Does anyone else feel this way?

I used to run and was in incredible shape last year... even back in February. But as of now I find it so hard to run when im working full time. Even a yoga class is hard to think about doing after I work a long day. I know my job is sitting and answering phones, but when I get home... I just want to sleep. Does anyone else feel this way? Or have I really let myself go?


  • mysi019
    mysi019 Posts: 55
    I feel the same way you do. I work 40 hours a week (mids/afternoons) i do 2 twelve hour shifts a week and 2 eights. I dont feel like excersing when i come home at 7am or before i go back to work again for the night. The worst is every other week i work sat, sun and mon 7pm-7am and then tues 3pm-11. I can never find motivation to work out either. I just wanna relax or sleep. I dont think you have let yourself go, i think you need to figure out what works best for you. Thats what i am trying to do at this point. However its a slow process. Good luck and dont give up
  • shimacrema
    I understand how you feel. Its a catch 22. Your tired but you want to work out but your too tired. You have to make a choice to get back in shape. Your tired because your lacking energy. Your lacking energy because you need to work out. I am a carpenter and I use to feel the same way. My job was very physically demanding and I just didn't understand why I was so tired. I am extremely strong but at the same time I was out of shape. It all changed when I took the time to workout. Yes I was still tired but at the same time my life didnt consist of me going to work to come home to go to sleep any more. Figure out where you can fit in some you time for 30 minutes. Your body will love you for it.

  • Lauris83
    Lauris83 Posts: 58
    are we all dispatchers? lol I work 2 tens and 2 twelves and when I go home I just want to play with my baby or go to sleep. Luckily my job has treadmills for us or else I'd def. be in trouble. What I do now is workout with my bro on my 3 days off, we go running at 9pm when my baby's in bed and it's cooler outside.
  • mysi019
    mysi019 Posts: 55
    Lauris83, you are correct iam a dispatcher as well. We dont have treadmills, boss has been talking about them though. We have an old school stepper that has been fixed with duck tape and a high excercise ball. And a vending machine in the basement that was almost my down falll tonight but i stood strong.
  • bombus
    bombus Posts: 44 Member
    I was feeling like this a few months ago, then I tried drinking more water, going for walks at lunchtime (which up the calorie output) and increasing my intake of iron and B vitamins.

    I did still have to force myself to the gym after work but found by reasoning with myself to "do 15 minutes then see how I feel" I always stayed for the entire workout and started to feel motivated.

    Small accomplishments can make all the difference to your outlook. After a few weeks I was in the habit of exercising and started to look forward to my sessions as I could work out all the frustrations of the day as well as focus solely on myself.

    If that doesn't help, could you not work out at the beginning of the day or during your lunch breaks when you have more energy?

    You can do it!

    Good Luck!

  • Autumn256
    I certainly know how this feels! I used to work 7p to 7 a, 3 nights a week. When I woke up, I would either get dressed and put my walking shoes on and go right out the door, or put in one of my exercise DVD's, and get it done right off the bat! Then, I would worry about cooking dinner, people would start coming home from their day, etc. Days off, I might go to a yoga or dance class. Check out, if you need new ideas for exercise DVD's. They carry most everyones, 1000's!!
    Good luck! We need to make extra exercise endorphins with a stressful job, especially!
  • mikalee13
    it's definitely not just you. i'm not a dispatcher but i do work overnights as a security guard and it's so hard to get motivated when you get home in the morning! i usually try and make myself do it when i get home though cause i'm less likely to do it when i wake up. hope you can find the motivation too! GOOD LUCK!!!
  • mysi019
    mysi019 Posts: 55
    Thanks for the suggestions Autumn, I have even entertained the idea of going for a bike ride right when i get off at 7am but then 7am rolls around and all i can think about is bed. I need to make it a priroity to do it soon as i get up and then it will be done.
  • AADarwish
    AADarwish Posts: 29 Member
    yeah I know how you feel! I used to be in love with the gym and swimming and actually look forward to it. Now I dont know whats got into me and I just feel so lazy and no interest to go ... I think its like a dead battery where you have to jump start it to get it running again.. it will seem like a push in the start but then it will keep running like the old days I hope :) good luck