conversion charts for kilos, which one is correct!?

Hi all, I´m trying to work out what my weight is in stones and lbs, but different conversion charts tell me different things! I am 61.4 kilos, and depending on which chart use to convert this, I am anything between 9st 6 and 9st 9. Which is correct? Any ideas or thoughts anyone? Thanks


  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    Well, there are 2.2 pounds in a kilo, and 14 pounds in a 9.6 stones if my math is right.
  • cdjs77
    cdjs77 Posts: 176 Member
    1 kg is roughly 2.2 lbs. 1 stone is about 14 lbs. So if you are 61.4 kg, you are about 135 lbs (61.4*2.2=135). That means you are 9 stone 9 lbs (9*14=126+9=135). I don't know what charts you are using but the first one is definitely wrong. If you were 9 stone 6 lbs you would be 60 kg. Perhaps the chart meant you were 9.6 stone? That's not the same as saying you are 9 stone 6 lbs. 9.6 stone is 9 stone 9 lbs or 135 lbs (9.6*14=135).
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    Easiest way to figure out conversions is to go to Google and type into the search box, "61.4 kg in stones". Without the quotation marks. It'll come up instantly with the correct conversion.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I would guess that one conversion is telling you '9.6 stone' and one is telling you '9 stone 9 lbs'. They are both correct, just one is giving you the remainder as a decimal fraction of a stone and the other is giving it in lbs.
  • coco987345
    coco987345 Posts: 2
    Thankyou everyone for your input, especially Suzanna - now I understand - the penny has finally dropped... so 9 9 it is then, would rather it was 9 6 though!