Need Motivational Friends!

I fell off of the bandwagon with dieting and exercising this past year and gained back everything I lost. Life did change a bit... I dealt with some family issues and am now travelling M-F weekly. I finally have my own apartment at the location I travel to, which makes the food choices easier. Now I just need the motivation and support of friends going through the same thing as me.

At this point, I feel uncomfortable in clothes unless its my sweatpants and big sweatshirt. I look in the mirror and hate the way everything looks on me. I have never ever worn a bikini in my life and I wish one day I could. I have never felt comfortable in how I look, which makes me not even want to think about a significant other. I couldn't think anyone would want to date me because of the way I look, even though in reality it's more because of my lack of self confidence. I want to feel better mentally and physically.


  • hunterjumper24
    I am just like you, other than my work load. I don't travel. I have had issues which caused me to gain weight all the weight I lost. I wear baggy pants and baggy shirts. When I gain weight, my body is weird.. I get the prego belly look and my boyfriends mom actually got mad at me because I didn't tell her I was pregnant. I looked at her and said that I am NOT. jjust gained a few pounds and I wasn't happy.
    My self confidence is low as that everyone wants to put me down or say no you look good the way you are. If that was the case then why don't I feel like it, ya know.
    Anyway, before I ramble on...Im more than happy to become your friend to help each other with motivation and support and get our weight lose going to a greater great start and challenge one another; to succeed our dreams and goals. :)
  • klcalliari
    klcalliari Posts: 60 Member
    I know one hundred percent where you are coming from. For the last 9 months I was working 1.5 hours from home while we tried to sell our house. Over that same time frame plus a few months I also managed to lose 85 lbs (I've gained back 10 but I'm working on that ).... I know what it feels like to fall off the bandwagon too...before I got pregnant I gained and lost the same 20 lbs over and over and over and then got pregnant and gained SIXTY! I lost 85 since then through so many different methods. But then I got bronchitis for two friggin months, ate crap, got stressed and just gave up for a little while. But what's done is done. You can't feel bad about what's in the past, what's that going to get you? It's all about what you do from here on out. I'm no expert or anything but considering the transformation I've made I feel like its my turn to pay it forward and help out as many people as possible while continuing my own journey.... So yeah, feel free to add me if you'd like. I'd be happy to help in any way I can
  • kbucks
    kbucks Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I'll add you and we can support each other! We can do this!
  • raeannanobles
    I am in the similar boat. I was working 6 hours a day as a waitress and now that we have moved I am a stay at home mom. I try to keep myself busy around the house but with 2 kids that is kind of hard. I know I have gained a lot of weight and having 2 kids 10 o months apart surely doesnt make it easy. But I am putting my mind to loosing some weight. I want to do this for me and my children so they can can have a healthy mom