One Day: Plus Size No More? 40, Trying Again, Need Friends

Hi! I joined last November 2012, lost about 7 pounds, and then fell off the wagon after the holidays. I'm 40, a FT working, married mommy and am determined that THIS is the year I get my back, 2013. I've had 2 babies since 2008. It's just a matter of building good habits, staying motivated, and finding new ideas and creative ways to enjoy other types of food that aren't filled with calories.

I am 200+ pounds and would like to lose at least 30-40 pounds by the end of the year. I'd love to make friends and establish a support network. I'm honest, hilarious, and will probably be starting a blog also.

I want to be able to walk into a store and not have to shop in the "plus size" section with all those old, matronly, poorly designed clothes. I want to be able to wear a belt. 20 years ago, I used to run 3 miles a day, went dancing 3x a week, and ride my back all the time. Since then, I've become very sedentary and tired. I want to find the ME now, the way I know I can be and want to be. To see what works for me now and be an example for my children and others.

Not going to lie, the first few days of this fitness plan was really hard. Going from about 2500 calories or more to 1200 has not been easy. But I'm being smart about it and looking for and learning about lower calorie snacks and meals. Would love to have friends along the way join me on this journey! Cheers!


  • eag264
    eag264 Posts: 116

    Like you, I'm hitting my 40's next year and I've resolved to lose 100 lbs before then. I want to be able to throw a huge party with my friends and family to ring in the big 40 and look and feel like a million dollars.

    I'm tired of being depressed after a day of shopping where the "plus size" section has little to no fashion sense whatsoever. I miss the days where a cute sun dress was easily accessible and super adorable on me.

    I've been on a 1200-1300 calorie regiment for almost 2 months now, working out a minimum of 3 times a week and still haven't seen any significant change. I'm working to increase my cals to 1500 to experiment and see if that works. I've seen quite a few people who've increase the calories and have been successful so only time will tell.

    It'll be good to share with you what works and what doesn't. Good luck on your journey, we're all in this together.

  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Also going to be 40 soon (10/31/2013 is my 40th bday) and I have a half-way goal of losing 40 lbs by my 40th bday.

    I started 12/30/2012 and so far have only lost 16.8 lbs, so I have about 25 more to go by my 40th bday. I have an ultimate goal of 80-90 pounds, but not sure how long that will take since it has taken me this long to lose only 16.8 lbs, but I hope to get there!

    Feel free to add me!
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member

    Like you, I'm hitting my 40's next year and I've resolved to lose 100 lbs before then. I want to be able to throw a huge party with my friends and family to ring in the big 40 and look and feel like a million dollars.

    I'm tired of being depressed after a day of shopping where the "plus size" section has little to no fashion sense whatsoever. I miss the days where a cute sun dress was easily accessible and super adorable on me.

    I've been on a 1200-1300 calorie regiment for almost 2 months now, working out a minimum of 3 times a week and still haven't seen any significant change. I'm working to increase my cals to 1500 to experiment and see if that works. I've seen quite a few people who've increase the calories and have been successful so only time will tell.

    It'll be good to share with you what works and what doesn't. Good luck on your journey, we're all in this together.


    Do you mind if I add you? and I agree, miss the days where I could find a cute dress and find one that fits, and not have to search the plus sizes with barely any fashion! I LOVE fashion, but can't find the stuff I like that fits me well!!! I miss fashion!! :)
  • lkh1234
    lkh1234 Posts: 41
    Hello,,,I am 45 years old and would be glad to have a few more friends on here....Jan. 1st this year I started out at 225 lbs.
    Today I weighed in at 184.2 lbs. My goal is to get to 150 (or a little less!!) if I can. I have been on here for a little over two months
    and I love it. I log in every day and plan to for a long time. You can add me if you like.
  • nessa2BFit
    nessa2BFit Posts: 155 Member
    hello i am not yet forty will be though very soon i am 38 and was at 278 last year.. i started slowly losing weight and lost 20 lbs over a several months. this january i joined MFP, started excercising daily and am now down to 213.6 as of this morning!! I work FT, married and mother of a very active 15 yr old softball player so am always on the go. I am on here daily and have a open food diary so you can see the good the bad and the ugly. I am doing this on my own i am not taking anything or under a program. I love having friends who post motivating comments and i like leaving the same thing... anyone can feel free to ad me as a friend if they want... i have not missed a day on here since joining. This is not a easy journey and i have been anything but perfect, i learn alot about myself and i post these things. good luck on your journey
  • tigermorris
    tigermorris Posts: 58
    Hi I am about to turn 47 next month and I am struggling along to lose weight! Anyone can add me, I have just hit the 100 days of logging, yeah, although not every day it complete, usually on the weekends, but it sure hleps to be committed to log everything. We can do this together!! I need all the hlep and support that I can get too!
  • DearmonS
    DearmonS Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I’m 41 224lb, married with no kids. I have a FT desk job that I commute 45 min. to (one way), no motivation to do anything but drink a beer or two once I get home, and suprise suprise I'm totally uncomfortable in my body. I always thought I ate relatively healthy, yet I've been doing the food diary for just over a week and am rather shocked by just how many calories I'm packing away each day (craft beer is definitely my down fall). I don't really have a weight loss goal per se (although losing 40-60lb would be great), I just want to FEEL better, have more energy & stamina, and hopefully be able to one day fit into clothing that does not come from the fashion dead zone of "plus sized". My husband tries to motivate me to “work-out” but he’s just as sedentary as I am and doesn’t want to “be mean” to me so we end up on the couch more often than not. I’m new to this whole message board thing, so I’m not sure what to ask for or what to offer…but I definitely need some support in getting moving again and am willing to help out others if I can.
  • lindseylou2222
    Plus sized mama here too. Just started this week following a visit to a dietition. Would love to find some friends and support!
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    I started my weight loss journey at 39 and wanted to be below 200 pounds by 40. I made it!! I'm now maintaining since January (I'm 153 pounds and 5'9"), and happy as a clam. It's hard work, but so worth it!! I have no doubt I'll still be maintaining when I turn 41 in September.
  • earvizu92
    earvizu92 Posts: 320 Member
    Hi there started my journey at 228 and lost 30 lbs and still going!!! Im also 39 and a mommy of four! Feel free to add me if youd like.....:flowerforyou:
  • kzslucas
    kzslucas Posts: 6
    Im right with you! Have had 2 kids since 2007, ballooned up, cant lose it no matter what!
    drastically cut back to 1200...wasn't losing, bumped up to 1300...lost a little, but have gained and lost the same 8 pounds like 3 TIMES NOW... Im so frustrated. I refuse to have any type of surgery.... I just do not have the time needed to burn the kind of calories I should.....
    Lets chat sometime!
  • barbara4599
    barbara4599 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 43, single mom, work full time, fighting the good fight against my fat! Feel free to add me.
  • califeisagift
    califeisagift Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks so much to everyone! I was not aware that my post had been bumped up until today. :):) So happy for all the friend requests! I will be adding others as well throughout the day that have said it is OK to add them. Really THRILLED to get to know you and support each other as we head towards meeting our goals. :D
  • califeisagift
    califeisagift Posts: 12 Member
    I also want to add that thanks to a tip, after about a week, I bumped up my calories to 1600 per day because 1200 was waaaaay too low and hard to stick with. My body was actually holding onto my fat. After I bumped up my calories, I saw way better results. I am really happy to meet all of you and thanks for responding to my post! :):)