been unexpected that has discouraged you? Are you getting bored with the diet?

    My advice is this;

    I would write a long list of why you wanted to lose weight in the first place. Medical, physical, emotional, mental. All of those reasons. Fitting into a certain size, feeling confident, being happier. Running around with kids, getting fitter. All of them, even the ones which make you cringe.

    I'd also write a list of what you have ACHIEVED. 65lbs in 7 months is amazing and you should be so proud of yourself. How many dress sizes have you dropped? BMI categories? Health benefits? Physical abilities?

    Don't focus on the fact you've got another 60lbs to lose. Focus on the fact that what you are doing is a lifestyle change and that you will feel so totally freaking AMAZING WHEN (not if) you reach goal. Take it 7lbs at a time. Reward yourself every 14lbs (stone). Focus on the small things, like a drop in BMI (40/30/35 etc), dropping stone bracket, dropping kg - absolutely ANYTHING that will help you remain focused.

    Come on here. Read the success stories. Look at the recipes. Switch your diet around a bit (within reason and depending on that prescribed by your Doctor) and introduce new foods in - sometimes we get so bored with the food we've eaten that we slip.

    Feel free to add me as a friend on here - I have another 97lbs to lose, and am in this for the long haul.

  • Lovely_Steph
    Your advice has helped me too. Thank you.