Anyone Paleo?



  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Im in th middle of my second Whole30, and plan to stay on it it for a while. I love that I dont have to track, and will still drop weight each week because I am feeding my body the right things. Im just starting to add back exercise after a long break, cardio, HIIT, and will be back to Stronglifts in the next few weeks.

    Anyone is welcome to add me!
  • hilliardjoe
    hilliardjoe Posts: 111 Member
    I'm not paleo, I'm vegetarian, but the paleo diet is primarily based on cutting out processed foods. It is sometimes referred to as "the caveman diet" because you eat what would have been accessible to people prior to modern farming and bulk food production. You eat natural whole foods such as organic meats and seasonal fruits and vegetables. You wouldn't eat dairy or anything else that requires pasturization, processed grains, processed sugars etc.

    Basically right. I'm Primal so I have some dairy. For Primal see Mark's Daily Apple blog.
    It is an extremely healthy diet, but requires a lot of devotion and willpower (in my opinion).

    After I found out what I can eat it has been quite simple for me to follow. Almost feels like I'm cheating and still losing weight.

    Cookies? Bread? Pasta? Not anymore. I'd rather eat steak and eggs and veggies and cheese and nuts.
  • cals83
    cals83 Posts: 131
    I'm definitely into Paleo/Primal/lower carb definitely works best with my body! I tried to adjust the trackers on the site too to try to just eliminate calorie counting all together and just watch my carbs, but it wouldn't save the settings. :( But like you, I like being able to track my weight and, I am still able to see my total carbs and also on the mobile app I can see my percentages if I end up choosing to do a certain percentage of fat to protein to carbs. :)

    Yea that bugs me too. I was trying to get a maximum number of carbs with a minimum number of protein, fat, and fiber. I ended up having to set my calorie goal down to 1600 in order to get the grams to line up properly but I am planning on ignoring calories and just trying to reach my macro goals and seeing how that goes for a while.
  • craudi
    craudi Posts: 126 Member
    Thank you for this! I've been looking for a group. :)
  • craudi
    craudi Posts: 126 Member

    Still figuring out this whole "quote" or "reply" I apologize for my duplicate comment!

    Thanks for this though! I was looking for a group to be a part of! :)