Low carb diet

Hello everyone. I'm wondering if anyone has tried the low carb diet? I started yesterday. But I'm curious to see if anyone has tried the low carb diet and succeeded? If so please share ur weight loss success story. I would love to hear them! :)


  • stephcollins91
    stephcollins91 Posts: 14 Member
    I did low carb (around 20g a day) for 2 weeks before going on holiday last year and lost 14lb in those two weeks. It took me a good 2 or 3 months to put that back on after binging on holiday and going back to terrible eating habbits of pizza take aways etc.

    I started counting calories and reducing portion sizes and eating healthy. I started doing circuit training 30 mins a day 5 days a week. I only lost 8lb in 3 weeks doing this until I hurt my back snowboarding and couldnt workout, slipped into eating bad again and put it all back on.

    I started low carb a week ago and have lost 10lb! I feel amazing, i never get that bloated feeling like i got from carbs, I dont feel hungry as often and I cannot describe how much more energy I have. I know its not for everyone but it is seriously amazing if it works for you and fits your lifestyle. Good luck on your low carb journey :)
  • tjolenee
    tjolenee Posts: 20 Member
    I did low carb (around 20g a day) for 2 weeks before going on holiday last year and lost 14lb in those two weeks. It took me a good 2 or 3 months to put that back on after binging on holiday and going back to terrible eating habbits of pizza take aways etc.

    I started counting calories and reducing portion sizes and eating healthy. I started doing circuit training 30 mins a day 5 days a week. I only lost 8lb in 3 weeks doing this until I hurt my back snowboarding and couldnt workout, slipped into eating bad again and put it all back on.

    I started low carb a week ago and have lost 10lb! I feel amazing, i never get that bloated feeling like i got from carbs, I dont feel hungry as often and I cannot describe how much more energy I have. I know its not for everyone but it is seriously amazing if it works for you and fits your lifestyle. Good luck on your low carb journey :)

    This has inspired to cut down my carb intake again even though I love carbs.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    I think, and the last poster illustrated this, that continual low carb eating is not sustainable for the long term and if you have a lot of weight to lose it is better to go for a less restrictive and more sensible eating plan that will get your weight off but be achievable. What is the point of doing low carb for a few weeks, losing weight, then putting it all back on again when you return to more normal carb levels. Eating out when doing low carb can be very difficult too. Having said all that I have recently had success doing two consecutive low carb (<50g/day), low calorie days followed by 5 other days of normal but healthy eating. Check out this website which explains the program.


    It has been clinically proven to work and was devised by a research dietician and a Professor
  • egwene1977
    egwene1977 Posts: 69
    I have lost 50 pounds by avoiding breads, pastas, rice, etc. I agree that temporarily going low-carb is not a sustainable way to lose weight. That's why I don't intend to start eating them again. I have found wonderful substitutions, and 7 months into this diet, I do not miss the carbs. At all. Feel free to friend me if you want encouragement :) You can totally do this.
  • stephcollins91
    stephcollins91 Posts: 14 Member
    So glad you are inspired tjolenee.

    My problem was that I LOVE carbs, pasta potato bread mmmmm. I like them too much that I sometimes over indulge or am always tempted. Of course, it is a lifestyle change, but all diets are, you cant expect to do any diet and stay at that weight when you return to eating how you did before. Low carb gets bashed alot for 'oh but you put it all back on after' but surely thats the same with anything?

    This time around I have allowed veg, salads and i allow my self a latte with caramel syrup once a day which is around 9g a day. I can see myself doing this very long term.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    IMO all "low carb" is really doing is making you eat in a deficit by avoiding certain foods (breads, pasta, etc) ...

    you would probably have same amount of success eating in 500 calorie deficit each day as well ....that really all any "diet" does, restrict your calories so that you are eating less than you take in...

    I eat about 25% of my calories in carbs and seem to do well with a "lower" carb diet then some others on my friend list....
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    I have been following the TNT Diet. It is a low carb high protein and fat diet since the middle of March. I combine that with a heavy lifting routine (following 5/3/1 right now) and have lost 25lbs since then.

    I initially went to it to kick start some weight loss as I'm running a Spartan Sprint on June 1st and I had been letting my diet slip and weight sneak back on. but the weight is coming off consistently, I am feeling stronger and stronger, my energy levels are up. I decided I am going to stick with it for a while.

    At this point I really do not miss carbs except for the occasional ice cream crave. But traded oatmeal for eggs at breakfast... sandwiches for salads at lunch... and steak, chicken or sausage for dinner instead of pastas and rice. Ill take it! Replacing beer with whiskey and diet gingerale is not a homerun but not bad either.