Hello, i've been seeing this acronym around -TDEE so looked it up and worked mine out to be 2394 (BMR = 1545, however I have no idea what this is) but not entirely sure what it means and how it can help with my diet and exercise. I've recently moderated my diet and aim for 1600kcal per day and although I am actually active I know need to up the intensity of my workouts.

For example, I cycle to work but it's only 2 miles each way- although i do push myself hard. I regularly play tennis at a competitive level in doubles and I fit in various other sports like badminton, swimming and gym when I can. I've just ordered the 30 day shred and some 3kg weights so I can do more at home.

So I guess what i'm asking for is a little help with how my TDEE can help me and what more I should do.


  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    A lot of people use TDEE to calculate what they should be eating rather than using MFP's automatic calculator. I do this and manually set my targets for TDEE - 20% (I still have a good few kilos to lose).

    In doing so, I do not input exercise or eat back exercise calories as I have already calculated it into my TDEE figure. Bear in mind that you have to be precise about the exercise you are doing each week.

    P.S. I'm doing 30DS with 2.5KG weights and it is ouch!
  • tulip_girl100
    Thanks for the post. I think if i manually minus 20% off my TDEE it comes up around 1600 anyway which is my personal limit. I don't include my exercise in my limit as yet but I will the more strenuous exercise I do. Eek, maybe I shouldn't have gone for the 3kg but hopefully i'll get used to it!