Bored already

Have only been trying since sunday and really bored with it all, I seem to be eating the same sort of foods and feel hungry a lot of the time
Fish and rice, chicken and salad, veg and fruit etc ughhh water water water !!
I am off sick after a shoulder op and would normally be active as a district nurse, seem to have a lot more time now and thinking about it all day long! I want to be able to get back into my uniform when I am able to go back to work
Joined a gym sun and have been each day but can only do the treadmill and bike due to op, so even this is getting boring
What keeps you motivated and not hungry any ideas please


  • WhatAnAss
    WhatAnAss Posts: 1,598 Member
    aww don't get discouraged. Go to the recipe board and maybe you can find some new things to try. I have gotten a lot of great recipes from this site. I was totally the same way. Tired of all the same old foods all the time. And I hope you have a speedy recovery so you can get back out there :) Good luck and don't give up!
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Try walking outside, if you can.

    Also, drink water instead of eating.
  • aidendart
    aidendart Posts: 32 Member
    Get creative try new foods. I started making kale chips. rolling kale in olive oil sea salt and cayenne pepper. bake on 225 for 25ish min. taste great! All fruit smoothies are nice oj, strawberries, bananas (for sweetness), and rasberries is my fav. (you can add protein powder too)
  • UrnAsh
    UrnAsh Posts: 207 Member
    Like someone else said check out the recipe board. Also I don't think it would hurt to make some of your favorite meals, just have it in a smaller portion. :)

    You got this!
  • ygrmstr
    ygrmstr Posts: 23 Member
    It is tough but once you start seeing some results you will be much more motivated. Losing weight isn't so much about what you eat but rather how much calories you consume compared to how many you burn. If you burn more cals than you consume you will lose weight no matter what. First step is to find out about how many cals you burn in a given day just by being awake. Add the calories you burn from exercise. Now as long as eating less cals than this number you will lose fat. No matter what you eat it always comes back to calories in vs calories out. Feel free to add me perhaps we can help motivate each other and not get bored!!
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    aww don't get discouraged. Go to the recipe board and maybe you can find some new things to try. I have gotten a lot of great recipes from this site. I was totally the same way. Tired of all the same old foods all the time. And I hope you have a speedy recovery so you can get back out there :) Good luck and don't give up!

    I absolutely agree with this. Get some new ideas for meals and you will feel more inspired. Just to let you know though, you don't have to take everything you love out of your diet! Eating healthily is fantastic but I would add in a few treats too. Especially at the beginning. I would be a nightmare recovering from my ankle surgery if I completely eliminated all crisps and chocolate from my diet. Just in moderation of course, but it keeps me motivated to eat healthily the rest of the time and makes me feel like I am not restricting myself, which is the path to failure for me!
  • 13tea
    13tea Posts: 55
    Sounds like you may be a bit depressed. If you can, change your surroundings during the day. Invite friends over who are up beat and positive. Being with happy people may distract you from eating. Have you tried grilling your fish, meat and vegetables? Hang in there, we are all here for you.:flowerforyou:
  • kellykw
    kellykw Posts: 184 Member
    Keep pushing through the boredom! Finding new recipes can help. For me, just switching up the spices I'm using can help. Turn on some music and dance for exercise if you enjoy dancing.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    It can be hard to start since you're thinking and planning food all the time. It becomes habitual. However, the diet you mentioned and the fact that you're hungry all the time makes me question if you are getting enough food every day.
  • Alison12121
    Alison12121 Posts: 198 Member
    I like trying new recipes so I don't get stuck eating the same things over and over again, so I think some new recipes would help. I've found some tasty lower calorie recipes from these sites:
  • momstewart2002
    Hi! I'm in my early 30's a mother of 4 and I suffer from back pain, possibly lupus, and now there is a chance that I have adenocarcinoma. So for me exercise is tuff to fit in as I don't want to risk aggravating any of my already existing conditions. But I found that moderate house work burns calories as does carrying my child. I will get down in the floor and play with him too. And I love to dance around the house off and on all day. I then log in all my activity for the day on here as well as chart my food intake. It is hard with the food cravings. I still have those from time to time. I found a simple 3-2-1 cake that helps me when craving something sweet and it's only around 106 calories before I add my 2 TBSP light cool whip. (its 1 box Angel Food cake mix and 1 box of your choice cake mix. Combine them store in an air tight container. To make it's 3 TBSP Cake Mix, 2 TBSP Water, 1 Minute in the microwave. Another trick I learned is that spicy foods increase your metabolism so I add jalapenos to certain foods (not all, lol). It is hard at times to stay on track and not let the scale get the best of me, but I am after all human. I've been dieting since the end of January this year. I've watched the scale go up and down but on the bright side it is going down!!!! I hope that you are able to find something that works for you and that you stick with it! One week really isn't long enough :) I also have a TBSP of chocolate chips once or twice a day too, it's a little pick me up and that way I don't really feel like I'm depriving myself of the goodies! Good luck with you weight loss!!! I wish you much success!!!!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Try walking outside, if you can.

    This! You can also still do lower-body exercises: squats, lunges, calf raises, crunches, etc without any weights and without using your upper body.

    Vary your foods, try new veggies, spices, etc. But I'm also the type of person that likes to try new things.

    I keep myself busy so I don't get bored, because bored=eating for me. I rarely watch any tv anymore, maybe an hour or two a week if that. I'm always busy doing something - food prep (then at least I munch on veggies), housework, yardwork, walking dogs, exercising, etc.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Pinterest! They have awesome recipes and fitness motivational quotes. Google and investigate different methods of exercising and what you would like to try, go out and get some brand spankin' new work out gear for motivation.
  • lynnenurse
    lynnenurse Posts: 3
    Thanks for everyones support, will look at the recipes and try out different meals
    I only eat 3 times a day and not in between as the calories add up too quick
    Ive been off 12wks already but have just started driving so can get to gym now
    Been really lucky had friends and family take me out for lunch or ive done lunch, this is why ive put weight on!!
    Good luck to you all as well:smile:
  • TorrizzleWillSizzle
    TorrizzleWillSizzle Posts: 119 Member
    I hated loggin at first, it was sooo tedious and boring but I did it anyways because I know I have to make a difference in my health. Now I don't feel complete without logging!! Try going for walks outdoors instead of the treadmill, I hate the treadmill (dreadmill) but I love walking and taking in the beautiful neighborhood! Check out the recipe board :)
  • WhaddoWino
    WhaddoWino Posts: 146 Member
    Also, (don't take me for a flake) try meditating in the morning. You can even go on YouTube and find some really decent, not too "cosmic" mediation sessions. Clear your mind and stretch out your body. That's the best way to get started! Try a nice bowl of oatmeal/porridge in the morning. It's cozy and filling... great fiber. Get outside, rain or shine, and walk as far as your legs will carry you. Just get lost in the journey and don't worry about speed. Find PLEASURE in the process as much as you can.

    Know that this is not an all-or-nothing plan. Small, consistent steps will ultimately make the difference. I know that an injury can be really discouraging -- I've been there. Focus on the positive and save room at the end of the day for a nice little treat: a glass of wine or a couple squares of chocolate, etc. This is a life change, not a prison sentence. Ultimately, your new found health, leanness, and energy will serve as an additional reward. For now, just let the fact that you are intent on bettering yourself be reward enough.
  • lynnenurse
    lynnenurse Posts: 3
    Thanks for that will take on board and give a try :smile:
  • RickNeedzToGetShreaded
    RickNeedzToGetShreaded Posts: 293 Member
    Are you eating enough fats? I find I'm hungry if I don't eat atleast 50g a day.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I stay not hungry by eating lol. In all seriousness though, you can easily be full if you eat the right, healthy, natural foods.

    I'm not bored b/c I have goofy *kitten* friends on here that keep me entertained. I also love working out so that helps.

    Hope your shoulder gets better quickly!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    If you're bored with the foods you're eating now, why not reintroduce some of the things you enjoyed before? There's no rule stating that you have to subsist on white meat and veggies when you're trying to lose weight. In the past, when I dieted, I had this mindset and quickly got tired of it. It's not sustainable - do you plan to eat like this forever? If not, then now is the time to practice eating in a sustainable way. As long as you are watching your portion sizes and eating well-balanced meals that allow you to get adequate protein, etc, eat the foods you like! Check out my diary - you'll see that I'm not depriving myself of delicious food, and I've been able to meet, and exceed my goals! :) Also, foods high in protein and with healthy fats will keep you fuller longer. So will foods high in fibre. If the gym is boring, why not walk outdoors? Instead of driving to a gym, find a nice park with good trails and enjoy the view :)