I can do this!

Happy Monday everyone!

I'm sorry for the small vent I'm about to subject you to.

I was so inspired by a picture of one of our community that I showed it to my coworker and good friend. I told her that I would love to be at this woman's weight and to have a rocking body like she is when I'm done (This woman was 5'9 at 154). Her immediate response was that I couldn't do it and that I couldn't lose that much weight.

I am usually a very laid back person but I snapped back that "Do not tell me that, You just wait and see, I will get there." I belive she was taken aback and didn't speak to me for a little while.

I am 5'8.5 with a pear body shape.
SW : 248
CW: 212
GW: 150ish, I'll Know when I get there

Here is a semi-current before/after picture of me, I've lost about 5lbs since the "current" picture was taken.


Am I wrong in stating that I can and will get there? Am I setting my goal too high?


  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    oX_Vanessa_Xo Posts: 478
    Im the same height, started around the same weight, currently about the same weight and have the same goal and I say HELL YES we can do this!
  • slynnalex
    slynnalex Posts: 38 Member
    You CAN do this! You WILL do this! It's up to YOU.
    BTW, I'm 5'9" and have the same goal. I don't share my goals w/ anyone other than on this forum because I'm not interested in the opinions of others about whether I can succeed. This is a personal and private journey for me. People will comment along the way, but I keep all the particulars to myself. My weight loss has stalled and when its TOM I gain. I am determined and can make this change FOR MYSELF. I appreciate all the support from MFP'rs and hope that the 'haters' can mind their own business.
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    You can do this!!!!! I am 5'8" and started out at 183....down 16 lbs to date. We are all in this together, and SHAME on her for saying that you can't! I think it would light a fire in my A@@ and I would just have to show her!

    Feel free to add me if you would like to.
  • jangier
    jangier Posts: 109 Member
    I honestly believe that you can do it - if you want it bad enough and are willing to do what it takes to get there, you will! I am so proud of you for standing up for yourself, I don't think I would have had that much courage! I wish you the best of luck and am looking forward to seeing as you progress further and reach your goals!
  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    You have come along way take it from me I use to weigh 350lbs yes me, I am 5'6 currently at 165 lbs. So it is a constant push I want to be around 130 to 140 lbs. At times we are a little discouraged, trust me I know you can reach it. Feel free to add me if you need an extra motivating buddy :)

  • whycantregister
    whycantregister Posts: 22 Member
    I am feeling so excited for you! I can't wait when the day has come when you've reached your goal, and how her reaction would be. totally surprised of course :laugh:

    All the best, hun! Keep going steadily and stay realistic, and be patient. Bad people are everywhere on this earth, but the good thing about them is, they don't realise they have become our 'secret weapon'. Sometimes, when I'm jogging or walking, I thought of them unconsciously, and I found myself smiling and saying to myself, ''hah, wait and see how SEXY I'd be! :bigsmile: '' and instead of feeling depressed thinking of their bad words, it motivates me a lot more.

  • MrsJJUt
    MrsJJUt Posts: 36 Member
    You have done amazing work so far!! And how dare she say that to you!! Way to stand up for yourself!
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    There is no goal you can't reach unless you really don't want to lose it (like so many of the New Years resolution-ers). You want to lose it, and so you will find your way. You've already had a big loss, it's amazing how much it's the face that shows the difference. :D So you go you, and you keep on going! Get that rockin' bod.
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT! Haters gonna hate. Don't do it to 'show her'... do it for you. Because you deserve to be the best version of you. If that weight feels good and healthy then excellent. If 20 lbs plus or minus feels good then do it. But it's not about her. It's about you.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    Absolutely, you CAN, and WILL, do it!
  • ShaniB729
    ShaniB729 Posts: 18
    Girl, don't listen to people who aren't encouraging of you!! You can TOTALLY do it!
  • rach503
    rach503 Posts: 86 Member
    Im the same height, started around the same weight, currently about the same weight and have the same goal and I say HELL YES we can do this!

    Me too! I started at 252 & am at 211 now. Tell that person to buzz off, you're the one in charge of your own success!