Eating For Maintenance but Still Losing?

Hi all,
I didn't have a great deal of weight to loose and am trying to stick at 8st 3 (am 5ft 2.5 and small build) I am eating the maintenance that FP suggests, and eating back my exercise cals, but am still loosing and feel constantly hungry.
I am doing a lot of weights and strength training so maybe I'm not getting enough protein?
Am quite scared to just up my cals as I don't want to gain but am starting to look at little gaunt..any suggestions?


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    If you're wanting to maintain and are losing, up your calories by 100 for two weeks, see what happens. Maintaining? Great, stay there. Losing? Up them again. Gaining? Back off a bit.

    You might want to look into figuring out your TDEE and using that number and not eating back your exercise calories and see if that works better for you.
  • SpiderGirl78
    Good ideas - thank you. 100 cals isnt too scary ;)