High Calorie foods for my husband

Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
My husband has always been very skinny. About six months ago, he was at his thinnest (stress). Since then he has gained 35 lbs. I am so proud of him. He went from 145 - 180! It's all fat, mind you, but he needed it.

He works ten hour days, always on his feet. Very active at work, most of the time.

Just recently, Tuesday and Thursday, Fri and Sat and Sun we go to the dog park and walk for about an hour. On Saturday, we also do some recreational swimming. I used to do this alone, he has recently joined me.

This extra activity in the past week has caused him to lose seven pounds! I was shocked.

He clearly needs to be eating more calories to maintain his 180 weight. He's not the kind of guy to come on here and log things and track himself. That's okay with me.

But as the cook, I need to know what are some very high calorie foods that I can load him up on? He won't eat anything with sauce or seafood, and he doesn't eat condiments except margarine.

I love to bake as well, so if you know of any high calorie baking recipes, I am all ears!


  • rubenchitito
    rubenchitito Posts: 16 Member
    Unfortunately I can't help you much with the cooking.. but here is one thing he can do. Buy a sack of protein powder, you can get it at a great price in Bodybuilding dot com...

    Now, with a good blender and in the shake add: Milk, protein powder, peanut butter, flax seeds and oats. That's a calorie full dense that while won't solve all the problem will certainly help meet his calorie intake.

    Depending on quantities and calories of brands you can get the shake to be up to 1000 calories. If your husband needs let's say 3000 calories to mantain his weight, that would make up 1/3 of calories and he can easily eat the other 2/3

    I don't know if he likes working out, but if he started to workout with weights for 40 minutes a day, 4 times a week, not only will his appetite go up and he will eat enough to meet his calories, but he will add muscle and not just pile on fat as he has until now.

    Again, I don't know much about cooking but those are some tips that have helped me.