Hi all! My name is Kimberly, most people call me Kim or Kimmy .

I don't often share with others my interest in losing weight... My story is nothing life changing... I have always been considered 'thin' and could eat whatever I wanted without any second thoughts. Of course, as I went through college my metabolism slowed down and I began gaining weight. I went from 110 to 135. Since then I have fluctuated, my lowest being 115. I am currently 130 and looking to lose 10lbs and maintain at 120. I love my body, but know I can be in better shape.

My biggest conviction is sweets. Chocolate to be exact! I can eat a bag of candy in one sitting. Heck, I've even ate a box of cookies in one night. Excessive? Yes! I do overeat/ binge when I am feeling stressed. I admit I am an emotional eater... but I am hoping that with support and motivation I can move past my struggles and find something else to turn to rather than a candy bar!

I look forward to being a part of a community that is focused on health and wellness.


  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    Hi Kim welcome to MFP you will really enjoy this site and we all have different goals but the one that is in common is to be at a place physicially where we are most comfortable or happiest. Your new MFP friends they will encourage you to reach success. I don't know how old you are but if you saw yourself go from 110 to 135 one thing you might know is that it might be genetics. My family genetics tell me that I am suppose to be a lot heavier however; because most of my life I have excercised, I was able to reach goals that my mom was not able to reach. You might be like me where we have to exercise no if and's or buts if we want to be that size.

    I use to really love candy too not so much food not even desserts just candy and sometimes cookies. I realized I was addicted when a guy at work Derrick told me he stopped eating sweets during the week because he could not stop he is in perfect shape now but that made me think maybe I was the same wat so when I got really serious a couple of months ago, I cut out the sweets period until I took control. I have incorporated sugar free fat free yogurt which is fine but no more candy for me if I have cookies which is rare now it is the 100 calorie ones and I stop at one bag. I think sometimes I was an emotional eater however work outs have replaced that. I feel God has made me to be diciplined and I feel very empowered making these decisions on my own. I wish you the best and look forward to your success you can add me as a friend if you would like.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hey Kimmy! Welcome to MFP and I also am a fellow overeater/emotional eater...As long as you are honest with yourself on logging your food, those 10 pounds should come off in no time! Even if you take a bite of something, log it, because you'd be suprised at how many calories one bite can have! Good luck girl and we are all here for ya!
  • kimberlyleis
    Hey ladies- thanks for the encouragement! It's nice to have found a site where people can come together like this! I really do hope that being apart of this will help me get closer to my goal. It sounds like you both have really started to figure it out for yourselves, congrats! Lets KIT along our journeys :smile: