Exercise Suggestions for 25 y/o f with Fibro

Hi everyone! I am in a rather unique position when it comes to fitness and I'm hoping to get some helpful advice. I'll try to keep it brief as possible!

I'm 5'5" and 150 lbs. Growing up I was always really skinny, usually around 100-115 lbs. I got married two years ago and suddenly I started putting on weight...I went from 130lbs to pushing 160 in just about a year and a half. I had never needed to worry about my health before...I think I just started eating like my husband, and my health got bad, which combined to make me put on all this weight.

I would like to lose some weight for aesthetic reasons, but mostly, because I NEED to be active for my health. All my blood tests are normal other than slightly low HDL levels, so I am not horribly unhealthy or anything, but I do suffer from Fibromyalgia and I noticed that when I work out regularly, my muscle and joint pain reduces *drastically*. Here's the other complication though...I suffer from two other chronic pain conditions (Interstitial Cystitis and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction) both of which are aggravated SEVERELY if I do any kind of vigorous exercise. Walking slowly for 30 minutes can cause a pain flare that lasts me for days.

I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. I need to exercise for my health and to reduce pain, but then exercise causes me worse pain, and it just cycles on. I have found pain meds that work pretty well (I take Percocet 2-3x a day) so that helps somewhat.

Okay, I don't want to ramble on too long. I am hoping, praying, that someone has some suggestions for exercise that I can do. I need it to be gentle exercise...nothing that involves too much running, walking, etc...but I do still need a good workout. I enjoy lifting weights but don't have any, can't afford gym membership, can't afford to buy myself weights. I was thinking of trying Pilates but I don't know where to start.

Hope this wasn't too long. I am desperate for ideas. Anyone out there who suffers from chronic pain or chronic fatigue, I would love to hear what you do! Thank you so so much for reading. :)


  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I don't suffer from any of your problems and can't imagine how difficult it must be. Pilates sounds like it could be a good option for you, make sure you find a good qualified instructor (particularly important to you) and have a chat to them about your problems before you go along. It might be a good idea to book a one-on-one session to begin with if you can afford it.

    Another options that you could consider is water-based activites as these tend to have a lower impact on your joints and body.

    A strength program would probably help you considerably (if it can be done without too much pain). I would consider consulting a professional to help you set this up. Given your problems you'll need something specifically designed for you. There is a lot you can do with body weight in your own home
  • KristiLeighS
    KristiLeighS Posts: 112
    Hi! I will tell you that interstitial cystitis is worsened by a bad diet. My husband has it and every time he eats something he shouldn't he has a flare. I however, have fibro. I am surprised that you don't have pain after working out because my body usually throbs for hours after and then i become super stiff. anyway, that's me and everyone with fibro is different :) My best recommendation is getting into a pool. It has helped me a lot! if you can't get into a pool then walking is going to be my second suggestion. I am not sure how pilates would work for you but i guess you could always try. I really do think diet is key though and maybe talk to you dr. about taking magnesium supplements to relax your muscles and nervous system.
  • antoniopolatty
    antoniopolatty Posts: 2 Member
    Pilates might be good.. but it's actually still pretty vigorous. I would really recommend yoga. I've seen several people with different conditions / injuries make a lot of progress doing yoga. Its gentle, effective, and its also pretty good for calming the mind. The most important thing if you decide to check it out is to not push yourself too hard at first. Its easy to wanna do everything on a video or in class but its not necessary. Push your limits comfortably and let them advance gradually. www.myyogaonline.com is a good place to start, and I really like Ryan Leier as an instructor. Just look up a beginner video and give it shot. Best of luck!
  • DeserveVictory
    DeserveVictory Posts: 133 Member
    Yoga and pilates would be my starting point. And resistance bands/cheap set of weights. You can find yoga/pilates videos online for free (Thank you Youtube!) and the resistance bands I have came from Walmart for $10.

    I would also second the water-based activities comment. A friend of mine is really heavy and has trouble working out because it hurts her joints. But she finds the added weightlessness of the pool in her aqua-cise classes to be really beneficial.

    This might sound lame, but aqua-cise classes and yoga/pilates can be adapted for the elderly, injured or pregnant so you should be able to find an adapted version that is easy enough on your body to prevent any flare ups. Have you considered Tia Chi?

    These sites might help:
  • mckellipgirl
    mckellipgirl Posts: 63 Member
    I'd start with yoga first and after you've worked with that for a while move onto pilates. I have a friend with fibro that started with yoga and just plain old walking.

    Hope you get to feeling better!
  • Jelaine56
    Jelaine56 Posts: 88 Member
    I am 57 yrs old and I have fibro and I've had it for quite a long time. A year and a half ago I didn't have enough energy and my pain was really bad. My doctor told me I had to lose some weight last February. I weighed 182 lbs and I am 5'7.5". I started walking slowly, and then found Leslie Sansone dvds (she does inside walking) and she even tells you if you cannot go the speed she is going don't worry, just do what you can and keep moving.. I now weigh 146 lbs. and still would like to lose a little more. I won't say that I don't hurt anymore and fatigue does not bother me, they both do at times, but it is a lot less then I ever have.. I hope that you can find something that your body can handle.. If you want to friend me, that would be great...
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi I too have fibromyalgia, I exercise regularly because I like working out it eases stress and makes me a much nicer person. I do a combination of running, lifting and workout DVDs. The past 2 weeks have been tough I have been in a lot of pain and exhausted, I rested more than usual last week but completed a half marathon on Sunday. I am worried my working out will bring on a full blown attack but I also will not let this condition beat me. I am hopefully completing a marathon in September. I do suffer a lot of pain especially in my wrists and knees but carry on regardless. I have tried 2 different meds (amytriptiline and pregaberlin and didn't like the side effects of either of them so currently med free. Add me as a friend if you want. I have recently started some yoga maybe this would work for you. Also swimming might be good I am not confident in the water so havnt tried this.
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    If you are interested in pilates, I can't rave enough about Ellen Barrett's workouts - they are relatively gentle, can be modified and she is a great, encouraging and clear instructor. What I love most about them is she does a lot of "functional fitness" type moves designed to improve strength and balance for day to day activities.
  • missuswells
    missuswells Posts: 35 Member
    Wow, thank you all for the replies! I didn't expect so many responses so quick. I appreciate it. I'm feeling more encouraged already. :D