Medications that make it hard to lose weight....

Anyone take medications that cause weight gain as a possible side effect or that make it hard to lose weight?

Recently I gained back most of the weight that I lost but I am trying hard again to reach my goal! I've only lost 1 pound this week after being very good with my calorie intake and it's making me discouraged. I know it shouldn't and I should be happy I lost a pound but feel like the medication I am on (Abilify) is making it harder to lose weight that it was before I was started on it.

I am 211 pounds and HATE IT. It is also hard for me to exercise due to knee/foot issues and some personal problems as well.

Anyone else?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    The following is from the drug company. Not really a significant cause for large weight gains. You gain weight from eating too much and doing to little. You may need to adjust your thinking rather than blame the drug.

    Weight gain has been reported in patients taking medicines like ABILIFY, so you and your healthcare provider should check your weight regularly.

    In clinical studies that included adults with Bipolar I Disorder, after approximately 3 weeks, patients taking ABILIFY gained an average of 0.7 pounds compared with placebo-treated patients who lost an average of 0.2 pounds. Among patients followed up at 24 weeks, those taking ABILIFY lost an average of 3.3 pounds compared with patients taking placebo who lost an average of 0.4 pounds.

    In a 3-week clinical study of adults with Bipolar I Disorder on ABILIFY, some people experienced significant weight gain. The percentage of patients who gained significant weight (based on gaining 7% or more of body weight) was 2.2% for ABILIFY compared with 2.7% for patients treated with placebo.
  • Imaginary1
    Imaginary1 Posts: 16
    Thanks, I'd rather have to adjust my thinking then gain weight from the medication. :)
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    Just keep at it. Work out. Eat healthy and be mindful of your portion sizes.

    I have a number of conditions that make me depressed and can cause weight gain. I continue to work out and eat healthy every day because if I don't, I WILL FEEL WORSE. Even if I never lose a pound, being mindful allows me to do something for myself to improve my health and feel physically better, and it puts me in a good starting position to lose weight if my body ever gets into that magic spot where all my hormones and difficulties align to make it possible...

    Chin up.
  • ElizabethLovesFood
    ElizabethLovesFood Posts: 54 Member
    yes I take 7 to 10 pills a day depending if I need the PRN ones..the 4 different meds I must take everyday each is known to cause weight gain and drowsiness. It does make it harder for some people so dont take words of advice from people who dont have experience and just googled something. Swelling is a big side effect of one of my meds which cause feet/ankles and or legs to swell along with hand and makes a difference on the scale..dont give up you hang in there..slow weightloss is better than can also talk to your dr about changing med if it becomes a big issue i was taken off lyrica for that reason saw some weight loss right away was put on neurontin instead which also causes weight gain..different people react to meds in different ways..i sleep 11 to 12 hours each night because of my medications and although ive lost some most days i drag and have no energy but force myself to exercise
  • slowglitchen
    Back in the nineties, I took this one meds, that w/ in a period of 2-3 months, I gained from size 8 to a size 16... (I am thinking, it could be the water weight, because, I have been a size 8, even after giving birth to 2 children)
  • Imaginary1
    Imaginary1 Posts: 16
    Thank you guys. I wasn't trying to use it as an excuse. I just know that weight gain is a possible side effect and it kind of made me worried.
  • FitToBeKim
    FitToBeKim Posts: 85 Member
    You have a very valid post !! I was on a lot of medication (psych med) and I gained. Yes some meds can make you gain. Just stick with your daily calorie goal and exercise. You will do great !!