Looking for Eat to Live diet buddies!


I am looking for somebody to join me in the 6 week strict diet of J Fuhrman's Eat to Live. Want to join? Let me know!

About me: I am 39 and took Lexapro for 5 months to get over a stressful work epsiode. I gained about 10 lbs on it. Nothing could shift the weight but the very strictest Eat to Live. I fell off the wagon because my weight loss was so slow (I didn't know the Lexapro was to blame), but I am taking the last pill tonight and tomorrow, a new life begins.

In my wild determination to get rid of the fat around my middle, I also ordered some running shoes and bought some fancy running clothes. If the shoes fit, off I go tomorrow. I found a lovely article about how to start running, and will basically just leisurely jog as far as I feel like, and then walk back. And then do one of the many how-to-start-running-plans on the web.

But I'd so like to have somebody to share the journey! Come on in! :)


  • Be careful. I tried a running program without proper shoes. I injured my heels it took almost a year for them to heal.. Now I am a little more careful.
  • peggymoney
    peggymoney Posts: 126 Member
    what is this eat to live diet?
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I read that book. It sounds horrible to live like that. It went in the trash.
  • Oh, what an unsupportive start! Oh well.

    It's a plant based diet. It's the best, but its still hard not cave into temptation when you are feeling bad.
  • ptak1sm
    ptak1sm Posts: 172
    I think it's wonderful that you're looking to start anew! Be careful with ordering running shoes online. My recommendation is to go to a specialty running/walking shop and have them watch you walk. They are trained and know what to look for and what shoes will best benefit your particular gait. It should almost feel like you're walking on air. Take the time to break your shoes in before you actually take them on the road. Wear them around the house, to work (if permitted), out and about.

    Good luck!
  • tobrocker
    tobrocker Posts: 21 Member

    I am looking for somebody to join me in the 6 week strict diet of J Fuhrman's Eat to Live. Want to join? Let me know!

    About me: I am 39 and took Lexapro for 5 months to get over a stressful work epsiode. I gained about 10 lbs on it. Nothing could shift the weight but the very strictest Eat to Live. I fell off the wagon because my weight loss was so slow (I didn't know the Lexapro was to blame), but I am taking the last pill tonight and tomorrow, a new life begins.

    In my wild determination to get rid of the fat around my middle, I also ordered some running shoes and bought some fancy running clothes. If the shoes fit, off I go tomorrow. I found a lovely article about how to start running, and will basically just leisurely jog as far as I feel like, and then walk back. And then do one of the many how-to-start-running-plans on the web.

    But I'd so like to have somebody to share the journey! Come on in! :)

    I am interested in this and will check it out.

    For your running - check out the C25K app - its free and works!!
  • tobrocker
    tobrocker Posts: 21 Member
    Oh, what an unsupportive start! Oh well.

    It's a plant based diet. It's the best, but its still hard not cave into temptation when you are feeling bad.

    Just remember that change is hard and if you have to take a step back that is all it is a step back you then refocus and move forward again. It is ok to backstep as long as you get right back on that horse and move forward again! I did a plant based diet for about 6 weeks and it wasnt that bad. PLANNING is key as it is key to any diet or healthy modification. Just do the best you can, tomorrow is a new day!
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    I'm IN. I am going to start to run again too... (C25K) as soon as this darn cold goes away and I can breathe again... but I've been about 90% plant based for about 3 months now, I read Eat To Live and several other books...

    Add me if you like.
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    I agree with the C25K recommendation. I do it and it rocks!
  • inukshuk1960
    inukshuk1960 Posts: 27 Member
    Don't be discouraged.
    I was given the Eat to LIve book and have joined their membership centre to get more recipes. The recipes are very good and not too scary a change for me. I have been vegetarian for over 30 years and I am proof that you can be overweight and vegetarian. My only critisim is they are fairly labour intensive to prepare, but very deliscious.

    I am hoping it will work and when I mapped out the calories they are around the 1200 I need but very nutrient rich. I have Adrenal Fatigue and have had a horrific time trying to lose weight. My naturopath started my on an alkaline diet...which is basically the Eat to Live program....so we will see.

    If you are still looking for somebody to take the journey with you....I am up for it.
  • cranshan
    cranshan Posts: 3
    I too just read the Eat to Live book! I am going to jump in- add me if you like. The more support we have the better to help us succeed!
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    User is deactivated. Oh well!
    If you still read this post, read this.
    Anything that says "strict diet" is a fad and is NOT sustainable. You WILL gain the weight back.
    Yes you will because you think you have to go on a diet for a while and then, what? You start eating like before and you gain it all back.
    You need to stop thinking in terms of "diet" and more in terms of LIFESTYLE change. You need to change your habits and eat today like you will for the rest of your life.
  • I agree absolutely!
  • mistiaudam
    mistiaudam Posts: 2 Member
    This monday was my first week completed on ETL. I lost 10.4 pounds and 6.5". I'm really having a hard time this week though with losing. Haven't lost anything yet! And, next week we go on vacation for a week, so I know I'm going to be going back to all of those delicious foods and treats I love. I'm going to try to take them in moderation of course, but maybe when we get back that will give my system a new boost again? I don't know. Any ideas? HELP! You are right though, it takes a ton of time to prepare everything. I have spent about $250 with all of the produce etc since we started. BTW, that is for both my husband and myself. Look forward to hearing from ya. Thanks.
  • cranshan
    cranshan Posts: 3
    Remember when you have a big loss week, it is not uncommon to not lose much the next week. You didn't gain the weight overnight and your body doesn't like to lose too much weight at once.

    I find the food prep takes so much time! Geez- it seems like I stay in the kitchen all of the time getting food ready to eat. I will say though, it has encouraged me to try dishes I never would have previously and they taste great! However, I'm not digging the green smoothies. Has anyone tried a green smoothie that doesn't taste like grass?