New and a little overwhelmed

Hi! I have been lurking for a while and just got motivated to join. I have some weight to lose but would like to keep the perspective that I want to be healthy, have a strong and fit body, and have exercise and eating habits that support that goal (most of the time!)

The threads on women & strength training, TDEE, and IIFYM have all been really interesting reading but I'm not sure where to start. I'll venture over to those forums too to read more, but that's just what I've been thinking about.

I have been spinning for the last month but haven't seen a lot of weight change. I really love hot yoga and weights, although I don't belong to a gym anymore - I do have dumbbells from 5 - 50 lbs. though. I think I'm just going to try to keep myself from being overwhelmed by picking a few things to focus on at a time.

I would love to make friends in similar situations! I'm 31, 5'7", 165 with a hope to go to 140. Or even if my weight doesn't get there, I'd just love to feel better in my clothes and in a bathing suit.

Seems like MFP has a really great community and I am excited to learn more :)


  • ygrmstr
    ygrmstr Posts: 23 Member
    Hello! I'm also new the community here and so far it seems like there is a ton of nice and and motivating people on here. I have been using the mfp app for about a month now and it is a ton of help for watching my nutrition and calorie intake. Feel free to hit me up to talk motivation, fitness or whatever. And that goes for everyone else on here as well. I'm new and would love to have some friends with similar mindsets and goals!
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    Hi! Don't feel too overwhelmed:) I think you're right on by picking a few things to focus on. My main focus at first was diet (logging all my foods and working on eating healthy portions). I saw the greatest amount of weightloss when I started making healthier eat choices. The Food Diary feature is really awesome!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm on daily and am happy to offer support and motivation. While I'm close to my weight goal I want to continue working for a lifetime of fitness where exercise and eating healthy are habits.

    Good luck to you as you work toward your goals! You can do it:)
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Losing weight is 75% diet and 25% exercise, so maybe if you focus more on what you're eating and measure/log your food, you will see the results you're looking for. It's easy to be overwhelmed with all the info on here, but remember to take most advice on here with a grain of salt. Good luck!
  • Cutforall
    Cutforall Posts: 5 Member
    When I first started at the beginning of the year I felt overwhelmed and scared of failing. Up to now I have lost 45lbs in 4 months down to hard work and staying motivated through peoples help on here, making small goals is key to lead to those big goals. At the beginning of the week I write a list of goals I'd like to complete in that week. Whether it be personal goals, weight, nutrition or training it gives me the drive and motivation to complete them!!
  • Cinabean
    Cinabean Posts: 44 Member
    Hi! Welcome aboard! I wish you the best with your journey. The best advice I discovered here is to find what works best for YOU. A lot of people subscribe to certain ways of losing weight and/or working out. They strongly believe that their way is the best way. It might very well BE the best way, for them. We are each our own person with our own lifestyles, routines, obstacles, and weaknesses. Please do not fall victim to thinking there is any one particular way to do this and if you cannot do it, you're a failure.

    That being said...I LOVE the food diary feature on here as well (as someone noted previously). When I first started, seeing what I was actually consuming was very eye opening, and not always b/c it was over-eating. It will also help you see where you need to eat more (I have to work daily to get breakfast down. I am NOT a breakfast eater, but I'll eat the hell out of stuff late at night).

    Set your goals. I didn't put dates on mine like "lose 5 pounds by this date" but had random goals like "Run a 5k without needing medical attention." Then, as time goes on, I go back in and add the dates of my achievements. It has been fun to look at those from time to time and see what I've accomplished since the beginning of the year, and what I am still working towards.

    Most of all, have a sense of humor!!! We only get one go-round in this world...might as well be laughing while we enjoy the ride!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm knocking on the door of 40, am ~5'7", currently weigh in around 164 or 165, and have a goal to get down in the 150s, sustained (not just 159 every now and then, lol).

    Best of luck!!!
  • madmax0412
    madmax0412 Posts: 65
    making small goals is key to lead to those big goals. At the beginning of the week I write a list of goals I'd like to complete in that week. Whether it be personal goals, weight, nutrition or training it gives me the drive and motivation to complete them!!

    Hear Hear! Emphasis on small goals. Small goals like college interest rates seem to compound over time :).
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    Like others have said, eating is the main part of losing weight. It is obviously important to exercise and strength train, but if you're doing that and not seeing the pounds drop, it's because the wrong food is going into your body. I exercised for about 2 months and only lost 3 pounds. After I started adding "eating right" to that equation, I lost 4 pounds in a week.

    Don't be overwhelmed and don't get discouraged. This isn't my first time losing weight, but I pray it is the last.
  • 7w6sxChris
    7w6sxChris Posts: 15 Member
    Well hey there!! Im 31 next month, 5'6 and 170 lbs looking to get to 145 so id say were pretty similar in goals! I get VERY easy overwhelmed and just love the support of this site. I joined last year, lost half the weight and then slacked off due to moving states....but its summer and it is time to get that last 25 off!!! This is a great place to find encouragement, recipes, and exercise Ideas. Kudos to you for the spin classes. That is one thing we do NOT have in common! Haha. However I just moved to CO and bought a bike so im looking foward to exploring this beautiful state. :-)