6 Mini Meals - Anyone doing this?



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You're tracking your food, so it really shouldn't matter in the end. I eat often too. But I couldn't do 300. I'm more the 'graze all day' type, but still with 3 main meals. So pretty much breakfast is 20%, lunch 25%, dinner 30%, and snacks 25%.
  • Kellihulst
    Kellihulst Posts: 140 Member
    I eat 5-6 times a day... bfast, am snack, lunch, pm snack, dinner and sometimes a snack small before bed. This has worked for me. I follow a mostly clean diet and along with adding strength training in my metabolism is pretty high and I find now I couldn't go without eating any of those meals. Sometimes it takes some getting used to if your body isn't used to eating that often. Your metabolism might be "asleep" right now. You will for sure know when it wakes up.
  • MCLA4mom
    MCLA4mom Posts: 219 Member
    I do it. I did a program that taught me how. That is how I have lost 75lbs and how I have been able to maintain it for over year! I struggled with insulin resistance before and now its managed with diet.
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    I generally eat 5 meals, breakfast, snack, lunch, exercise, supper, snack if needed. I find this helps me alot with keeping binging at bay. It also helps me stay on track because as i'm eating breakfast i'm thinking about my snack so i am always planning ahead.
  • mistesh
    mistesh Posts: 243 Member
    There's a saying that goes something like those who are well are alike and those who aren't are all unlike anyone else. So given this, what does it mean when you say that everyone is different, that it's a personal preference and do what works for you? And being satisfied or full, is that physical or mental?

    There's no need to snack. Even medication for diabetes that lowers the blood glucose no longer does so to the extent that people need to eat frequently. As for people who want to, it's not really that they want to, but rather endless temptations knocking on the door when your finite willpower lowers its guard.
  • juliannorton1000
    juliannorton1000 Posts: 81 Member
    I'd say that you could go to over a 100 fitness trainers, and all of them will tell you a different story.

    The more major things that tend to stick in all of the stories are these...

    -Health value of the food:: They tend to cook for themselves quite a bit, or make generally healthier choices when eating out
    -Amount:: They all calorie count. They know that the road to a fit and healthy body is through diligence.
    -Preference:: They all differ, and for one reason only. Generally its just preference, or what THEY feel works best. Its very likely that doing what they do will help you lose weight and get in shape just as they are. Its also very likely that following ANY of those 100 fitness trainers diet will result in better 'fitness'.

    For myself, I like waking up at noon, playing video games with my friends or just by myself. Before I go to the gym I have a lite snack (generally a protein bar like Cliff Bars) before heading out for an hour or more and then go on a walking for another hour afterwards. By the time I get home I've already spent 5 hours of the day doing other activities. I have two meals afterwards with a snack or so in between.

    Most importantly, I'm watching what I eat and recording it. I'm making sure to try and stay in the boundaries of not only my calorie in-take but also my sugars, carbs and sodium.

    If you're thinking of food to much, try and find something that keeps you entertained! Gaming, gardening, knitting... whatever! =]
  • cdjs77
    cdjs77 Posts: 176 Member
    As for people who want to, it's not really that they want to, but rather endless temptations knocking on the door when your finite willpower lowers its guard.

    I would disagree with this. I have been fairly thin my whole life and have always had a "small stomach." I wouldn't pick at meals because I wanted to save calories for later but just because I would get full very quickly. I don't want to eat three huge meals that will make me sick just to have all my calories in three meals. I'd much rather eat three small meals, but that will also mean I will have to snack throughout the day if I want to reach my daily recommended caloric intake. There is no biological reason to eat three meals a day, you could eat one (the ancient Greeks and Romans only ate one or two a day) or 10 (peasants used to snack throughout the day with only one larger meal in the afternoon). Three meals a day is merely a cultural thing.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    I eat one large meal and have smaller meals/snacks too. 4-6 times a day. works for me.
    if the period between my meals gets too long, I get very shaky and dizzy :/
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Bro trainer at XSport told me the same thing... yea, that's what people believed 40-50 years ago... the closest thing I can think of is free form BCAA have been shown to improve overall protein synthesis, but eh...
  • Alsha1999
    Alsha1999 Posts: 46 Member
    Always have done this and always reccomend to my clients.

    If you got a personal trainer than obviously what you currently are doing is not working. Start out with 4 meals if 6 is too many.

    I was told by my trainer that it would be a good idea to try out the 6mini meals at about 300 cal per meal in order to keep from over stacking and going over my calories for the day. So far, I am struggling to EAT enough! For example:
    Breakfast: Half a banana and a Jimmy dean light breakfast sandwich - 290 cal.
    10am: apple slices grapes and string cheese - 100 cal
    12pm - lunch - had shepards pie (small strips of chuck roast, corn and mashed potatoes) about 1 1/2 cups - 400 cal
    3pm : Greek yogurt - and some almonds 150 cal
    5pm or 6pm dinner - veggie, chicken 4oz and rice -450-500cal

    as an example
    I've seen a few different kinds, but all have you eat veggies and fruit daily along with protein and even some fats. Any ideas on this? I am supposed to eat minimum of 1550 cal AND work out..and I usually burn 150-250 each time, so I find myself forcing myself to eat more calories. <
    THAT is something I have never had to say before. LOL

    Any advise would be great!
    and as always, if you are looking for a new friend, ADD ME :)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I used to do this in my early 20s. It works just fine as long as you stay in deficit.

    Now, I eat how I feel. Sometimes it is twice a day, sometimes four or five times. This works just fine too.

    Unless you have high end athletic goals it meal timing and frequency isn't worth worrying about.
  • xynyth
    xynyth Posts: 89 Member
    I do and it has helped tremendously in keeping my hunger at bay. I used to eat 2 maybe 3 meals a day and would end up snacking so this way I can eat what I want just in much smaller portions. Enough to sate my hunger but never be over full and always within sight of another "meal." That said, if I know I will be going out to eat with family or something I will portion out my calories to compensate for what I know will be a larger calorie meal later in the day, but in general eating smaller more consistent meals has been a great change for me.
  • majasmi
    majasmi Posts: 133 Member
    i dont plan but it usually ends up being 2 meals a day and snacking in between when i get the munchies.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Proper meals, no, but I do have planned midway snack times. PWO shake for breakfast, banana mid morning, 400ish cal lunch, either some boiled eggs or a tin of tuna with cous-cous and pesto or similar, a few pieces of fruit mid-afternoon (and maybe a protein flapjack/cookie if it's been a heavy WO day), largish evening meal (800 cals or so, 350 from wholegrain rice or pasta, good portion of meat, whatever sauce/veggies are around). Late evening "snack" tends to be whisky or wine, not exactly nutritious but I like it.
  • kathendo1984
    kathendo1984 Posts: 111
    i tend to have maybe 100-200 cals at breakfast

    100 cal snack

    300-400 for lunch

    100 cal snack

    400-700 cal tea

    I like it better this way as i like to have a large evening meal with my other half. It is definetly personal preference and what works for you. i also sometimes save some calories if i no im going out for a meal or a night out the weekend so i dont go over my weekly calorie net to much.

    400-700 cal tea??

    yes tea lol. is this unusual??
    i like to eat a large evening meal with my partner at home so eat a litle less during the day. works for me :-)
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Lol no. Why would someone want to do that? I eat dinner right after I workout and that's my only meal for the day. Short term fasting (12-72 hours) increases metabolic rate and if you keep your diet in check, you can gain muscle while losing fat. Not eating during the day keeps IGF higher which is anabolic.

  • carramel0705
    carramel0705 Posts: 250 Member
    i am on week 2 day 4 of shred diet , and have 4 meal and 3 snacks if needed , so far it seems to be working I lost 4.5 lbs last week . i to am having trouble eating everything i am supposed to.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    i tend to have maybe 100-200 cals at breakfast

    100 cal snack

    300-400 for lunch

    100 cal snack

    400-700 cal tea

    I like it better this way as i like to have a large evening meal with my other half. It is definetly personal preference and what works for you. i also sometimes save some calories if i no im going out for a meal or a night out the weekend so i dont go over my weekly calorie net to much.

    400-700 cal tea??

    lol, tea is an english term for dinner.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    i tend to have maybe 100-200 cals at breakfast

    100 cal snack

    300-400 for lunch

    100 cal snack

    400-700 cal tea

    I like it better this way as i like to have a large evening meal with my other half. It is definetly personal preference and what works for you. i also sometimes save some calories if i no im going out for a meal or a night out the weekend so i dont go over my weekly calorie net to much.

    400-700 cal tea??

    yes tea lol. is this unusual??
    i like to eat a large evening meal with my partner at home so eat a litle less during the day. works for me :-)

    He probably thought you meant the beverage.
    Tea is only referred to as Dinner in the UK. haha
  • kathendo1984
    kathendo1984 Posts: 111
    i tend to have maybe 100-200 cals at breakfast

    100 cal snack

    300-400 for lunch

    100 cal snack

    400-700 cal tea

    I like it better this way as i like to have a large evening meal with my other half. It is definetly personal preference and what works for you. i also sometimes save some calories if i no im going out for a meal or a night out the weekend so i dont go over my weekly calorie net to much.

    400-700 cal tea??

    yes tea lol. is this unusual??
    i like to eat a large evening meal with my partner at home so eat a litle less during the day. works for me :-)

    He probably thought you meant the beverage.
    Tea is only referred to as Dinner in the UK. haha

    ahh i understand now lol. forget that this site is global lol