Yesterday, May 13, 2013 was the election day here in the Philippines and I was at my moms home town. I took the opportunity and went there, but there is the place where all I could see is GOOD FOOD. GOOD FOOD=CARBS and SWEETS. And I told myself that this day would be my cheat day, but the next day which is today, I still want to eat carbs and sweets, I finished 4 biscuits and 1 big pack of chips. And I still want to eat more... More and More SWEETS! I kept on craving and I tried drinking water. Help me! :(


  • vstraughan
    vstraughan Posts: 163 Member
    Personal tip and may sound super strange, but try brushing your teeth. Whenever I get a craving for something naughty then I brush my teeth with very minty toothpaste. Super cravings, I use mouthwash too. I have no idea why, but it seems to work. As soon as I'm done the craving is totally gone. Maybe worth a try?

    What's done is done and you can't undo it, you'll just have to try and recompense with either topping up on some exercise or focus on a really good rest of week. We all have bad days, it's ok, you're not going to put on 20lb for it!
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member

    "Falling down a step or two doesn't mean you go all the way back to bottom to start again."

    you can choose to take that next step up at anytime YOU... choose :))))

    anyone can add me
  • AnguishLanguish
    AnguishLanguish Posts: 149 Member
    Everyone has bad days and sometimes there can be more than one bad day in a row. The important thing is for you not to be too harsh on yourself and to realistically realise what has happened and how you can take steps to get back on track and try to avoid this in the future. Keep going and keep trying; you can do this!!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I keep some sugar free mints in my bag and it has the same effect as teeth-bushing. You just need to re-acclimatise to "good" eating. One or two "naughty" days will not undo everything you've done.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    Personal tip and may sound super strange, but try brushing your teeth. Whenever I get a craving for something naughty then I brush my teeth with very minty toothpaste. Super cravings, I use mouthwash too. I have no idea why, but it seems to work. As soon as I'm done the craving is totally gone. Maybe worth a try?

    What's done is done and you can't undo it, you'll just have to try and recompense with either topping up on some exercise or focus on a really good rest of week. We all have bad days, it's ok, you're not going to put on 20lb for it!

    This is totally NOT weird, and 100% works! I also brush my teeth if I need to feel motivated to workout. A fresh mouth makes you feel productive!!
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Maybe its a hormonal change, i find these cravings very very strong during the week before my cycle starts.
    Try drinking a big glass of water and try the brushing teeth technique. See if you can find a good carb recipe and make it for yourself to try to headoff cravings.
  • lambchoplewis
    lambchoplewis Posts: 797
    You are human and it is normal to slip up. But, get right back on track. Weigh yourself, track food and exercise daily and continue. This is a lifelong journey you are on. You will have events to go to all the time. Just eat a little of things you really love. But, don't let this take you down the path of no return. I think normal eaters do this automatically. They eat a lot but, probably just compensate for this over time and that is why they stay the same weight.

    Nothing tastes as good as feeling thin.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Eat some substantial protein NOW. The carbs are triggering more hunger. More carbs won't answer that. Only protein will.
  • rachellainealferez
    I tried brushing but still. The cravings stays. It's giving me a lot of stress which makes me eat more. :sad:
  • Hallzeehall
    Hallzeehall Posts: 38 Member
    Personal tip and may sound super strange, but try brushing your teeth. Whenever I get a craving for something naughty then I brush my teeth with very minty toothpaste. Super cravings, I use mouthwash too. I have no idea why, but it seems to work. As soon as I'm done the craving is totally gone. Maybe worth a try?

    What's done is done and you can't undo it, you'll just have to try and recompense with either topping up on some exercise or focus on a really good rest of week. We all have bad days, it's ok, you're not going to put on 20lb for it!
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I find that if I eat something bad for me, it makes me crave even more bad for me stuff. Usually if I have a craving for something sweet, I'll have some fruit with peanut butter or nutella. Works great!
  • badgerbabs
    badgerbabs Posts: 49 Member
    NOT failure, very temporary setback. I totally agree with the post about eating protein. Eat a couple of hard-boiled eggs and see how much you feel like eating anything else after that... Simple carbs are insidious that way. Once you indulge, you want more, more, more. Drink water, eat protein and lots of bulky green veggies or cauliflower. You'll get past this.
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    And try going for a run or some really intense workout, you won't be hungry at all.
    It's okay, just breathe, the day is almost over. You cannot change what is already done, just know you are human and you are really trying. You will get it, just relax.

    You can do it :)

  • rachellainealferez
    Protein? That's going to be hard. I love eating meat that I can't stop eating meat once I tried. When I was young all I could eat is just bread and meat. I only limit my intake of meat, two years ago. And until now when I see a roasted chicken at the dinning table I tend to eat all of it. (The whole chicken)
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Have some cheese - not super yummy cheese you're going to want more of, but something like a Baby bel which just about ticks the cheese box (and has protein) but you're not going to want the whole pack. The move AWAY from a source of food and do some exercise. Then if the worst comes to the worst at least you'll have some spare calories.
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Personal tip and may sound super strange, but try brushing your teeth. Whenever I get a craving for something naughty then I brush my teeth with very minty toothpaste. Super cravings, I use mouthwash too. I have no idea why, but it seems to work. As soon as I'm done the craving is totally gone. Maybe worth a try?

    What's done is done and you can't undo it, you'll just have to try and recompense with either topping up on some exercise or focus on a really good rest of week. We all have bad days, it's ok, you're not going to put on 20lb for it!

    This is totally NOT weird, and 100% works! I also brush my teeth if I need to feel motivated to workout. A fresh mouth makes you feel productive!!

    I first heard this same thing when I was doing Weight Watchers...I agree that it isn't weird and it DOES work for me!!
  • Mamahana82
    Mamahana82 Posts: 64
    Personal tip and may sound super strange, but try brushing your teeth. Whenever I get a craving for something naughty then I brush my teeth with very minty toothpaste. Super cravings, I use mouthwash too. I have no idea why, but it seems to work. As soon as I'm done the craving is totally gone. Maybe worth a try?

    What's done is done and you can't undo it, you'll just have to try and recompense with either topping up on some exercise or focus on a really good rest of week. We all have bad days, it's ok, you're not going to put on 20lb for it!

    I do this too, only I use a flouride rinse for bad cravings because you can't eat or drink anything for 30 minutes after you use it. Of course reserved for worst craving offenses, as it isn't advisable to rinse with flouride several times a day, pretty sure about that!
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member

    "Falling down a step or two doesn't mean you go all the way back to bottom to start again."

    you can choose to take that next step up at anytime YOU... choose :))))

    This! I'm going to post that where I can see it.

    anyone can add me
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    Have some cheese - not super yummy cheese you're going to want more of, but something like a Baby bel which just about ticks the cheese box (and has protein) but you're not going to want the whole pack. The move AWAY from a source of food and do some exercise. Then if the worst comes to the worst at least you'll have some spare calories.

    baby bel is super yummy i could eat them all day =p

    but yeah go brush your teeth do some exercise and then go to bed
  • kevinjb1
    kevinjb1 Posts: 233 Member
    Have you gone completely carb free? If so perhaps you've opened the flood gates to something you've been denying yourself.

    If you eat a healthy balance of protein, fat, and carbs each day you shouldn't be having these sorts of cravings.

    I would suggest either removing the "good food" from your home or remove yourself from the situation when you are having the cravings. I find that just knowing the sweets are there makes me want them, but if they aren't then I quickly forget about it.

    Throw away the junk food! Then go for a walk or do anything active. Exercise will kill your cravings.

    If you really REALLY need something sweet reach for fruit instead.