Bonjour à tous/ Hi everyone

stefany78 Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Bonjour, je débute ou plutôt redébute, de me prendre en main dans le but d'avoir une version améliorée de moi-même :tongue: Je suis une québécoise de bientôt 32 ans. Après 3 grossesses en 6 ans j'ai pris énormément de poids, avant cela je n'ai jamais eu de problèmes de poids, mais maintenant c'est très difficile de reperdre le tout, malgré plusieurs tentatives, le hic, je suis toujours hypermotivée en débutant, mais dès que je tombe sur un plateau je me démotive et je manque de gens pour me donner le coup de pied au derrière dont j'aurais besoin :wink: Ayant entendu parler de ce site en bien, je me suis dis que je n'avais rien à perdre et que c'était peut-être même la solution à mon problème. Alors je suis à la recherche d'amis(es) francophones ou non qui sont dans le même bateau que moi pour me botter le derrière au besoin et m'encourager dans ma démarche...
Au plaisir de vous lire, Stephanie

Hi, I'm starting or restarting should I say, to take care of myself to get a better version of myself. :tongue: I'm a french Canadian (from province of Québec) of almost 32 years-old. After 3 pregnancy in 6 years I gained a lot of weight, before that I never had weight problems, but now it is really hard to lose it, even if i tried many times. The problem is I'm always starting really motivated, but when i get a plate i lost my motivation and i don't really have people around me to give me the boost i need. I heard about this site and i realized that i had nothing to lose and it was maybe the solution for me. So I am looking for new friends ( french or not) that are here for the same reasons, to help me keep my motivation in bad moments and also when i have success.
Thank you (sorry for my english, I'm doing the best I can :wink: ) Stephanie


  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Bonjour Stephanie. Welcome and good luck!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Hello fellow Canadian! Welcome to MFP!

    I've found this site to be really inclusive--everyone understands what you're going through so it's an awesome support network, especially when you hit a plateau and need someone to help you find that extra motivation. Good luck on your journey, and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Welcome to MFP. Your english is great. I understood all of what you were saying. I would love to be added to your "friends". I will send you a friend request. There are many wonderful and supportive people on this website and the tools here are so helpful. I am still carrying the weight from all of my 4 pregnancies and it has been 11 years since my last! Good luck, you can do it!!!
  • Thank you all...

    Krissy I accepted you :) In my situation my last pregnancy was 3 1/2 year, since that moment i tried so many times to lose weight, but i always get stuck and lose my motivation...
  • zazaz
    zazaz Posts: 36
    Bienvenue ici, tu va voir c'est vraiment un site fantastique, je suis du genre a me démotiver facilement moi aussi, mais MFP, me garde motiver et ca va tres bien :)
  • scrappymel
    scrappymel Posts: 107 Member
    bonjour! glad to see you here. you'll find lots of support for your journey. your english is great. :O) bonne chance!
  • Hi, I'm new here too and also a canadian, welcome and good luck on your weight loss journey!
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