New mum and new goal!

emiliobo Posts: 32 Member
hi everyone!

I'm back on here after a 2 year break in which I gave birth to my whopping 10lb 6oz son! who is amazing but has left me 20lb over my original starting weight so I now have a daunting target of 70 lb to loose :sad:

I've never lost more than around 15lb before without my enthusiasm trailing off and the weight piling back on, I feel very determined right now but deep down feel like it is unachievable as it is something I have always wanted but never been able to do.

It'd be great to hear from anyone with similar goals or anyone that has achieved this... or anyone at all really! haha!


  • blaqpepa
    blaqpepa Posts: 67 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm a new mom too. My little girl is almost 7 months, and I gained 33kgs (72lbs) with my pregnancy, and was already 10kgs (22lbs) overweight. Between giving birth and starting a new workout routine, i've managed to lose 16kgs (35lbs). I've still got a ways to go, but I take every day as it comes.
    The first couple of months were super hard to exercise. I had an emergency C-section, ended up with a bad infection cause I didn't listen to my obgyn's advice about taking it easy, and ended up feeling pain more often than not up until about a month and a half ago. Plus having a baby who'd scream bloody murder everytime she was put down made it hard to even try anything.

    I recently decided to recommit myself to losing all this weight, and came back to MFP after a very long absence.
    I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, am on day 9 level 1, and I'm pretty amazed that I've stuck to it. In the past I've quit everything i'd started in just a couple of days, ie, insanity, zumba, leslie sansones walks, les mils combat, taebo, you name it I've tried it.

    But somehow, now, having my daughter makes things very different. My commitment isn't just for myself anymore. It also for her and my darling husband. I want to give them the best mother and wife I can be. And that starts with taking care of me.

    Don't give up. It seems difficult in the beginning. But once you get the ball rolling, and take everyday as it comes, you'll find yourself more motivated and encouraged to keep going.
    Plus there are some really awesome people on here to draw inspiration from. I know that's what helps me keep at it. Logging on everyday and being accountable, and reading success stories everyday reminds me that if they can do it, then so can I.

    Congratulations on your bundle of joy :) And good luck with your new weight loss journey.
  • emiliobo
    emiliobo Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for your reply :-)
    That's amazing you've lost 35lb!
    I had an emergency c section too and had no idea how bad I would feel afterwards! I'm four weeks on and only today decided to 'go for a walk' as oppose to going to the shops because I needed to!
    I'm so glad I'm back on my feet again but am also being cautious not to over do it.
    My boy screams when I put him down too. Have you used a sling atall? I really wanted to but have been too scared to try because of the c section. It looks like a great way to burn calories whole keeping the little one strapped to you and happy though!

    You're totally right about not just doing it for yourself now- maybe my not so little bundle of joy is just the inspiration I always needed :-)
  • blaqpepa
    blaqpepa Posts: 67 Member
    Hi there,
    Sorry for the late reply. I've been down with the flu so haven't really checked in properly in the past couple of days.

    I know exactly what you mean about how you were feeling after the emergency c-sec. I still struggle emotionally a bit when I think about it. I was really hoping for a natural water birth, but alas....
    Anywhoooo. I did, and still do use a sling with my little one. It was the only way I could be mobile for the first few months. She's a lot better now, but still attached at the hip.
    You should try the sling out, you'd be amazed at how much freer you'll be, to do pretty much anything.
    Keep taking it easy though. Remember you just had major surgery. Don't be hard on yourself if you still aren't up to doing much for a while.