Newbie =)

So yea. I'm 21...almost 22 and I've been struggling with my weight off and on most of my semi-adult life. I struggle with not only emotional eating but also taking anti-depressant medication that keeps my weight high. But since I've found this site and read the message boards, it's really inspired me to get off my butt and actually become healthy. I'm not in it for the perfect body....just a body that I'm happy with and that is healthy. That's my main goal is to be healthy. My other goal is to be happy with myself. I've tried several different diets including The 6 Week Body Makeover, Weight Watchers, Atkins, etc. I've never had that much luck with any of those. I did lose some weight on the 6WBM but it was so hard to follow seeing as how my body type's main staple was fish and I loathe fish with a passion. Besides shrimp. And it was very difficult to follow. But since I've used this website the past 3 days...I've noticed I've cut down on how much I've been eating and I've also been drinking a LOT more water than normal. I've also been exercising a lot more. I take the dog for a walk every single morning but that's bound to stop by Thursday since he's not my dog and his owners are coming home Wednesday. But I'll probably still continue to walk the dog with them since I'm planning on moving in with them soon. I like the fact that 99.99999% of the message board topics have people who are very supportive and willing to help with motivation. That's another one of my biggest problems is motivation. I tend to do something really well for 5-6 weeks then I have a bad day and I lose all my confidence and self-esteem in myself and my weight loss regime. So I hope to find some new friends on here so we can help each other along in our weight loss journey. If you've read this far, thank you. I appreciate it.



  • zazaz
    zazaz Posts: 36
    Welcome here, it's a very great place...It's the first time i'm so motivate!!!!!! Everyone help me and we can help you to keep you're motivation :)
  • sayambular
    sayambular Posts: 205
    Congrats on already losing 25lbs. Keep up the good work!
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    Welcome! You have already took the first step by coming here. Without this place, I would still be 255lbs. If you feel you need a friend, please add me. I will help you all I can, just like everyone here has helped me!