stress, upset, ...

well I found out my parents are getting a divorce and I am only 22 years old still living with them cant really move out because it me being a broke college student.

I don't want this to affect me from want to achieve on losing a few pounds or a lot of pounds.
normally when I do get upset or depressed I eat. and that where I tend to over eat too.

how can I not lose what I want to achieve at the exercising and some good eating habits. (let me say I am just beginning on this too)


  • Bobbie63
    Bobbie63 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm 49, and my folks divorced when I was 25, it still hurts no matter your age. The best advice I can give you is to try and look at it as an adult would look at it, and not as a child. Our childhood memories hurt, because we see them through our child's eye. Look at things through an adults eye, it gives perspective to those hurtful things, ie, you begin to understand, as an adult. And adult is sad, but understands. Good Luck with it .
  • mcbriderosejennifer
    Life is about choices, you are going to have to choose how this will affect you.
    Your eating habits, those are also going to be your choices and you'll be responsible
    Ultimately to yourself in keeping that accountability. You can encourage yourself by being intentional
    With your focus and goals, set yourself up for success by telling people in your life
    Your intentions on eating better, etc make people aware and most will respect you for this :) but
    If you have friends like mine they might just bring gummy bears to work ;)
  • ylor89
    ylor89 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your parents. My parents are together still, but let me just say, my family takes "dysfunctional" to a whole other level. We've been through some pretty rough patches...

    Here are some of my rules I live by:
    1. Just because my family has issues doesn't mean I need to take on their issues. Their issues are their issues. I've got my own. I refuse to be consumed by more issues. In other words, I limit the amount of drama in my life.
    2. Just because my family stresses me out from time to time doesn't justify finishing that whole pint of ice cream or two rows of oreos. There are healthier ways to deal with stress. Like Zumba, knitting, drawing, taking a walk, etc.
    3. Always have something you look forward to or something fun you can do anywhere, any time. When I was in college, I ALWAYS took one class for the fun of it. I learned sign language! And I love art so if it's late at night, I'll melt a few crayons on a canvas or something.
    4. I can't control others and how they feel or what they choose to do. But I have complete control over myself. I have control over the way I choose to think and handle things. And I choose to think positive. To breathe deeply. To leave work at work. To not think about family issues that I can't do much about. It takes time to train your mind to shut down and not be bothered by other things. But I feel more at peace now than I ever have in my 23 years of living. Today was a rough day at work (I got bit by a kid). But the second I get home, I focus only on the "here and now" which means work is not invited. It's tougher on really bad days, but I'm getting better at it. If meditation is something you'd be interested in, I'd say try it out. It's not for everyone but research shows there are some great benefits to it.

    Good luck! I'm sending good vibes your way. :)