Life getting in the way, how to cope?

Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
I need to lose weight. I need to get healthier, I need to eat less and move more. I need to figure out a way to cope with what life dishes my way without eating and drinking. I was ready to go hard core at this at the beginning of the year, then my aunt and grandmother died and I haven't gotten back into it. Now I was getting ready to roll again now that the weather is nice. Then our basement flooded, And a friend died on Monday. Ugh huh. So we had too much wine to drown our sorrows. Leaves me hung over and craving crap. So that's two days wasted. Got to get back to it. How do you guys cope with bad stuff, what keeps you on your path, eyes on the prize? I'm too easily distracted by bad things!


  • candirose69
    candirose69 Posts: 149
    I have lots of inspirational quotes around my home/work. 2 of my favs are:

    "I don't find time I make time"


    "A one hour work out is 4% of your day, no excuses"

    I'm sorry to hear about your losses and its normal to grieve but one of the best things for grief is to keep physically well so you can be mentally well and to keep routines

    good luck xxx
  • TaraM430
    TaraM430 Posts: 26 Member
    First of all, I am so sorry you have had a rough few months. Dealing with all of that would be challenging for anyone. I find it hard to stay on track also. I'm an emotional eater. I will do really well for a few weeks then I will have a bad day, get depressed and go on a binge. I wish I had the answer for you but I struggle with it myself. Some of my tips are; you have to find something that really motivates you, take the bad things (food, drinks) OUT of the house, and find a physical activity that you enjoy doing. You have to make time for yourself, I know that can be a challenge, especially if you are a working wife/mother and running a household. I'm a stay at home mom and I find it challenging to get exercise in but I use what time I have for that. I am in a wedding in July and that has been my motivation. When I went to get fitted for the dress in January I was so disgusted with the size they had to order. I am now 17lbs lighter and when I go try on that dress next month I want them to cut that thing down 2 sizes! That has helped me stay on track but I still have my bad days/weekends, we are only human. Good Luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    Sorry to hear you've hit so many speed bumps this year. Sometimes it just seems like there's no end to all the curves life throws at us. But from your profile pic, it looks like you have two very cute little guys worth getting healthy for. We all have crappy days and days where we just feel like eating what we want instead of thinking about what we should eat instead. When you feel yourself getting in that zone, remind yourself that too much wine or crappy food isn't going to make the problem better, so you might as well take good care of yourself so you're in better shape to stare down whatever obstacles come your way. You can do it! There's always the message boards to vent on if you need it. :-)
  • klcalliari
    klcalliari Posts: 60 Member
    I feel your for me has been stressful to say the least, 9 months of trying to sell a house while commuting 3+ hours a day in the snow while dealing with spouse's unemployment and having 100 lbs to lose. But the way that I stuck with it and am now 25 lbs away from my goal is building a great support system. Being accountable to people here, Facebook, real life, everywhere I could think of. Also I've fund that committing to a workout program with a schedule have. E something to focus on and look forward to... It was always an escape from anything that was bothering me... Feel free to add me if you want support