Advice on starting strength training

I have never strength trained before, I usually just do cardio. I read that you wouldn't burn fat by just doing cardio. I'm uncertain on how many days a week I should be doing this to see results, how many reps, and sets, and how much weight. Sounds dumb that I don't know, but I've always avoided the weights section at the gym.


  • spagel79
    spagel79 Posts: 7 Member
    Im new to the weight lifting too, check out JEFIT if you have a smartphone, there are ton of great workout plans.
  • rick_po
    rick_po Posts: 449 Member
    Google Stronglifts 5x5, or Starting Strength, or New Rules of Lifting for Women. Those three are all excellent starting programs. Stronglifts and NROL4W both have groups here on myfitnesspal.

    In general, you do 3 to 5 sets of each lift, 5 reps per set.

    The weight is different for each lift and for every person, so you'll have to figure that out yourself through trial and error. Start with empty barbells (or even lighter, with dumbbells) and add weight every workout until that 5th rep of the last set is hard to finish. Then the real work starts!

    The lifts you do are slightly different for each program, but as a new lifter, you'll make gains very fast no matter what program you pick, so pick the one that looks like the most fun to you.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    You absolutely burn body fat by lifting weights. Took me years to realize that but I tell ya, it works. I used New Rules of Lifting for Women, but there are other good programs out there. Weight will depend on what you can tolerate, so start with just a 40lb bar for squats and lunges and add weight if you are not having trouble after 8 reps. Add 10 lbs at a time on both sides.

    I also recommend that you get a good weight belt if you have not lifted before. Form is so important and if you are even a little "off" on form with heavy weights you can really injure yourself. The weight belt just made me conscious of keeping weight in my heels, and not leaning forward.

    Good Luck to You!
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    Basically any routine you do you want to workout your legs (front and back), chest, back, shoulders, arms, abs ideally 2-3 times per week.

    I would recommend doing these exercises:
    chest - dumbbell chest press (lying on a bench)
    back - lat pull down machine (if your gym has one) and dumbbell bent over row
    shoulders - dumbbell shoulder press
    arms - dumbbell bicep curl and tricep extension
    abs - plank
    legs - dumbbell squat and/or dumbbell lunge (forward, backward)

    You can google the exercises (like plank, or lunge) and find out how they are done. Or you can ask in your gym.

    You can do that routine 2-3 times per week with weights that don't tire you out too much. For each exercise do the movement 12-14 times (12-14 reps) and then rest 30-60s and do it again. Repeat 3 times (3 sets). Make sure the weights are not too heavy in the beginning. But once you get the hang of it don't go too light either!

    For the squat you can use a goblet dumbbell squat. I would say the squat is the only exercise where it is really important to have someone show you how to do it and make sure you don't do it wrong. You should keep your knees back basically, but ask in your gym.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I've recently started New Rules of Lifting for Women and I feel great. The scale says I've lost a bit of weight (But then, I was doing that anyway) but mostly I feel great when I'm done. ...well not exactly when I' done, I usually feel sweaty then, but after a shower and a protein shake, I feel great!
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    Full body compound exercises are a good place to start. 3x per week if you are doing full body. I agree with looking up New Rules of Lifting or Women, Stronglifts, or Starting Strength. All very good programs and lots of information to get you started. I started with New Rules, did Stronglifts, and then went to New Rules for Men. Going to build my own routine next.

    Cardio will burn fat and it's still a good thing to keep in the mix. I recommend HIIT (high interval training) as well. Cardio just doesn't do much to build muscle and can actually deplete it if you aren't doing something to help maintain it. Weight training to build muscle will help you to better maintain your weight once you get there.